People mention tiers of weapon- there's an argument about it
People mention the 'proper' way of fighting- there's an argument about it
People mention magic- there's another bloody argument about it.
I could go on forever here, folks. But it saddens me almost, every time I see people take a unique build- not perfect, but with character and a little individuality, then when they post is for opinions everyone tears it up for the same perfect generic build. It saddens me when I see people talking about 'practicing' parries like they did it for a living or something. Hell, I even saw a guy in response to the dksII gameplay demo say he hopes the numbers will come back on damage "So he can do research".
I'd just like to remind everyone that PvP isn't a numbers game. You shouldn't be crunching digits for hours just to get your perfect min/maxed build. You shouldn't be agonising about where your last stat point will go, how to break 56/whatever poise, how to make your play unbeatable. If you relaxed a little over all this ridiculous competitiveness on a game that makes a point of not keeping score, you'd probably be at each others throats a little less often.
Sorry if people disagree with me, but I think we all just need to relax a bit over this whole thing. FROM wanted you to invade people, dish out some pain and have fun. They didn't want you to all run around using the same 4/5 weapons, using the same few builds, concentrating on the numbers so much.
Just go out there and have some fun for a change.
P.S. Stop filling the forum with ridiculous arguments, it's probably a massive pain in the *** for the mod team.