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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs


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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by steveswede Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:02 am

    I have honestly never seen one quite as amazing as this one.

    I would love to have features like this to really make my characters stand out and make characters that are from far away lands like an Aztec warrior with full body tattoos.

    Has anyone else seen any other character creation better than this?

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by Aevun Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:43 am

    Dragon's Dogma level character creation would be perfect for DkS2. The video you showed goes waaayy overboard with the customisation. It doesn't fit in the Souls games. It's more suited more for an mmo. Besides, I doubt that From is going to invest that much resources into character creation, since you're mostly seeing the character from the back, cutscenes will be few and far in between, and you're going to be wearing full body armour most of the time.
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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by Sentiel Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:58 am

    I'll be fairly satisfied if they kept what we already have, but got rid of all the annoying crap the editors have. Like bars that move simultaneously, being able to get the values beyond what the bars show, better colour schemes etc.

    I'd also like different underwear. Seeing a male character 'naked' is quite disturbing...

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by Hue Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:01 am

    It's really great, requires some skill to use, but still great, i like how you change stuff with your mouse instead of those goddamn sliders

    You can make virtually anything, if something similar comes to DkS2, i would make a Chuck Norris, and Samuel L.Jackson

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by steveswede Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:06 am

    Aevun wrote:Dragon's Dogma level character creation would be perfect for DkS2.

    While I don't have DD, I've just watched the character customization on Youtube and I think it's garbage and a step back from what we have now. I never appreciate my characters without some decent level of editing and having just presets ruins the roll playing aspect for me. I like to make freak characters and I really don't want that taken away.

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by Aevun Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:30 am

    steveswede wrote:
    Aevun wrote:Dragon's Dogma level character creation would be perfect for DkS2.

    While I don't have DD, I've just watched the character customization on Youtube and I think it's garbage and a step back from what we have now. I never appreciate my characters without some decent level of editing and having just presets ruins the roll playing aspect for me. I like to make freak characters and I really don't want that taken away.

    You're right. Making freak characters isn't interesting to me so I never thought of that. I retract my statement about it being perfect for DkS2 Look Skyward

    My new opinion is the current system with better eye customisation and without the simultaneously moving sliders.

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by Shkar Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:17 am

    You can get past simultaneous sliders if you know how. They don't move the same amount.

    It is certainly a hassle, but it makes it a skill, in a way. I made a dark blue character with a caved in face, and what looked like a mosquito's face-spear.

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by Ashran Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:19 am

    Aevun wrote:Dragon's Dogma level character creation would be perfect for DkS2. The video you showed goes waaayy overboard with the customisation. It doesn't fit in the Souls games. It's more suited more for an mmo. Besides, I doubt that From is going to invest that much resources into character creation, since you're mostly seeing the character from the back, cutscenes will be few and far in between, and you're going to be wearing full body armour most of the time.


    Also, i want REAl beards. Not damn stains in my chin.

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:13 am

    I'm happy with the current system. But I would like:

    The ability to ad scars and tattoos to my character. The tattoos don't have to be extravagant just simple tribals would be fine.

    The ability to edit the eye colors independently.

    Better hair and beard options. Better hair in general.

    Lastly, the ability to preview the character as a hollow (if thats a thing) before you start the game.

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by ExplodingPenguin Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:47 am

    I don't really see the point of that in a Dark Souls game- I always wear helmets or am Undead most of the time lol so I don't really care about having an ubertastic CC like that. Also why tattoos and the like? Unless you are running around naked like Logan or something.

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:52 am

    ExplodingPenguin wrote:I don't really see the point of that in a Dark Souls game- I always wear helmets or am Undead most of the time lol so I don't really care about having an ubertastic CC like that. Also why tattoos and the like? Unless you are running around naked like Logan or something.

    If there was a better creation system I probably wouldn't be as inclined to cover my character in armor. I get really into the role playing aspect so I dress for looks. That means that some characters I make won't wear armor. And sometimes I play naked. Its kind of a freeing activity.

