"As of right now, Dark Souls 2 has been confirmed for a 2014 release on the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360."
I can't wait that long....I can't....please...the anticipation is killing me
(but more customation options and hallucinations sound cool!)
Halicarnassis wrote:Actually gametrailers has the release date as 28/10/13
WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:I'd say it probably it isn't true. As it stands now, a 2013 release seems all but assured with October being the month everyone is looking at.
The Letter X wrote:I wouldn't know what to do with myself if it was in 2014.
Juutas wrote:The Letter X wrote:I wouldn't know what to do with myself if it was in 2014.
We really don't have lives do we X? haha :'D see you on the battlefield of Dark Souls 2 PvP~
The Letter X wrote:Juutas wrote:The Letter X wrote:I wouldn't know what to do with myself if it was in 2014.
We really don't have lives do we X? haha :'D see you on the battlefield of Dark Souls 2 PvP~
Haha, it's sad but I don't care. I'll have much more free time by the time it's released anyway, and now I won't have to play catch up to compete with you in DkS 2.
Juutas wrote:
Indeed, it will be very interesting times ; ) all the new know-how's of PvP, I CAN'T WAIT! <3
Dibsville wrote:It's supposed to be released on 12-31-13.
Right before New Year's.
that be very true as is the comment that wikepedia is all liesBIG TIME MASTER wrote:A good meal starts with hunger.