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    Help getting to Hollow Griggs


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    Help getting to Hollow Griggs Empty Help getting to Hollow Griggs

    Post by Leo_Ascendent Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:22 am

    So I'm trying to get to Hollow Griggs to get Hush, I see him but can't open the gate or find a way into his room in Sen's. I read there's a key I need, but can't find it, its been bugging me forever....

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    Help getting to Hollow Griggs Empty Re: Help getting to Hollow Griggs

    Post by Artorias Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:38 am

    Isnt it on a corpse? You have to take the elevator near where the lightning spear drops and go up.
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    Help getting to Hollow Griggs Empty Re: Help getting to Hollow Griggs

    Post by Whknight Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:40 am

    I think I remember this, from the bolder drop room take the path that does the zigzag/leads you up there in the first place. As soon as the right side opens up and drops down, if you look you'll see a platform with a mage on it. Drop and kill him then behind where you dropped going into the ramp should be a doorway leading either directly to him or the passage that does. I remember the cages being connected by an underground passage.

    Also yes it is on a corpse in generally the same area he is in along with the black mage set.

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    Age : 34

    Help getting to Hollow Griggs Empty Re: Help getting to Hollow Griggs

    Post by Leo_Ascendent Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:05 am

    OOOOHHHHHHHHHH, okay yeah, now I remember. Got in there my first playthrough sometime ago, couldn't remember how though, thank Whknight. big grin

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