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    Are you honestly ready to die again?


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    Are you honestly ready to die again? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are you honestly ready to die again?

    Post by Gyonimizotetsu Fri May 10, 2013 2:54 pm

    I want FromSoft to kill me SO HARD

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    Are you honestly ready to die again? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are you honestly ready to die again?

    Post by chaos4ever181 Sat May 11, 2013 10:26 pm

    We die, we learn our mistakes. When we die agian, it's either we missed something important, or get sidetracked of the goal. When we learn, we get better. We may die less, but at least we know the dangers ahead. Dying a lot can help learn what lies ahead, but that doesn't mean we should die so many times. We die, make a mistake, learn from it, never do it again. That's my way of learning things whether it be for Dark Souls or something in the real world (minus the dying part), learn from my mistakes and try again.

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    Are you honestly ready to die again? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are you honestly ready to die again?

    Post by BluTeamWolf Tue May 14, 2013 8:12 am

    Like I did with Demon's Souls, and Dark Souls after. My first experience will be a completely blind run, screwing up my build and trying to figure things out, find out which weapons I feel suite me best, find my favourite armour set, mix stuff together, etc. Later into Dark Souls I got a real feel for Halberds so Im incredibly excited to see how those will work in DSII.

    I always try out quirky traits like faith or skills like pyromancy, but I avoid magic completely. Not sure why, I guess thats just my irrational play style for Souls games.

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    Are you honestly ready to die again? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are you honestly ready to die again?

    Post by Halicarnassis Tue May 14, 2013 8:36 am

    I'm gonna play online as much as possible; blind run without checking the wiki, farm between bonfires and upgrade weapons as many and as much as possible before stats so I can put up a decent fight when being invaded. Try as many weapons and combos as possible and just have some fun. Explore and explore!

    My first toon on DkS I did 143 hours on before reaching the Kiln.

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    Are you honestly ready to die again? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are you honestly ready to die again?

    Post by crbngville2 Tue May 14, 2013 12:13 pm

    Start as a hunter. Open a chatroom for buck, d15 and myself. Coop and level until we all 3 have our Platinum trophies. Then start to make PVP builds.
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    Are you honestly ready to die again? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are you honestly ready to die again?

    Post by Dibsville Sun May 26, 2013 1:07 pm

    Shameless bump to see other people's ideas.

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    Are you honestly ready to die again? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are you honestly ready to die again?

    Post by MistahrFox Sun May 26, 2013 4:45 pm

    I think i'll be going with a quality build and high SL on my first playtrough, I want to have a variety of weapons and armor at my disposal and test a lot of them right off the bat. I probably wont really try Int/Faith unless I see miracles/spells that I'm really interested at, otherwise i'll leave them to a future playtrough.

    I'm going to rely on ranged combat on some occasions, the new bow mechanics look really good, maybe crossbows too I dont know what they'll do with those.

    I'll try to go for fast roll and balance that with a good protection from the armor and maybe poise, never had a problem with going 0 poise.

    I'll explore everywhere ofc and try to get the most out of every NPC if I can, thats pretty much my plan for this New Souls

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    Are you honestly ready to die again? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are you honestly ready to die again?

    Post by emraluces Mon May 27, 2013 4:34 pm

    First, I'll be taking a week off work. Friends and family already know I'll be busy that week. I'll take nine days (Saturday through the Sunday of the following week) and pour over every inch of that damn game. And I'll read and memorize every single item description of every single thing in the game that isn't bolted down!

    With Dark and Demon's Souls both, I used the wiki, but pulled a completionists run through both.

    This will be made infinitely better, as no wiki will be consulted, at least for the first play through. And I'll probably run a dex/pyro style char for the first playthrough, I usually stay at a pretty low level. Though, that might change depending on the gameplay we see at E3!

    I'm not much for pvp, optimizing characters for pvp seems like a waste of time to me.

    The lore is where I'll be! After finishing my first NG run, then I'll start contributing to the wiki. I'll bet I plug in at least one hundred hours in that first week!!!

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    Are you honestly ready to die again? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are you honestly ready to die again?

    Post by Dibsville Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:57 pm

    Right, let's see how other people think...

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    Are you honestly ready to die again? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are you honestly ready to die again?

    Post by Seignar Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:08 pm

    You people have already planned out your builds? You should do as I; go with the flow.
    If that means putting points into RES, so be it.
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    Are you honestly ready to die again? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are you honestly ready to die again?

    Post by Animaaal Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:16 pm

    I'm just gonna play (online).

    Get the first couple boards down, start over.

    Get em down better...start over.

    Make this my test toon...start over later.

    I could care less about platinum or any of that crap.

    I'll also be drinking and Skypeing with my buddies.

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    Are you honestly ready to die again? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are you honestly ready to die again?

    Post by SlothAlmighty Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:29 pm

    I'll prolly go with my traditional build, medium armor, a weapon with good reach like the halberd/claymore. focus on endurance and minimum requirements for everything else so that I can use bows and miracles, etc if I need.

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