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    Totally random rubish...


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    Totally random rubish... Empty Totally random rubish...

    Post by Malacath Fri May 24, 2013 4:38 pm

    The other day I wanted to duel a friend in the moonlight pit so I warped to the parish went darkroot bonfire and killed the ents that followed me.
    Then I could pick up something, didn't care for it, cause I thought it was just some moss that I don't need and kicked around the ent-corpse. Just then I noticed, that there lay an item on the ground and it wasn't an ent drop. Instead it looked like something someone dropped (you know these little bag models) I picked it up and it was rubbish o.0
    I'm sure I wasn't invaded since I was hollow, so noone could've actually dropped that there. And no matter what I did, I couldn't reproduce it...
    Did something like this happen to anyone of you before? Cause that was quite odd...
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    Totally random rubish... Empty Re: Totally random rubish...

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Fri May 24, 2013 4:52 pm

    Items left on the ground have been know to 'drift' or change if you leave the area and then come back. Had you killed the ents prior to this event and leave their moss drop on the ground?

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    Totally random rubish... Empty Re: Totally random rubish...

    Post by Elifia Fri May 24, 2013 5:16 pm

    I actually found a single prism stone in the elevator shaft from Firelink to New Londo. It wasn't at the bottom or top either, it was somewhere in the middle, so you could only pick it up while the elevator was moving. Pretty sure this is the same as what you describe, OP.

    On a side-note, I've seen a significant increase in Vagrant activity lately. 2 Vagrants in 1 week. And I have only played for a couple of hours this week.

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    Location : Germany

    Totally random rubish... Empty Re: Totally random rubish...

    Post by Malacath Fri May 24, 2013 5:25 pm

    Maneater_Mildred wrote:Items left on the ground have been know to 'drift' or change if you leave the area and then come back. Had you killed the ents prior to this event and leave their moss drop on the ground?
    Point is: it was actually rubbish, like [url=]rubbish[/url]

    [url=]Elifia[/url] wrote:I actually found a single prism stone in the elevator shaft from
    Firelink to New Londo. It wasn't at the bottom or top either, it was
    somewhere in the middle, so you could only pick it up while the elevator
    was moving. Pretty sure this is the same as what you describe, OP.
    Yep, pretty much the same, only yours is even odder ^^. But a prism stone in the shaft seems to confirm it's a totally random glitch. I thought it might be some semi-random glitch or an egg. I'm still damaged from the pendant story... everything seems to have a meaning in DkS to me

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