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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!


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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by Ninazu Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:01 am

    Hello everyone, 

    I am a presenter on the GameOverCast team a weekly enthusiast video gaming podcast.

    We are going to Gamescom this week and are lucky enough to get to see Dark Souls 2 and play it hands on plus chat to the development team (I hope they have a translator!)

    I personally am a massive fan of Dark Souls (have clocked up a couple of hundred hours) and have lots of questions lined up but would love to ask some directly from the fans. If you have anything you would like us to ask please could you post them in this thread and we will do our best to ask as many of them as we can.

    I will post a link to the podcast and the time where we feature the game once we get back, we will be seeing over 40 games so it may take a few shows before we feature all of them.

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by KrazykevS10 Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:11 am

    Will the game be region locked?

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:19 am

    Good question Kev, will the servers be locked like Demons Souls was. It would be a disaster for the community that has been built up around the online. There's a lot of fight clubs\coop runs arranged with people from across the world.
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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:23 am

    How is poise being implemented this time round? (if it is at all)

    A lot of the bosses in dark souls were reworks of the demon's souls bosses and many were big and slow types in large arenas. Will there be more variety in boss encounters this time round?

    Or another way to phrase it- The mirror knight boss we've already seen is very different from the bosses on Dark souls, are the other bosses going to be as different and unique as the Mirror knight?
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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by Tolvo Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:40 am

    Are they planning to test and refine Dark Souls 2 further than was seen with Dark Souls to ensure that there will not be nearly as many glitches and exploits?

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by Uparkaam Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:59 am

    Will we get beards in character creation?

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by steveswede Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:21 pm

    Asking if the servers will be region locked definitely needs to be asked and mention that the community is worried that certain regions like Europe will suffer if separated from Japan and America like Demon's Souls.

    Will we see upgrade paths like crushing, sharp and quality return that were missing in Dark Souls?

    Will it be possible to re texture armour and shields so the community can roll play with online players for both PC and consoles.

    Will there be more options when customizing your character?  Demon's Souls and Dark Souls have a very limited selection.  We want lot's of hairstyles, lots of beards and the option to tattoo our characters, face paint, change skin colour freely and adjust the height.

    Will resistance be replace with another stat or completely removed as the community found resistance to be useless.


    BTW can someone here help out with this question as I don't have the experience but is the Duelshock 3 controller easy to set up on Dark Souls for PC?  If it isn't a plug in and play Duelshock 3 controller driver for Dark Souls 2 would be nice to have.


    This I would love to see. The Souls series look, combat and bosses are just some of the best things in gaming at the moment. Would From Software ever consider taking that formula and do a game like Monster Hunter hunting down amazing creatures like Manus and dragons like Kalameet?

    Last edited by steveswede on Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by Rollo-99 Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:35 pm

    - Poise, is it still in? or has it been reworked in favor of the Demon's Souls style hyper armor mechanics?
    - Does the med and fat roll still exist, and/or will they ease up on equip burden determining roll speed?

    - Since namco is willing to shell out cash to market it like a AAA title, will namco also help set up quality servers and maintain them, so that extreme lag could be a thing of the past? It's very important for pvp side of the game.
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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by Lorrac ESP Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:53 pm

    Roll/Run speed will still work like DS1 (with the tiers like fast, med, fat) or instead it'll be a continuous function depending on item burden?

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by twigsterxd Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:53 pm

    I read somewhere on the forum months ago that someone posted that DkS2 will be available to all. Meaning we can co-op/PvP with anyone around the world. It may have been the E3 thread but from what I can remember it WON'T be locked. It will be ONE version available to all of us. But, that is a great question to ask just in case the person who posted in that other thread was mistaken.

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by TheWanderer101 Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:46 pm

    Will two handing different weapon types offer different animations? For example, will two handing a straight sword look different then if you were two handing a katana?

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by iGBx Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:36 am

    Ask them if we can adjust the bust size when we create a female hero...  :p

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by Seignar Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:47 am

    I suppose there are 9 questions I would like answered:

    1) The basics: Poise. Is it still around? How has it been reworked?
    2) Weapon movesets. Is each weapon going to have a unique moveset or will they still be the same in the sense that the same weapon class tends to have the same moveset? Also, are they still planning on creating overly gimmicky attacks for unique weapons (Read as: Impractical moves, A.K.A the Strong Attack of most unique weapons (Like Black Knight Sword or Greatsword of Artorias) or do they plan to balance those?

