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    Tank strength build pvp tips


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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Montante Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:15 pm


    I've made a fat-rolling tank build that I'm PvPing with in the Burg and I'm having general problems with defeating faster opponents. Those that are of the same type as me I can usually handle well but I can't seem to catch fast rollers and ninjas, and I'm prone to being backstabbed or parried despite my best efforts otherwise.

    I'm really just looking for pointers on how to improve my gameplay with this type of character. The archetype is really fun but the endless backstabbing will eventually start getting to me. angry 

    Here's the build:

    Thanks! wave

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Aigaios Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:41 pm

    If I were you I would go for a mid roll build instead of fat roll, this is my SL 99 tank:
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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Latitoast Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:00 pm

    Learn to fight unlocked.

    Pretty much the only way you'll hit someone is changing the angle you're swinging at mid swing so they'll get hit when they come out of their roll.

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Reaver112 Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:04 pm

    The best way to utilize a tank strength character is to trade hits. Be patient, let them flip around all they want and when they come in to strike hit back. You will take less damage and than them, and you won't have to worry about staggering because of your poise. Two hand that big weapon and let them come to you. They can't dodge when they're swinging, and if you don't swing first they can't roll BS you. Be patient grasshopper

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by xenon_nobelium Sun Sep 29, 2013 4:17 pm

    my tips would be:
    .don't fatroll, it's terrible and midroll is manageable with that stats.
    .have a quick offhand weapon ready (jagged ghost blade, cestus) to cancel their bs.
    .one piece of the thorn armor also really helps with not getting backstabbed.
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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by RANT Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:54 pm

    Best thing too do is never chase flippers, wait for them to come to you and trade hits or stunlock them. If you try to chat after them you'll never win, dodging str weapons with flip ring is so easy, you don't even have to try, just have patience and they'll come to you. In regards to getting roll bs'ed, you can either bait a party which is hard to do, just do a random r1 but make sure you have a lot of room, he'll think he has an opening for a bs and right after that r1 turn around right away and parry, with sufficient practice you'll get a parry like that more than you ever thought you could. One other thing is r1 then follow it up with another r1 but aim it right behind you, chances are that you'll cancel that roll bs. Another way to deal with it is to play unlocked, this works particularly good with the DGM r1 but as soon as you are about to attack aim behind you and you will either stun them which could be followed by a bs or one more hit if they don't toggle out.

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Montante Mon Sep 30, 2013 1:01 am

    Thanks for the tips, everyone. I know I could go for mid-rolling easily by using the Havel ring and letting go of the greatshield but I don't want to cop out the easy way just yet.

    I know I need to wait for them to come to me but I usually find it difficult to time my attacks to hit the enemy while they're hitting me at the same time. The result is often that they poke me and *just* manage to roll away before I hit. I need to work on my timing and observation skills, I suppose.

    @RANT, the bait parry turn-round sounds cool. Do you know of any video footage of doing it?

    Anyway, I've upgraded some more strength weapons to use. I've now got the DGM, DGH and Man-serpent Great Sword as well.

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Lacedaemon Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:34 am
    If you don't mind a level 125 here's a great fat roll build for ya. Jist add 3 more points in vit probably. but My friend is amazing with this thing and I have trouble beating it sometimes even with fast rolls. Only comment I can really give is to utilize the 2HR2 on the dragon king great axe whenever there's a good opening. Oh and I have cloranthy there for obvious reasons but if you want more poise considering its a fat roll build, try using wolf ring instead.
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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by billy_bayonet Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:49 pm

    sleepies build?

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Leet Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:11 pm

    Yeah, looks like the build that Guzan dude was using.

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Lacedaemon Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:23 pm

    Yup lol the one and only. Sleepy is pretty good with it
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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Forum Pirate Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:35 pm

    ditch the demon greataxe, get a demon great machete, learn to fight unlocked and piviot to hit them when they try to roll bs you.

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Elifia Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:51 pm

    I have used this SL55 Tarkus cosplay build with great success. I even brought it to the Warriors of Steel event (that was a long time ago) and killed Billy's dual-katana ninja with it silly

    One trick I tend to use is missing an attack on purpose to bait them into punishing me with a jump or sprint attack. Which turns into a trade that ends with them on the wrong side of a Leo-buffed 2H Greatsword R2 attack. It's a 1-hit kill against most builds I face.

    I have used a Havel cosplay too, but that was far harder. Imo, the best attacks on the greathammers are the roll attacks, but good luck landing those with fat roll. Also no stunlock.

    So my advice would probably be to use a UGS instead. Either that or lose the fat roll.

