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    DragonBro Build


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    DragonBro Build Empty DragonBro Build

    Post by Eko Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:59 am

    This will be my first dragonbro build and I need some advice. I have done a bit of testing for it and I still cannot decide what to use. I feel like Wolf Ring is almost a must have, but I'm not sure what to use for the other ring slot.

    Build Here

    Any advice on the build specifically and on playing a dragonbro in general would be great. Thanks in advance guys and gals.

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    DragonBro Build Empty Re: DragonBro Build

    Post by robsthedon Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:34 am

    The best dragon builds make use of the roar with quick weapons e.g furysword, falc, gold tracer, or a leo  ring set up with the sks. Something like this.

    Although I wouldn't feel comfortable with only 1500 hp, I would use fap instead of the Leo ring.

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    DragonBro Build Empty Re: DragonBro Build

    Post by Eko Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:55 am

    So, would this build be a better idea. I was torn between the Iaito and the Claymore for the secondary main hand weapon.

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    DragonBro Build Empty Re: DragonBro Build

    Post by Ghadis_God Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:32 am Here, use this instead. Your scaling stats were absolutely boned, why would you invest all those points and be weaker than most quality weps? Anyways, roar, then tag the opponent with the avelyn. If lucky, you will get Leo counters too, which will do so much damage it's insane. If you think the SKS is too cheap, go with the winged spear or halberd or any poking thing that scales with Dex.

    EDIT: Forgot to tell you to throw on the fap ring, Dragons need stamina or you won't be able to attack after a roar. ditch wolf for it, you shouldn't need poise with the build I made anyway.

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