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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Chosen Undead
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by Latitoast Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:22 pm

    I'm going to be blunt, I'm not the best Souls player in the world. I don't suck, but there's not a ghost's chance I'll be able to take down the Four Kings so early on in the game to become a Darkwraith, because those guys are the one boss I always have trouble with. Beatrice just isn't a Tarkus.

    So I come to you, magnificent forum-goers in need of assistance on my path to invading others.

    Right now my simple character is a fresh build, however any help from you wonderful people would be very nice.

    Just send me a message on XBL is interested, my Gamertag is Leon Kennedy85.
    Duke's Archivist
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:48 pm


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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by Bloodpact91 Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:49 pm

    Latitoast wrote:I'm going to be blunt, I'm not the best Souls player in the world. I don't suck, but there's not a ghost's chance I'll be able to take down the Four Kings so early on in the game to become a Darkwraith, because those guys are the one boss I always have trouble with. Beatrice just isn't a Tarkus.

    So I come to you, magnificent forum-goers in need of assistance on my path to invading others.

    Right now my simple character is a fresh build, however any help from you wonderful people would be very nice.

    Just send me a message on XBL is interested, my Gamertag is Leon Kennedy85.

    Including your Soul Level would probably help people to know if they have a character with wich they can help you happy

    EDIT: And also , Welcome to the forum!
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by Dibsville Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:55 pm

    Welcome to the Forums.
    Nice new Avatar.
    Good luck with this.

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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by Tanklord Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:01 pm

    Welcome Latitoast:) What soul level are u? I won't b able to help u this eve but if u tell us your soul level hopefully someone will have a build around that level to assist u.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by Latitoast Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:11 pm

    Looking back on that post, I probably should have included my Soul Level.

    As of right now, I'm SL 16, and I'm moving on to the Parish.

    I'm about to grab the Claymore.
    Abyss Dweller
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by User1 Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:01 pm

    If I can do this as sl1, and I am a TERRIBLE player, you can do this! Don't give up hope yet!
    Chosen Undead
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by Latitoast Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:01 pm

    I have hope, and I'm determined to finish this build so I can invade cosplaying as a Darkwraith(I love cosplaying, adds a unique thrill to the game) and so I can invade people as Tarky in Sen's Fortress.
    Abyss Dweller
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by User1 Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:17 pm

    Tarky is a great cosplay. It's very easy to use, and hellish powerful. silly
    Chosen Undead
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by Latitoast Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:32 pm

    Ever since I laid eyes on Tarky, I have loved him like a child.

    A big, deadly, unkillable child.
    Abyss Dweller
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by User1 Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:08 pm

    I wonder, will we be able to be invaded by Tarkus in Dark Souls 2? A question I would love to know the answer to..
    Chosen Undead
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by Latitoast Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:22 pm

    There better be a throwback to Tarkus.

    Or at least Solaire. It's rumored that it's going to be a prequel, so maybe we'll see the Four Knights as important, story based characters instead of someone who helps you ground a boss, someone that everyone kills because her robes are cool, and 2 bosses.
    Abyss Dweller
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by User1 Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:40 pm

    We need the Director's Cut of Dark Souls 1. I would love to explore all of the cut data!

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    Post by ResIsBestStat Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:52 pm

    The cut data is full of Seath and Gwynevere hentai....
    The DLC also has some stains of Artorias and Ciaran +18....
    Abyss Dweller
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by User1 Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:53 pm

    Dibs will love it then!

    I'll only look if he wants to quiz me on the hentai again. silly
    Chosen Undead
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by Latitoast Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:06 pm

    The Elite Knight was going to have a story, and I think we all know of Shiva's story.
    Abyss Dweller
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by User1 Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:08 pm

    Correct. I recall that the Elite Knight, Oscar, was supposed to meet up with you in several sections of the game, and eventually try to kill you, dependant on if you incline to be the Dark Lord, or want to link the fire. He goes power mad with wanting to be the Dark Lord if you are going to Link the Fire, and sees you as an understandable threat. If you try to be the Dark Lord, he trys to kill you, claiming he won't let you corrupt Lordran any further.

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    Post by ResIsBestStat Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:21 pm

    In director cut they should let us spare Sif 😢
    Abyss Dweller
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by User1 Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:23 pm

    Rather than berate you at the start of that cutscene..
    hey its andres
    hey its andres

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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by hey its andres Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:30 pm

    So back on topic, Latitoast do you still need help and are you still level 16? I can probably help you if I make a build for the event. Great Combustion+Havel's Armor = 4 Dead Kings big grin
    Chosen Undead
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by Latitoast Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:39 pm

    Why yes I am, of course I still need to kill Sif.
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    Post by hey its andres Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:50 pm

    I can't help ya until around around 7pm PST. Even then I may have to try to look for a build that can handle the kings. If I need to make one this may take a little longer, if you don't mind. My GT is just my username.
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by Latitoast Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:52 pm

    Alright. I have about an hour after 7, however I've got all Spring Break ahead of me after tomorrow if you want to do it then.
    hey its andres
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by hey its andres Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:17 pm

    On Friday I have classes until about 4 so....I guess I could make a build tonight and help you then? Shrug :?:
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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

    Post by Latitoast Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:39 pm

    I've got a dentist's appointment tomorrow so I might be late by 10 minutes max, depending on how much they tell me my teeth suck.

    I restarted due to a complete screw up in my build, and yeah I screwed up that early on. I'm at the Burg, I could probably get through the area in a few seconds though, I have the Zweihander.

    Shouldn't be too long, and could you RSS move some items for me? I need to move items from my level 80 to the new build.

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    I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****. Empty Re: I need assistance in my journey to become one with my inner ****.

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