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by ExplodingPenguin Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:57 am

    ErrJon6661 wrote:
    ExplodingPenguin wrote:I don't really see the point of that in a Dark Souls game- I always wear helmets or am Undead most of the time lol so I don't really care about having an ubertastic CC like that. Also why tattoos and the like? Unless you are running around naked like Logan or something.

    If there was a better creation system I probably wouldn't be as inclined to cover my character in armor. I get really into the role playing aspect so I dress for looks. That means that some characters I make won't wear armor. And sometimes I play naked. Its kind of a freeing activity.
    I do have a naked person at the moment...but said naked person is a Full-body mini-Dragon
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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by Rynn Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:16 am

    Maybe i'm weird, but it bothers me that I can't give my characters tits.

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by Hue Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:52 am

    Why not both? keep the horrible, unintuitive, confusing slider system dating back to Morrowind (and probably an older game i don't know of), and add this in, so we can choose

    This is the future.

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by MeChaNiZ3D Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:23 am

    I think Dark Souls' character creation was pretty versatile once you got used to it. Things I'd like to see changed are more hair types, some added aspects (for example I can never get the region between the upper lip and the nose to be flatter/more concave without a contrived mess of sliders), some better labelled aspects (like nasal size which to my knowledge does nothing), some aspects not having simultaneous sliders (overall they're actually pretty convenient, but for things like eye slant and individual beard elements it's ridiculous), hair at its thinnest being no hair rather than a pale region on the face, only the skin colour sliders should affect skin colour, and when going out of in-depth customisation it should ask whether to keep changes. I cannot count the number of times I've made exactly the face I want only to f*** up irredeemably on the skin colour, or just flat out restore to defaults.

    Oh andI forgot to mention, but more customisable body types and/or more sensible body presets, along with *** sizes (don't look at me like that, it's not as if I've asked for them to all be massive or something, just a practical selection).

    Last edited by MeChaNiZ3D on Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:29 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Forgot tits.)
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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by Animaaal Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:31 am

    Whatever helps cosplay I'm all for.

    Also, I'd like to make a Cloud and not worry about NOT wearing any head piece to achieve that goal.

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by Gyonimizotetsu Mon May 06, 2013 4:07 pm

    I love looking good in Dark Souls, but it makes it hard. Every single hair style is **** besides Semi Long for male. I need an actual beard as well. Not those chin stains as someone mentioned above. WHY CAN ANDRE HAVE A BEARD BUT NOT ME. I'm the *** Chosen Undead. We also need like 30 hair styles. The coloring is ok, I guess. Tattoos and scars would be badass in my opinion. Maybe setting the age or your toon as well? With wrinkles if you're old, or smooth skin if you're young. I would love a better customization.

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by linngallo Mon May 06, 2013 4:22 pm

    More hair stiles! And more eyes colors too. =]

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by Rollo-99 Tue May 07, 2013 2:05 am

    The two best face makers I've come across in videogames are an old tiger woods game for 360, and the mii creator wii, yes that's right the mii creator :shock:.
    You can make basically anylook on these two, because of their simplicity and a few things they did right. Independent sliders to manipulate specific parts with out affecting sliders for other parts of the face. And a streamlined list of basic facial features to manipulate, don't bother with nasal flaboid fold, or 6 different forehead or nose bridge options (in different sub menus too) etc, just pick a few key parts of the facial features and face/jaw shape and allow some serious freedom with them.
    The ability to change your features in game would be great too, instead of being locked into one for the whole game. I'm sure everyone had the experience of creating a face at the start and seeing it change drastically depending on environmental lighting in firelink, burg,izalith,anor londo etc. I'd like to have a chance to redesign it after taking those things into account.

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

    Post by Cartod Tue May 07, 2013 8:33 am

    I should be able to input a picture of a celebrity and have it make my guy look like them.

    Larry King the Dragonslayer

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    Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs Empty Re: Best character creation you have seen that Dark Souls 2 really needs

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