Demon Souls for a while, but I gave switched games with a friend and he
doesn't really play it, is the servers really active these days or is it
as empty as it was before?
I consider 5-2 a Forest. There's quite a bit of wood there.Saturday-Saint wrote:There is no forest in Demon's Souls.
Dibsville wrote:I consider 5-2 a Forest. There's quite a bit of wood there.Saturday-Saint wrote:There is no forest in Demon's Souls.
Saturday-Saint wrote:The last time I went to 4-1 SL 120 it was plenty active, just like 95% scrubs. Which if you don't have a lot of PvP experience might be fine to you.
Elsewhere, I get plenty. The game is actually pretty active last couple times I've played outside of SL 120. I invaded almost non-stop in 1-2, 2-1, and 3-2, and got a handful of people invading me whenever I went through the PvE.
Halicarnassis wrote:I'm SL120 and gonna be online all bank holiday weekend - need to kill Maiden A and Monk - EU server if you wanna co-op or invade
FinPeku wrote:I don't know about random invasions, but there's an active eu fc that i've been enjoying for the last two weeks. Some of them are vets, but a few are new to DeS pvp like me. It's been really fun. Some things are so much better in Demon's souls.
kettpower wrote:In the US they gave away the Atlus version of the game for free to ps+ subscribers in April.
Fortunately owing that Version i was really surprised how active it is atm when i played the last time. I think it was last weekend or so....
Almost constant invasions in 3-1, 3-2, 1-2, 4-1 @ sl 25... I only played random invasions and some coop sessions, so i don't know anything about FC. I even got summoned several times for old monk boss fight.
Didn't try any other level or sl, but i was very pleased with the results.