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2 posters

    Obsidian Greatsword, Artorias Greatswords [PS3 SL75]


    Posts : 26
    Reputation : 3
    Join date : 2012-09-09
    Age : 31

    Obsidian Greatsword, Artorias Greatswords [PS3 SL75] Empty Obsidian Greatsword, Artorias Greatswords [PS3 SL75]

    Post by AIister Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:47 pm

    So yea I desperately need the Obsidian Greatsword, and if you have any Greatswords of Artorias or Swords of the Abyss that'd be pretty cool too. I don't have much to trade on the character that I need them on, but I have a few other characters with things on them.

    Posts : 11
    Reputation : 0
    Join date : 2013-04-02
    Age : 29

    Obsidian Greatsword, Artorias Greatswords [PS3 SL75] Empty Re: Obsidian Greatsword, Artorias Greatswords [PS3 SL75]

    Post by Wolfang28 Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:29 am

    If you have the red soap sign id b more then happy 2 give u a obsidian gr8 sword >.< just pm me. my psn id is fang288 ^-^ i hope i am able 2 help u. happy btw im almost always online lol xD except when asleep or at school o3o lol so ill reply asap. anyway plz msg me on psn if youd like the sword ^^

      Current date/time is Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:08 pm