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    Post by reim0027 Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:24 pm

    tinypantha wrote:Oh foreign language sections. Let's see how many people use google translate...
    LOL. I do, but there is a chance that program will go on strike, translating all the posts.

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    Post by tinypantha Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:28 pm

    Indeed. Lucky for me I can speak french well enough to probably translate posts if anything comes up interesting

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    Post by Emergence Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:09 am

    Ahhotep1 wrote:Ok, I'm done with this discussion. Past contributions and loyalty to the forum has little meaning. I got it. It is what it is.

    ...and you move on.
    We wouldn't be opening this up for discussion if that was the case. Not sure how this concept found its way in here. Of course it matters, that is why we are asking for ideas on how to make this transition both pleasant and realistic.
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:08 am

    Ahho reacted strongly but I kinda get where she is coming from. If it load is too much for just the two of you can't use some members who are willing to volunteer to help?

    We don't expect you and Fex to be Superman but united we're like an ant colony and we can take down megafauna.

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    Post by WaffleGuy Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:28 am

    I would gladly help with anything if I'm capable of doing it, on a side note

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    Post by FexDS Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:35 am

    Ok, there is misinformation that really needs to be addressed:

    1. If you feel we don't care about your contributions or history, you are very very wrong. The fact that I am willing to pay this amount of cash to transfer all of our accounts, threads and post history demonstrates this beyond doubt and I will not have this further questioned.

    2. Reputation cannot be automated. Nothing of it can. It's not our fault.

    3. Users cannot access the administration panel to give reputation to specific users. It would be a big security breach and put the integrity of our servers at risk, as one misclick could delete content at best and break the forums at worse. Additionally when people signed up for these forums they entrusted me with their emails and I am not going to open that up to other members to see, no matter how trustworthy I believe the member is. I take our privacy policy seriously.

    4. I have already proposed an alternative that allows you all to hand out reputation and thus bring the overall feel of the reputation back - the numbers may not be exact but you could easily hunt down each thread here and give rep to it on the other board. Why is this being ignored as not an option? I propose a solution and I get a "you don't care about us" - this does not seem logical to me.
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:01 am

    FexDS wrote:Why is this being ignored as not an option? I propose a solution and I get a "you don't care about us" - this does not seem logical to me.
    Wouldn't that be just as tedious as going over 6000 accounts? Especially with our 2-vote daily limit it'd be an impossible game of catch-up. Also, nothing ensures people would vote accordingly to the old numbers, if it's open season on rep people who have 20 rep today might wind up with 200 after the "fix."

    Mostly though, I think most people just wouldn't bother. Who wants to go sifting through old threads looking for posts to vote up/down?

    Just my thoughts on it, hope it doesn't sound too negative.

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    Post by FexDS Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:08 am

    So people don't want to bother but me saying I can't spend dozens of hours on this is a demonstration of my lack of caring? Double Standards.
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:11 am

    rolling eyes  I'm not saying you don't care. Putting your wallet to a vote is a clear indication that you do care.

    But I just don't think that this is the solution. But other reasonable people may disagree.

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    Post by FexDS Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:14 am

    That's what Ahho said Pendant. " Past contributions and loyalty to the forum has little meaning"
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:16 am

    That's why I said "I'm not saying..." and not something like "Nobody ever said..." winking 

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    Post by FexDS Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:24 am

    Ok. Your initial post made it sound like you agreed with the sentiment.

    Reality is that I am working on 14 wikis + forums + my ReaLife = I don't have time to manually sort all of your reps. Don't take offense to this, you aren't working my 20 hour days 7 days a week 365 a year.

    If you want past recognition, postcount will be there. Other than that a clean slate on rep seems like the only solution that does not involve giving away all of users personal information to a bunch of people. You can all still organize to slowly but surely uprep previous worthy content. You won't regain 300 reps from it most likely but you are already at an advantage over someone who registers tomorrow. As others mentioned when the new game comes rep is gonna mean little to knowledge as the stats and such are different. Expect new masters and new noobs.