    3) Consumables. Will we be seeing more offensive consumables like Black Firebomb and Throwing Knives? How have offensive consumables changed for DkSII?

    4) Stats. Over 75% of the players agree that RES was useless. Will we be seeing new stats or reworkings? Are there any planned changes for the way stats and leveling will work?
    5) Weapon Balancing. Are there any planned changes for DEX and/or STR weapons or will they in general remain unchanged?

    6) Covenants. Are they still around? Have their been any changes to the way covenants will work?
    7) Enviroment. Will it be like DkS in the sense that there are many varying terrains and atmospheres, such as the Tomb of Giants and the city of Anor Londo?

    8) Boss Souls. DkS went a step back in the sense that it limited the uses of Boss Souls to forging weapons (While in Demon's, it could be used to create magic). In the DLC, Boss Magic was introduced, is there to be an expected increase in usage of boss items?

    Last, but not least (or expected) 9) Transformation Magic. The Dragon Torso/head Stone was the only piece of "equipment" that permitted the player to transform and give the players unique attacks, will this transformation magic be expanded on or has it been scrapped?

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by raecor14 Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:50 am

    not as bigger question as the others but how are they going to implement weapon upgrades? will they be the same as in dark souls or will they take a new route with it?

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by emraluces Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:53 am

    1. What is the setting for Dark Souls II, and when does the story take place? 

    2. Has Fromsoft implemented any new motivations for multiple playthroughs on the same character?

    3. We've gotten a taste of some of the new mechanics from game play trailers and previews. Can you explain the significance of the mysterious celestial emblem that has replaced the humanity counter? 

    4. We've heard that new systems have been implemented to improve the co-op and invading experiences. Can you explain what those systems are?

    5. Can you explain the changes to weapon and armor upgrading, if any?

    6. As we've seen, there has been a general overhaul in terms of casting both sorceries and miracles (light and heavy attacks / items that recharge spell count), can you explain these changes and how they'll effect game play?

    7.  Can you confirm whether or not having a completed DKS game save will have any effect on starting our first DKSII character?

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by crbngville2 Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:18 am

    What has been done to get rid of the horrible lag that we have in Dark Souls? As much as the European community worries about being on differenct servers, there are way more of us North American players that just want to be rid of the lag.
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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by Serious_Much Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:04 am

    crbngville2 wrote:What has been done to get rid of the horrible lag that we have in Dark Souls? As much as the European community worries about being on differenct servers, there are way more of us North American players that just want to be rid of the lag.
    I'm actually pretty disappointed by this comment.

    If you praise the sun twice a day after your morning and evening meal we can get this sorted out right away Sun

    Anyways to answer your question the game is going server based, however it's not confirmed as of yet whether these servers are region locked or not. I personally hope they're not as it would suck dividing up the community.. Not like we got hundreds of thousands of people online all the time for souls, it would just reduce online play massively

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by Odinbear Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:54 am

    crbngville2 wrote:What has been done to get rid of the horrible lag that we have in Dark Souls? As much as the European community worries about being on differenct servers, there are way more of us North American players that just want to be rid of the lag.
    Again, I'm on crappy Verizon DSL.  USUALLY RUNS. 1504/446.  (DL/UL ).  Rarely see this lag, UNLESS, I'm accidentally downloading on another computer here ( or my wife is).  I stop the DL and lag goes away. Sometimes I see lag, like the other player, moving in skips and jumps and if I'm not DL'ing, I assume they are on a modem or their bandwidth is being clogged on their end.   
    I had more troubles with the summoning in DS. Than in DkS.  Hope they don't go server based/ region locked as I'll miss my worldly buddies.

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by crbngville2 Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:02 am

    Serious_Much wrote:
    crbngville2 wrote:What has been done to get rid of the horrible lag that we have in Dark Souls? As much as the European community worries about being on differenct servers, there are way more of us North American players that just want to be rid of the lag.
    I'm actually pretty disappointed by this comment.

