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    Ganking??? Empty Ganking???

    Post by ninjashifty Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:08 pm

    I like to duel fairly but recently I've been ganked 80% of my invades. I classify ganking as a hiding dude when you invade.

    I invaded a dude in full Havels in the dark root basin before the door, and some invader came from behind the wall and attacked me. I reinvaded and the same dude didn't have his friend to help him and I totally destroyed him in his full Havels set. I've notices a lot of gankers on the xbox and it's really troubling. I don't even bow anymore and I feel bad for the honest duelers that keep it fair.

    On a separate note...what's with the dark bead being the attack of the day? Everyone uses it and it seems to be way OP. I don't use it much as a Sorcerer but it seems like I die from it 90% of the time. WTF!!! Everyone just seems to spam it and I can't seem to dodge around it.

    I just want to say that if I invaded you and wasn't nice, then it was from all the dual teaming I had to deal with in the dark root forest.
    Abyss Dweller
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    Ganking??? Empty Re: Ganking???

    Post by Dibsville Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:20 pm

    Ganking, better known as "farming", is when a host summons a phantom or other invader to gang up on an invader or phantom, namely 2v1 situations, although there are some places in which 3v1 ganks are performed. For the most part, a gank is the only time that most of the playerbase will see backstabbing as COMPLETELY fine, even fishing for one. Although a hiding person COULD be ganking, it must be in a 2v1 or 3v1 situation.

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    Ganking??? Empty Re: Ganking???

    Post by KrazykevS10 Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:22 pm

    You had better get used to being ganked.Hosts do it,s**t sunbros do it,invaders do it.Basically everyone who is useless in PVP but too douche-y to accept losing and actually trying to improve.That makes up about 85% of PVP players.And the forest is particularly notorious for ganking.
    Chosen Undead
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    Ganking??? Empty Re: Ganking???

    Post by Rynn Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:04 am

    Dark Bead is overused because it does a lot of damage, a lot of poise damage, and casts very quickly. Much like combustion: people lack the simplicity of it, but it gets results.

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    Ganking??? Empty Re: Ganking???

    Post by EarthScraper Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:21 pm

    It does feel awesome when you kill them all, but that is rare. Especially with dark bead spammers
    Abyss Dweller
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    Ganking??? Empty Re: Ganking???

    Post by User1 Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:22 pm

    It's easier to beat ganks which are attempted by lower level, honest questers. They may not be afraid to gank you, but they are much less organised that you usual gankers.
    Chosen Undead
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    Ganking??? Empty Re: Ganking???

    Post by Latitoast Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:04 pm

    People use Dark Bead because it's devastating at close range, and occasionaly the connection issues the game has goofs up and a blast that didn't hit you at all strikes you directly. A guy kept taking off chunks of my health because my rolls weren't buttered enough to slip past server issues and eventually I had nothing left and his Washing Pole made quick work of me after he drained me to around less than 100 health.

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    Ganking??? Empty Re: Ganking???

    Post by LunarFog Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:59 pm

    When I invade gankers and know I can't win, I usually run to the monsters to even the odds. If I know that I'll still die even with monsters, I usually run away so I can black separation crystal out of the world. Or I do everything I can to just mess with them and make them waste their time.

    I follow a little rule of mine that says: "If someone has a wand or sack in their hand, stay defensive and be ready to dodge until it goes away". Fighting a caster is all about waiting for them to run out of their stupid idiot spells.
    Heroez Blade
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    Ganking??? Empty Re: Ganking???

    Post by Heroez Blade Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:16 am

    I don't really see ganking as bad pvp-ing. To me it is 2-3 friends having fun and playing a game together. It may be an unfair fight, but just move on and try invading in a new area. Now there is a big difference between friends playing together and people farming unfair fights. The farmers are usually dressed in full heavy armor with strong weapons and they both attack at once. Friends will usually dress in random armor and use different fighting styles. Plus they to keep an equal advantage (1v1). So don't declare everyone a ganker just because it may seem unfair.

    As for dark bead and magic spamming, well all you can really do is dodge and wait until they run out. I am very fond of the new dark magic and I mainly use it on boss fights because of the high damage and fast casting. When people use it in pvp it is because of their build or they want the fight to be over quickly.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Ganking??? Empty Re: Ganking???

    Post by User1 Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:19 am

    I tend to either black crystal out, or cheese the gankers. It's the least I can do.

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