    I'm truly saddened there is such a focus on previous contributions when we are looking at a brand new game. We should be focusing on what we will do moving forward.
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    Post by Tolvo Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:26 am

    Guy's, I'm not sure if Serious_Much, Reim, or any moderator could even be given such a role as arbiter of Reputation.  I like you Pendant, but I've got to say the concept of having my privacy compromised even by someone I like is worrying.  Just as you shouldn't trust me with it.  We may disagree with the Admins sometimes, I know I've had a few fights with them, but they do their job.  I haven't noticed any privacy problems, and they do genuinely work towards giving us new features and improving our experience on the forum.  There are options that Fex has presented which should be considered.  She heard out other options but if she feels they will not work you have to accept that man.

    EDIT: It is also a bit amusing that I am accepting of this and understand, despite the fact that I possibly have the most to lose.

    Last edited by Tolvo on Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:27 am

    FexDS wrote:If you want past recognition, postcount will be there.
    Oh, that's all I really wanted. If that's the case then I'm fine with it.

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    Post by Hart Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:44 am

    FexDS wrote:If you want past recognition, postcount will be there. Other than that a clean slate on rep seems like the only solution that does not involve giving away all of users personal information to a bunch of people.
    Due to this I think Rynn's post in the other thread brings up a good point
    Rynn wrote:I actually would prefer my postcount not to be taken if my rep is left behind. A clean slate should be entirely clean, not partially.
    I'm still on the side of a completely new begining, but assuming Fex decides to go ahead with this next-gen copy/paste of old content, I agree its a bit over the top to ask for a fix to the reputation losses from the admins; simply because as we have been told its not feasible without many hours of work by 2 people or a massive security breach in members privacy.
    If reputation is so important then its not unreasonable for you to be asked to settle the issue on your own, by collecting on the new forum and manually doing it yourselves. While keeping the 2 rep limit per day might make it an inconvenience for some, its no more work in the long run than it would be for the 2 admins and probably considerably less if its spread across everyone.
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:51 am

    Fine, whatever. I don't care anymore. Just wipe it all then, I'm not going to sour the entire mood for the move just because, well I just really rather not even say.
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    Post by Tolvo Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:03 am

    I understand this is really important to you, it is to me too. I would rather keep my rep, I mean come on look at that sexy number. I forgot what I was talking about.

    Anyway, let's just try to be level headed about it and accept the limitations of the forum system and what can reasonably be done without putting risk into the equation. There's not much that can be done so there is no reason to get too stressed out thinking about it.
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    Post by Serious_Much Fri Nov 08, 2013 4:03 am

    Moderators would not be able to do the rep either as we don't have the permissions. Also honestly I don't have the time to sit and click rep all day to rectify it. I understand the sentiment of wishing to have your past work appreciated, but any solution besides the one fex outlined so far has not been feasible.

    The admins are bending over backwards for you with this move. Making threads asking what you want on the forums, paying $600 so we can have all our old threads and posts, reworking the whole forum and wiki setup so it's sustainable in the long term.. So many instances of their caring for this community. Then all I see here is a few people getting upset over one number. It's not their fault, and honestly it's the least of their worries and far less important than everything else they've been doing.

    How's about we give them some support after the last 3 years of their selfless hard work instead of blindly accusing? They deserve more than that.

    @hart- The reputation limit is now variable. I believe you start with 2, but as you gain more rep and have been on the forum for a longer time, the amount of 'rep power' (rep you can give per day) increases. It also increases based on your membership in certain forum groups, hence why I'm starting off with 10 rep power. I'll be sure to do my part in giving people their dues for threads posted over to deserving members.
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    Post by Forum Pirate Fri Nov 08, 2013 6:29 am

    Perhaps this is partly my fualt, i may have set the wrong tone.

