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Soris Ice Goldwing
Mr. Tart
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Dibsville Fri May 24, 2013 11:25 pm

    [21:24:05] Mr. Tart : It was back when I first started playing Requiem: Memento Mori
    [21:24:08] Mr. Tart : An MMO
    [21:24:19] Mr. Tart : I wanted a greek based name and went for Tartarus, but it was taken
    [21:24:25] Mr. Tart : So I changed it to Tartarian
    [21:24:38] Mr. Tart : People called me Tartar sauce, Poptart, Fart and Mr. Tart
    [21:24:45] Mr. Tart : I just so happened to be liking Mr. Tart a lot.
    [21:24:46] Mr. Tart : The end.

    Last edited by Dibsville on Sat May 25, 2013 9:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Mr. Tart
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Mr. Tart Fri May 24, 2013 11:26 pm

    Really? Are you seriously making a topic about that? laughing

    Boy, someone is really asking for that ban. rolling eyes

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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Fri May 24, 2013 11:26 pm

    This is quickly going to turn into a disaster Thread.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Fri May 24, 2013 11:28 pm

    Wilkinson3424 wrote:This is quickly going to turn into a disaster Thread.
    I second this comment.
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Latitoast Fri May 24, 2013 11:29 pm

    Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:
    Wilkinson3424 wrote:This is quickly going to turn into a disaster Thread.
    I second this comment.
    I third this statement.
    Abyss Dweller
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Dibsville Fri May 24, 2013 11:33 pm

    Latitoast wrote:
    Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:
    Wilkinson3424 wrote:This is quickly going to turn into a disaster Thread.
    I second this comment.
    I third this statement.

    I fourth this post.
    Chosen Undead
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Latitoast Fri May 24, 2013 11:46 pm

    Dibsville wrote:
    Latitoast wrote:
    Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:
    Wilkinson3424 wrote:This is quickly going to turn into a disaster Thread.
    I second this comment.
    I third this statement.

    I fourth this post.
    I fifth this decree.
    Mr. Tart
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Mr. Tart Fri May 24, 2013 11:51 pm

    I BROKE THE CHAIN! devil

    Last edited by Mr. Tart on Fri May 24, 2013 11:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Latitoast Fri May 24, 2013 11:53 pm

    You'll never break the chains bound to your soul though.
    Mr. Tart
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Mr. Tart Fri May 24, 2013 11:58 pm

    I have no soul.
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Dibsville Fri May 24, 2013 11:58 pm

    Mr. Tart wrote:I have no soul.
    That's because I have it.
    Mr. Tart
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Mr. Tart Fri May 24, 2013 11:59 pm

    No, it's because I ate it.
    Hatsune Miku
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Hatsune Miku Sat May 25, 2013 12:04 am

    Why is this thread so popular?
    Abyss Dweller
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Dibsville Sat May 25, 2013 12:12 am

    People want to see Tart's story.
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Latitoast Sat May 25, 2013 1:39 am

    Mr. Tart wrote:I have no soul.
    They are bound to your heart then.

    You're sick, twisted black heart.
    Mr. Tart
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Mr. Tart Sat May 25, 2013 1:43 am

    Latitoast wrote:
    Mr. Tart wrote:I have no soul.
    They are bound to your heart then.

    You're sick, twisted black heart.

    I am sick twisted black heart? silly

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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Latitoast Sat May 25, 2013 1:50 am


    I hate those moments where you mean to type something, but your fingers type the exact opposite of what you meant to type :/
    Hatsune Miku
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Hatsune Miku Sat May 25, 2013 7:14 pm

    Cool story bro! Tell it again!
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Animaaal Sat May 25, 2013 7:45 pm


    Tart's story about the first toon he made and the Crestfallen Warrior is the best by far. Still has me lol to this day. big grin

    Tell em Tart...if you don't I will. waiting
    Abyss Dweller
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Dibsville Sat May 25, 2013 9:12 pm

    Animaaal wrote:THIS IS THE TART STORY YOU CHOSE?!?!?!?! angry

    Tart's story about the first toon he made and the Crestfallen Warrior is the best by far. Still has me lol to this day. big grin

    Tell em Tart...if you don't I will. waiting
    Fixed to "Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name"
    Hatsune Miku
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Hatsune Miku Sat May 25, 2013 11:34 pm

    I see what you did there.
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Animaaal Sun May 26, 2013 1:13 am

    Alright screw it.

