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    Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences?


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    Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences? Empty Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences?

    Post by Sneezer Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:26 pm

    Does anyone have experience dual wielding daggers? I wouldn't mind some play style tips and suggestions, as I've never tried it before. 

    I also don't know how to invest the last level (or six, if I decide to bump it up to 125.)

    Anyway; the dagger choices are more or less to add some kind of bleed pressure to the enemy while fighting, any sort of X-factor helps. 
    The hood is to give it the pyro vibe, as the build's main asset is the pyromancies.
    The thorn gauntlets and extra 2 levels in END are to give me the roll damage, being able to cancel BSs and all.

    I chose pyromancer over wanderer as I'm converting a 55 build into this to save time, but it's only 1 level.

    So, thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Any of that good stuff?

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    Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences? Empty Re: Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences?

    Post by Jansports Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:35 am

    I'm concerned Pyro doesn't do enough damage without Crown and Ring at 120 due to health pools being so...healthy.

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    Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences? Empty Re: Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences?

    Post by Sneezer Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:38 am

    Putting on the crown would always be easy, I'd just rather not because I personally hate the look of it.
    The BCDR alone would probably be enough.
    But yeah, I see your point.

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    Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences? Empty Re: Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences?

    Post by Jansports Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:42 am

    Other than that it looks like it does what you want. Daggers, bleed threat, pyro.

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    Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences? Empty Re: Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences?

    Post by Sneezer Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:01 am

    I don't imagine many people exclusively use daggers, except maybe Dibs, so I probably won't get many tips or mindset descriptions.

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    Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences? Empty Re: Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences?

    Post by WaffleGuy Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:45 am

    I have some experience using dual daggers. The options on that are pretty limited. I mostly used a stronger Dagger on the left and a slightly weaker Bandit's on the right. I started fighting with pressing 'LB - RB - RT' (or L1 - R1 - R2?).

    The benefit of having your set-up it that you need to guess or experiment how long it takes to build bleed up with your Bandit's. The build-up itself it higher than Priscilla's, but the eventual bleed damage of the last one is 50% of your opponents health.

    This means you use the Bandit's to build up the bleed, then dealing the final build strike with Priscilla's. Repeat again and you probably won the match. silly

     Also, two handing a Dagger and using the strong attack it pretty decent, because it's also really fast, does thrust damage and requires not a lot of stamina

    Last edited by WaffleGuy on Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:46 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : because shut up)

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    Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences? Empty Re: Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences?

    Post by WaffleGuy Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:24 am

    Oh, they are almost a guaranteed win against someone with no to very little poise. You keep slashing at them without them interfering, back up, repeat. And if he heals, you got a nice critical to punish them.
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    Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences? Empty Re: Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences?

    Post by Animaaal Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:32 pm

    This is kinda off topic, but using a Claw in the right would be nice compliment to a dagger in the left, the roll attack of the claw is pretty sweet.

    Sorry, prolly not very helpful.

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    Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences? Empty Re: Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences?

    Post by Sneezer Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:50 pm

    All relevant input is helpful, and I hadn't thought of that. I guess this could be a decent excuse to try out a claw for the first time.

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    Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences? Empty Re: Dual-dagger/Pyro. Suggestions and experiences?

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