by Yesuurd Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:06 pm
I played demon souls alot in the past and then I put it away, I have a 12 year old brother to whom we gave a ps3 for last christmas.It's amazing how a young brain differs from an old brain, he wins every game so damn fast he is really smart and mature for his age, I have to tell him at times to enjoy the game and not only focus on killing the bosses and finishing the fastest, to also explore and enjoy the items etc...(also an excuse so that he spends more time with each game since it's expensive buying him games one after the other)
Anyways I gave him demon souls and he already beat the game like 7 times and is Uniter Of Worlds, not too shabby for the little one, he is enjoying alot of the co-op in demon souls and gaming is something that we share and bond over.I ordered dark souls for him and it arrived today so I will be introducing him and training
him this weekend when he comes visit, he is already psyched about it.
I will be introducing him to the forum too, will be fun...