    I didn't make, nor do I condone, an emotion based course of action. I was pointing out a logically justifiable grievance that i run into often in other places. it has nothing to do with preference, we were told it's not feasable for security reasons, so thats the end of it.

    the point to my complaint was to find a solution. one was given, that is minimal effort and a second chance to rep appropriately at the same time. if people care enough about it to get emotional, is it not a better better idea to just to spend that energy 10 minutes a day, while you're here anyways i might add, for a week or 2, repping old posts that deserve it? i can think of several, without looking at anything. the invasion rate updates and blains initial damage calculations, for example.
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    Post by Tolvo Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:23 am

    I should mention I talked with pendant on twitter. He seems to have calmed down and while unhappy about the change I think he understands the reasoning for why one of us just can't do it. So no need to keep dwelling on what he said, though I understand Serious and Forum just wanting to set the record straight. Also it 's okay Forum I understand your side, it's all good everybody.

    Don't feel bad about getting upset, it is hard to accept change especially about a forum you might consider your internet home. Let's just be patient with each other and the admins and try to be civil about this. It is an exciting time right now.
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    Post by Onion Knight Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:50 am

    When is the migration happening? Any rough dates yet? happy
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    Post by Ahhotep1 Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:09 pm

    Tolvo wrote:I should mention I talked with pendant on twitter.  He seems to have calmed down and while unhappy about the change I think he understands the reasoning for why one of us just can't do it. So no need to keep dwelling on what he said, though I understand Serious and Forum just wanting to set the record straight. Also it 's okay Forum I understand your side, it's all good everybody.

    Don't feel bad about getting upset, it is hard to accept change especially about a forum you might consider your internet home. Let's just be patient with each other and the admins and try to be civil about this. It is an exciting time right now.
    I up rep'd you Tolvo! Gosh, it's been ages since doing that. And ya wanna know something...I have never down rep'd you during our (now in the past) grudge match. lol

    But you really do deserve the +rep, my friend. big grin

    I thought you would be the one to throw the tantrum. Nope, it was yours I usually don't post when I'm upset about something...but rather...take a breather and calm down. I failed in an inglorious manner this time. I still have a  thing or two to learn from you. silly

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    Post by Emergence Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:43 pm

    Ok let's refocus the thread back on to the points of relevance for the site. Giving a quick look around you will see that there are some new features and functionality and some others that are familiar but maybe done in a different way or different location. Phpbb is a fantastic platform for forums and very intuitive. We are going to rely on feedback to best implement the awesome tools. I am really excited for the future potential to add dice rolls and other features that can help facilitate the spontaneous rpg threads that always seem to pop up. The integration with the blog is also a huge win and makes this migration all about creating a homespace for each one of us to express ourselves as completely as possible in an online sphere.

    Last edited by Emergence on Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:46 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Massive phone typos)
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    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:56 pm

    E I respect you but that post got my spelling habit on edge. Spell check man!

    Okay that aside I think some of us forget that the new forum is a wider and more improved version if what we have, in time as the new forum is young. Also I spent the night thinking in my last post with points and creditability, and I realized this: the new forum is up now while the dksii game will not be out till March. As for now there really is no influx of new players while majority here are vets. So assuming there will be no influx soon and if the majority here on the new forum before noise lost my train of thought... Blunt point: if we move there in the coming weeks in a clean slate we can rebuild our creditability before the game is out and still have our credits for the new players to listen to us.

    Rereading this I wish I wrote this last night for better understanding but I think I got the point through partly clear. Sorry if it doesn't.

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    Post by Emergence Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:10 pm

    Haha Soris. Well the editor doesn't display on my mobile browser for some reason so I am just typing in the dark. Further reason phpbb is a saving grace. We really have made a lot out of what is a very limited platform here. I think one thing we are good at is maximizing the tools at our disposal so just imagine what we can pull off with a near limitless platform.

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