As you are all aware, over the past year we have had several issues like this one and we are unable to fix them because the Admins do not have enough control over the forums.
In order to prevent these issues and give us a more stable home, we are planning on migrating to another host. Everything there is gonna get wiped when we move the threads so do not make accounts or post yet!.
What will happen
1. We will attempt to transfer all your accounts and posting history. Forumotion refuses to give us access to the databases so we cannot transfer this easily, but we will try nonetheless.
2. Your account passwords will be reset over at the new forums, I will send new ones to you by email or you can PM me here to retrieve if you need a new email.
3. These forums will remain open for a while as we redirect people to the new ones.
Why the change
1. New themes for each forum - without the limitations from Forumotion we can design nicer skins and can add specific banners and icons to each forum. Dark Souls I can have its own banner and icons, Dark Souls II another, whenever there's a Dark Souls III another.
2. More customization - without the limitations from Forumotion we can add specific "buttons" to each forum category, to display events, user covenants, Fightclub winners, etc.
3. New reputation - the new rep system will have be transparent and allow people to see who liked and disliked. You will also be able to give comments on your rep, and the more rep you have/time you have been of forums gives you ability to hand out more rep.
4. Thread previews - we are able to install previews for thread content so you can have a quick glance at OP and Last post.
5. More editor options - we are able to control what the editors have and as such give you more access to better editor tools to make your threads and posts look nicer.
6. Better wiki integration - the new forums will fit better with the wiki and allow us to have separate language themes so the users from our other wikis (French, Portuguese, German, etc) can have the same forums as us.
7. Unified login for Fextralife blog - you will be able to use the same account on both sites if you wish to frequent both.
Logistics (why not stay with Forumotion?)
1. Forumotion charges us by the member. This is not sustainable
2. Admins cannot backup the database in Forumotion. This is dangerous
3. Admins cannot access or control the forum's core display in Forumotion. This is very limiting and causes bugs we cannot fix and limits our skins.
Things to consider:
1. Reputation and Souls cannot be automatically transferred, we would have to update reputation one by one, so I am considering a clean slate for the new forums
2. Google indexing is a factor of activity and content, we will start appearing on search there after threads are transferred and based on your activity
3. We are not done with design and features - if you have suggestions please let us know
4. This change is for the longevity of the community - we need your feedback and ideas to make it happen. We all want to be here when Dark Souls III comes out right?
Last edited by FexDS on Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:56 am; edited 1 time in total