    So I'm reading a "Dumbest thing you did in DS" or "Noob moments" thread right, and here's Tart tellin a story.

    Basically, on his first character Tart is sayin how he got to firelink and thought the Crestfallen Warrior was a dink right? So because of the "tone in his voice", lol, he decides to kill him. big grin

    So then Tart goes into great detail about how every time he died, he'd respawn and good ol' "Crestfallen" would just continuously proceed to **** him... laughing

    I mean if you could imagine the best rookie-rage-quit of all time, that would be pretty close imo. I mean that's better than dying to the Asylum Demon over and over without going through the door, or just about anything I can freakin think off.

    The way Tart put it was better, I wish I remembered where it was at, but man guys, I laughing until I crying

    I wish that was my "cherry-poppin" story. Classic man, I'm giggling right now. lol

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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by shadowzninjaz Sun May 26, 2013 1:14 am

    Is Mr tarts name now Mr Fartastic dont u guys remember dat chat XD
    Love the story thou
    Mr. Tart
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Mr. Tart Sun May 26, 2013 5:50 am

    Animaaal wrote:Alright screw it.

    So I'm reading a "Dumbest thing you did in DS" or "Noob moments" thread right, and here's Tart tellin a story.

    Basically, on his first character Tart is sayin how he got to firelink and thought the Crestfallen Warrior was a dink right? So because of the "tone in his voice", lol, he decides to kill him. big grin

    So then Tart goes into great detail about how every time he died, he'd respawn and good ol' "Crestfallen" would just continuously proceed to **** him... laughing

    I mean if you could imagine the best rookie-rage-quit of all time, that would be pretty close imo. I mean that's better than dying to the Asylum Demon over and over without going through the door, or just about anything I can freakin think off.

    The way Tart put it was better, I wish I remembered where it was at, but man guys, I laughing until I crying

    I wish that was my "cherry-poppin" story. Classic man, I'm giggling right now. lol

    I'll help ya out.

    So basically, I had just MLG PRO'd Asylum Demon after days of working on a strategy to defeat this demonic beast(that f*cker just kept killing me so I suggest you call him Asylum d*ckhead from now on). Being the pro that I am, I let a giant crow take me away, and onto a new journey. The story of the mighty Tart has finally begun...

    Upon landing on the ground, I can see a rusty, old, but well constructed sword standing in the ground. As I try to pull it out of the ground, a fire suddenly appears. It feels so warm and welcoming that I decide to sit down for just a while, when suddenly I hear a voice behind me. A calm, dark and abandoned voice, for a lack of better word for it. I turn around to find this Crestfallen Warrior sitting on part of the ruins that we now know as Firelink Shrine. I calmy approach him to talk. He tells me to go f*ck myself after some of what he would like to call advice. I don't really mind though, and I walk away, when suddenly I realise how shiny his armour is. Albeit ugly, it was still shiny. For whatever reason I took this as a sign that he might be carrying some mighty fine items on him that could help me on my journey. Unaware of his skill and the functions of this... bonfire as you call it... I fall into a trap. I swing my sword at him, but it doesn't take long before he parries it and stabs me in the abdomen.

    I realise my defeat and decide to apologise to the man for my actions and praise him for his skill, when suddenly he cuts me down once more. Admittedly I was still a rookie at this point, but rage had me under control. I swung at him, dodged his attacks, got a stab in the back to my surprise. A stab in the back?! What sorcery was this? Had I become god? I kept swinging at him, and I could see him becoming tired as he stepped back, one step, two steps. I walked forward as he backed away. I saw the fear in his eyes, when suddenly, a smile...

