by TheMeInTeam Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:08 am
Getting reported for any form of cyber bullying,
A person accusing you of hacking or modifying.
Neither of these are remotely valid reasons to ban someone unless accompanied by evidence of some variety. I've been accused of hacking for simply blocking with the grass crest shield and the other guy thinking he does "too little damage", and bullying is a subjective matter to begin with. For bullying you have to draw a line somewhere, but it is absolutely not acceptable for it to be a moving line; one guy should not be banned for something another guy got away with 10 times. If these things are enforced consistently with clear boundaries, you have a good model.
All that said, I play on xbox and microsoft is the opposite; far too lax on cheaters/hackers and so they're more common. I have seen video evidence of people admitting they're hacking, submitted to MS and put on youtube, and those guys are still on their accounts. I have had someone try to steal my xbox account, only to have microsoft deny that it could possibly happen (my bank records have a rejected attempt on my account, and only rejected because I changed my account information to nonsense, yet those failtards still insist it's impossible).
Then you have things like book of the guilty and daughters of chaos. People who are *obviously* hacking on these need character deletions/account bans/console bans. It's pathetic that these systems simply let obvious, proven cheaters flaunt the cheating without consequences.
IMO, if you can get a video of someone taking no damage + their name, that should be good enough for Sony and MS to console ban them (first offense, I don't care, they know what they're doing) and for From to at least delete their account/invalidate an online pass (future game).