by Animaaal Mon May 13, 2013 7:03 pm
In regards to post 51, im partially to blame for that. I lost my temper over something that I thought was offensive.
I shoulda just logged off instead of becoming a trolling ****face.
I apologize for that.
I'd also like to say there was a thread I made regarding weapon tiers, and the title was in quotations....
I didn't call anyone a name, didnt say their point of view was ridiculous, or anything like that, however, I was so caught up in trying to address comments and make a point I was trying to make in the op, that I didnt put any TLC into a lot of comments I made.
I didnt think anyone would be offended by what I was saying, but that was because of the main idea in my head, and the main idea I thought was presented in the op.
It was a lesson on approaching things with caution, I didnt excercise as much caution as I should have.
I apologize for that too.
Anyway, I feel there's nothing wrong with intelligent debate. Jansports has a thread progessing well with that idea in mind. I do however, right or wrong, feel I've contributed to the problem this thread addresses.
I'm sorry, maaal
*I thought this thread would be the place to make this statement.