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Leet Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:08 pm

    RANT wrote:Best thing too do is never chase flippers, wait for them to come to you and trade hits or stunlock them. If you try to chat after them you'll never win, dodging str weapons with flip ring is so easy, you don't even have to try, just have patience and they'll come to you. In regards to getting roll bs'ed, you can either bait a party which is hard to do, just do a random r1 but make sure you have a lot of room, he'll think he has an opening for a bs and right after that r1 turn around right away and parry, with sufficient practice you'll get a parry like that more than you ever thought you could. One other thing is r1 then follow it up with another r1 but aim it right behind you, chances are that you'll cancel that roll bs. Another way to deal with it is to play unlocked, this works particularly good with the DGM r1 but as soon as you are about to attack aim behind you and you will either stun them which could be followed by a bs or one more hit if they don't toggle out.
    This is all you really need. Anything you'd ever need to know about strength weapons this guy knows it.

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Hugh_G_Johnson Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:06 am

    I found this looking for this.  

    My two cents would be to get used to playing unlocked... BUT, don't tip people off.  Start the fight locked and even circle to make it obvious that you're locked.  When you're ready to bait a roll BS circle from a distance then move forward, unlock then start your swing and turn around to catch the BS attempt.  

    As far for dealing with parries... pay attention to who you're dealing with.  Some people just spam parry, but less obvious signs of people who will look for parries are bucklers and any kind of weapon that can parry (especially a falchion or scimitar) in the left hand.  Another sign is what I call 'non-try-hard try-hard' builds.  This is the guy that probably looks down on 'try-hards', but has hollow soldier waistcloth and gargoyle's helm with a katana or balder side sword.  Basically, anyone who clearly has an optimized build that avoids the stigmatized gear like family masks and giant's or havel's.  Careful trying to BS anyone with a Mom's mask, Havel's chest piece, very light armor or mostly naked with a strength weapon though regardless of any hint they may parry.  People with that gear are extremely likely to just fish BSes.

    This is actually another good reason for using the DGM.  It's a very spam friendly weapon; therefore a very parry friendly weapon.  You can bait parries and then BS.  Again I like to show I'm locked ("I'm not dead-angling, go ahead and parry me!") and swing at least once from distance.  Show you're not afraid to hit the R1.  Walk towards them and when they stop to let you get close or come towards you, you can be sure a parry is coming.  Some will run right up to you after one swing, expecting someone with a UGS to flail away 2 or 3 times.  When they do... Backstab 

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Leet Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:27 am

    That first link is a really good find Hugh. At least in my opinion. I had never even thought of that. Well, looks like i'm gonna add another counter to my arsenal. Praise the Sun 

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Montante Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:37 am

    Thanks for the input, everyone. I guess it boils down to more practice. I'm looking forward to joining the FC to improve. happy

    I've also begun making a fast-rolling strength build for contrast. She'll fast roll with Smough's Hammer (yep, going there) and ninja flip with the DGM. Interested to see how that'll work out!

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:53 am

    Montante wrote: and ninja flip with the DGM.
    I hate you already.tongue  That'll be a nightmare to fight against. you should leave as long as possible before you flip, it would really throw off people when you do.

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Montante Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:06 pm

    AnCapaillMor wrote:I hate you already.tongue  That'll be a nightmare to fight against. you should leave as long as possible before you flip, it would really throw off people when you do.
    Quick update: DGM with ninja-flipping is potent. I'm without poise so there's a slight hurdle to get over but the mobility works very well with such a damaging weapon. cool
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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Rynn Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:04 pm

    Great Axes suck. They are very easy to parry and predict, and have bad rolling attacks. Try the demons great hammer, halberds, clubs, and even using that shield of yours as a weapon.

    The big important thing is to understand you're trying to trade. IF you do more damage to them than they do to you, you'll always win. Avoid unnecesary trades, but take them when efficient.
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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Forum Pirate Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:00 pm

    and if you do land a trade, most opponents are quickly or insantly stunned, leaving them open to a bs. a single dgm hit, if it stuns, ends in 1400-4800 damage. 1400 is typical, no real need to boost farther, the aura's will scare people off so you can't land a hit anyways.

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    Tank strength build pvp tips Empty Re: Tank strength build pvp tips

    Post by Aigaios Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:54 am

    If you are a tank aiming to trade hits with someone and you find it hard to counter faster weapons then get Iron Flesh, it's probably my second favorite buff in the game.

    The only thing is that you need is to know when to use it, if you get enough FAI to use GMB, use a thrust weapon and a Leo Ring you can do massive damage when your oponents weapon is defleting. If you think your oponent is using magic then use GMB if not use Iron Flesh. Also get a Black Knight Shield ready for swapping in case of pyromancies.

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