    I had lost, but I didn't know it yet. I took one step forward, then swung at him. It felt like time had stopped. I was in the air with dagger in hand, ready to finish him. But his hand... It was ready for it. He was prepared for it. Everything went back to normal again and he parried me, then stabbed me and pushed me to the great. I slowly faded away. Unlike before, I was surprised. I hadn't realised that he parried me before, but I had now. My godlike skill of backstabbing was outmatched by his parrying. I had backstabs, he had parries... I had no chance. None whatsoever. I tried to kick him off the cliff in a last attempt at surviving. I panicked, I was scared and I didn't know what to do. I was so close when suddenly... Dead.

    I slowly faded away once again, but unlike before, it all went dark and I was deleted from this world... My existence erased.

    (Summing this up in short, the Asylum Demon f*cked me over and kept me busy for at least 3 days because I was so good at this game back then. When I got out I thought the D*ckless Warrior would have good loot, following my experience with RPG games, but nooooo, From wanted to be d*cks... F U FROM! I was spawnkilled over and over with many failed attempts at surviving. I even ran to the graveyard but got slaughtered. I eventually deleted the character and started over. This time I finished off Asylum Demon on my first try...)

    I had finally left the Asylum with the help of a giant crow. Not much was known to me at this point, but that man by the Firelink Shrine disgusted me, although I didn't know why. There were many paths to choose from, but I decided to follow the staircase up. Anything that leads up must be good. I fought fearsome undead, all deadly. But after a couple of attempts, I mastered my skill with the dagger. I defeated one after another and got up. I saw a giant rat, killed it, and moved on. There were more undead and a couple of barrels hiding a secret path. I rolled down and was faced with these pink undead. Pink... Did they lack skin?! Either way they were weaker than the ones above, but they were fast and ferocious. One slashed at me like crazy until I was bleeding on the inside and died. I decided to ignore that area for now. I rushed up, somehow knowing that a drake would appear and stopped. Didn't want to get crushed. There were more undead, one with a crossbow, two with shields and spears, and some that didn't really matter. I defeated all but the ones with shields and spears, I know they were stronger than me. I noticed a bonfire and rested at it. With a new safe respawn I decided to face the shield/spear undead. I was no match to them. Fine, I said to myself, let's just move on. I looked through my inventory and noticed "humanity". What was this? Could it make me pretty again? Make me stand out from these undead? I used it by the bonfire and turn myself human... I had skin again, I had flesh, I was human once more. I decide to kill the shield/spear undead and succeed this time. As I walk down I notice a merchant. I talk to him when suddenly I sense something... Another chosen one like me! I go back into the room to face a red man. Entirely red. Was this blood? What was it exactly? For whatever reason I assumed him a friendly spirit. I look at him as he bowed down... Suddenly, out of nowhere SUPAH FLAMING SPEARS OF GOD OH EHM GEE SUPAH POWAAAAAAAH comes out of the ground and I die.

    I finally understood this world. You could trust no one...

    I suddenly lose control of myself and scream; "F*cking sh*tty game. F*ck, f*ck, f*ck you and f*ck this controller!" after which I heard a noise of something being thrown into the ground. What exactly is a game and a controller? Is perhaps a controller what took control of me just now? Was I always controlled? Do these beings consider our lives games? What kind of sick beings would do this to us...? Everything becomes black.

    (Summing this part up, I started over and everything went slightly better when I suddenly had my first invasion, but I thought he was a nice guy and that he bowed when I got hit by his f*cking SUPAH FLAMING SPEARS OF GOD OH EHM GEE SUPAH POWAAAAAAAH. It basically had me ragequit for days, but I eventually came back. :razz: )

    A story written by Mr. Tart from the perspective of a chosen undead.
    Mr. Tart
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    Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name Empty Re: Mr. Tarts story of how he got his name

    Post by Mr. Tart Sun May 26, 2013 5:53 am

    shadowzninjaz wrote:Is Mr tarts name now Mr Fartastic dont u guys remember dat chat XD
    Love the story thou

    One day I will find you and I will twist your... Oh wait, we're on the forum... You saw nothing... twistedevil

    Regarding my previous post; LONGEST WALL OF TEXT I'VE EVER WRITTEN. :razz:

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