Current Covenant summary: You use an item and wait. That's it. You don't know whether or not the item is working, and it's just waiting for people to invade you.
My revamp will focus on making that downtime less ridiculous. It'll give the member something to do as they wait, and reward them for getting kills.
My revamp will focus on making that downtime less ridiculous. It'll give the member something to do as they wait, and reward them for getting kills.
- Gravelord covenant revamp:
Rank 0: Player receives Gravelord sword and Miracle: Gravelord sword dance
Player also recives "Book of the gravelord" which allows you to monitor the status of the worlds you infected. For example, it would say:
World 1
Friendly phantoms: X
Black phantoms: X
Rank 1: Player recives Gravelord Greatsword dance. Player also receives bone talisman which gives you extra damage for gravelord miracles.
Rank 2: Player receives Necromancy miracle. Necromancy miracle only charges/recharges once every time you get a kill with your black phantoms, or while you have eye of death active. 70% chance to summon common skeleton. 25% chance to summon giant skeleton.
Rank 3: Player receives Gravelord aura(a torso piece that looks like Nito's black aura cape. Necromancy miracle summoning chances change to 40% regular skeleton, 40% giant skeleton, 20% chance skeleton dog.
Necromancy spell has maximum of charges. Skeletons go away once the player dies or logs off. Charges do not go away, but cannot be used unless eye of death is active.