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Soul of Stray Demon
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    Favorite place to invade in?

    Soul of Stray Demon
    Soul of Stray Demon

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:13 pm

    Well, what's your favorite area to invade in? Why is it? And anything special you equip or do for that location?

    I love the depths because it is small and cramped, which I find a lot of fun to fight in.

    Last edited by Soul of Stray Demon on Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:23 pm

    The forest. I usually invade with WoG at the ready in case I get spawn jumped.

    Other favorites include:
    Lemon Buff for my Great Scythe
    Priscilla's dagger
    Karmic Justice
    Great Heal.
    Soul of Stray Demon
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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:26 pm

    Can you elaborate on why the forest is your favorite? The explanation is more of what I'm working for.
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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:49 pm

    It's big and open which play to my strengths. There's natural obstacles making the environment more of a factor than most arenas. This also plays to my strengths and interests. You don't know what type of fight you'll find so it's hard to get bored. I started in the Kiln and did some time in the burg and found less variation. I like that I can find a duel followed by three guys chasing me into the forest where there's a chance that I might find about ten friends in the form of trees to help me smack them around.
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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:04 pm

    Crystal Forest. Shame there isn't more activity. The scenery is beautiful and you can have the option of having dodgy invasions on the invisible platforms or fair duels in the forest with its open spaces.

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by StiffNipples Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:43 pm

    I like to invade at sub SL35 in Anor Londo and host in the Forest at SL120 and SL250.

    Because PC, and that's the only way I get decent invasions/duels (I host in the Forest so that I get duels, honestly it's been my experience that it's the most honourable place around, which is weird, but meh, and invade in Anor Londo for the ganks).

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by reim0027 Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:18 pm

    Forest and Anor (not Dark Anor).
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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by GrinTwist Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:46 pm

    I invade at the Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith when I'm doing my Knight Kirk cosplay build since it fits well for his character.

    Other than that I normally just invade at the PW, Lost Izaltih, and the Royal Woods because the traffic around those areas is good for invasions.

    The only other place I invade is the Chasm of the Abyss because I developed a build and character that wishes to serve Manus instead of Kaathe. I don't get many invasions down there though.

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by OminousSquaffle Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:26 am

    The Forest, because gankers. Not only does it have the highest concentration of double/triple-teaming derps with zero skill and a LOT of orange juice, it's got the perfect environment to fight them in. I can't tell you how many times I've used Spades' trick to jump the ravine by the cat bridge, laughed hysterically as the pursuing gankers tried to figure out how to get to me and popped off a humanity & grass before waiting for them to quit tripping over themselves and do something. 

    It's just got so many amazing places for ambushes.

    -Alvina's room and the bridge attached to it. I use the OGS and/or Fire Tempest on most of my builds so if I spawn here and see gankers I'll usually retreat just around the corner and blast them with whichever AoE option I have on. 

    -The ledge under the cat bridge. My favorite place to take out hackers if there's more than one person involved (it's hard to hornet ring BS a hacker off a ledge if he's got a buddy with him). The OGS works wonders here, although if you don't have one you can just as easily use WoTG/Force or just a standard kick as they try to come around to get you.

    -The aforementioned area by the little gullet-thingy that leads to the cat bridge. It's a bad place to have an extended fight since (if the gankers can get to you) it's easy to get stunlocked/magic spammed to death but you can typically get some good shots in before rolling back out into the path.

    Oh, and then there's that awesome jump you can do near Alvina's place that takes you to the other side. I'm absolutely awful at it though so I don't try it very often...the few times I've done it just feels great :3

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by cerealaire Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:45 am

    kiln of the first flame
    1 see summon sign invade
    2 sometimes theres gankers
    3 i like how the environment sets out its comforting for me (dont know how but it is)
    4 dragon bow people who hide and wait to use wotg to make you fall its rediculous

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by VaDoom Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:53 am

    My favorite has to be Oolacile Township.

    imo, that's the perfect place to fight gankers, but never invade at the bonefire, invade at the bottom of the elevator instead. It's actualy very close to the bonefire, you can run there in less than 15 seconds without worrying about the enemies.

    It's the best place to fight gankers because the area is huge (and connects with chasm of the abyss) and filled with nasty mobs. You can fight duelers, questers, and gankers here. And if you invade at the bottom of the elevator, you won't be spawn-ganked. I explain my strategy for this area in the threat How to Even the Odds - Page 4 post 60.

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by Kirk-Barb Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:55 am

    My favorite place is the Catacombs at level 25.  I love the shortcuts, narrow walkways that can be turned, and the wide selection of NPC allies.  I keep fall control in my pocket to keep my use of humanity to a minimum and a fire tempest for multiple opponents.

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by Leet Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:19 pm

    Anor Londo. Never a shortage of things to do.

    Duels, gankers, quester, black anor londo. Quite fun.

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by Ba22crow Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:32 pm

    I like Tomb of Giants and Demon Ruins. Both are fairly active as a darkmoon due to the completeing two bosses in a row nature. I like the demon ruins with my greatbow user, It's so much fun to catch the host/phantoms as they are fighting the centipedes or capras and impale them everytime they try to attack back instead of blocking making fighting nearly impossible big grin. It's also fun to make the taurus demon impossible to flank, and punishing them everytime theres a gap in his swing so they cannot kill it.

    Tomb of giants is great because there are few invasions there anyway, and when you show up they tend to go defensive as they are afraid of aggroing anything new at the same time with it being dark. So if you approach from a distance they can see your color, but not you draw your great bow and snipe them off the many cliffs. They also tend to run more often in the TOG if they are losing for some reason as such I've sniped several people off cliffs as they run for awesome kills.

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by Ishiotzin Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:47 pm

    the burg because i like fair figths and looks that players are more honorable in the burg

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by PRH2 Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:01 pm

    I like to invade new londo after the water has been lowered, usually lots of non hollows going for 4 kings so invasions are easy to get. and not many greifers because its an off zone

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by masbaconstrips Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:36 pm

    Currently I am diggn Anor Londo with my lvl 60 mage, good looking place, backup from silver knights, not too huge, and theres a lot of 2v1 action there with people trying to fight O&S.  I also like forest for the setting but anywhere that is unusual is the best because it takes people by surprise.

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    Favorite place to invade in? Empty Re: Favorite place to invade in?

    Post by TheMeInTeam Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:50 pm

    The forest.  Nowhere beats the chaos and variability of invasions that you can find in there, and the ways to approach them.

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