    If you praise the sun twice a day after your morning and evening meal we can get this sorted out right away Sun

    Anyways to answer your question the game is going server based, however it's not confirmed as of yet whether these servers are region locked or not. I personally hope they're not as it would suck dividing up the community.. Not like we got hundreds of thousands of people online all the time for souls, it would just reduce online play massively
     Seriously sorry. I would miss playing with international friends. With that said, I would happily trade that for the ability to consistently coop/pvp against my friends in NA with a lag free environment.

    My connection runs at 25Mbps. My friend in New York has a 100Mbps connection. We still have trouble consistently getting together in certain areas.

    Call me a selfish American, but if I could just play with my other American friends that I made in DeS (region locked servers) with consistency....... I would consider it a worthwhile trade.
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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by Serious_Much Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:07 am

    crbngville2 wrote:
    Serious_Much wrote:
    crbngville2 wrote:What has been done to get rid of the horrible lag that we have in Dark Souls? As much as the European community worries about being on differenct servers, there are way more of us North American players that just want to be rid of the lag.
    I'm actually pretty disappointed by this comment.

    If you praise the sun twice a day after your morning and evening meal we can get this sorted out right away Sun

    Anyways to answer your question the game is going server based, however it's not confirmed as of yet whether these servers are region locked or not. I personally hope they're not as it would suck dividing up the community.. Not like we got hundreds of thousands of people online all the time for souls, it would just reduce online play massively
     Seriously sorry. I would miss playing with international friends. With that said, I would happily trade that for the ability to consistently coop/pvp against my friends in NA with a lag free environment.

    My connection runs at 25Mbps. My friend in New York has a 100Mbps connection. We still have trouble consistently getting together in certain areas.

    Call me a selfish American, but if I could just play with my other American friends that I made in DeS (region locked servers) with consistency....... I would consider it a worthwhile trade.
    To be fair the problem with region basing it is two things.. one is not being able to play with people on the forum (I'd hate that a lot), but biggest problem for me is the fact that if the game doesn't explode in popularity of online and such, it'll reduce the online population.

    When the game first hit, the online was obscene- so many people playing, summon signs and pvp everywhere. It was awesome. Now coop is slow as hell and pvp you fight the same few guys over and over a lot of the time. If the game got region locked, my guess is the online now would be as good as it'll get with DkS2 after only a month or 2 after the release buzz has gone.

    I get what you mean, to be fair I'd love to have better connection for PvP, but if it's done and the trade is having a really tiny population (as would happen with EU most likely), then it's gonna suck big time for us silly

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by emraluces Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:03 pm

    Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. Ninazu (OP) was kind enough to offer to present our questions to Fromsoft at gamescom. Lets return the favor and be fair to Ninazu by not forcing him/her to sift through a hundred posts that aren't specifically fan questions for the Devs. Plenty of other places here to discus nuance in pvp. Thank you.

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by purgatori Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:26 am

    It's so great that someone in the gaming press is going to actually pose FROM questions that the fans want to know. Most interviewers have little to no idea about what DkS is, and only ask the most inane questions: "so it's going to be really hard, yeah???"

    Anyway, what I want to know is:

    1) How many covenants are there this time around, and what are they?

    2) How will covenants function in multiplayer?

    3) Will there be anything resembling side-quests that players can undertake?

    4) Will FROM take a more active role in patching out exploits/cheats as they are discovered post-release?

    5) Will any of the characters mentioned only in dialogue or item descriptions be appearing in person in DkSII?

    6. Has the velocity of arrows and spells been increased?

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    Post by tigab95 Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:56 am

    I want to know if theres going to be a demo available for download before the game release on Xbox 360 and ps3 , I would like to try the mirror knight boss thumbs up

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    Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week! Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 at Gamescom next week!

    Post by CakeThiefPro Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:11 am

    "3) Will there be anything resembling side-quests that players can undertake?

    Well Dark Souls had side quests in the form of optional bosses/areas: Moonlight Butterfly, Stray Demon, (Arguably Capra Demon down to most of Blightown), and ofc the best side quest ever made: The Painted World of Ariamas. I would imagine a similar system is used but I guess we don't know yet.

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    Post by Juutas Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:08 am

    Well...all you guys are asking so good questions that I don't think I can offer too much better :Dbut let's have a few:

    1. Are there going to be more weapon types? if so, can you name a few?

    2. Dark Souls had huge amount of bosses, will there be as much variety in Dark Souls II?

    3. What changes are there going to be on the character creation?

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