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    Gravelords UNITE!


    Covenant Name Selection

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:34 am

    Hey guys, especially all you potential Gravelords out there, this thread is basically an advertisement for a potential Gravelord user covenant that DVx04 and myself intend to start.

    It should run across both systems, PSN and Xbox Live, with myself working to administer to the PSN side of things and DVx04 running the Xbox Live side.

    Our goal is to get a compiled list of Gravelords, provide events for all Gravelords, organise means to invade one another to help gets eyes for our nefarious deeds, and provide new covenanters with advice and help.

    Basically we want people to know that the Gravelord Servants aren't a broken covenant, they are definately worth playing as, and that we will be working to curse as many players as humanly possible.

    We don't have a name or anything like that yet we are relying on people who express interest in joining our noble cause to provide names and the support we need to get this thread stickied so more and more people can get in on the good times.

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to post them here we want to generate publicity for ourselves, and if we get the required support I'll post a new thread with the Covenant name and players PSN/XBL user names so we can all co ordinate. \

    Also If I've missed anything Gravelord related DVx04 is always there to correct me.

    cheers Praise the Gravelord and remember that Papa Nito loves you.

    Last edited by ViralEnsign_ on Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:00 am; edited 2 times in total
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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:07 am

    Well, I just farmed up Gravelord Servant to +3 on my Faith character to make the best use of the Gravelord Greatsword Dance, may as well sign him up for this. I've always thought they were an interesting covenant, just never had any need to invest in them up until now happy

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:13 am

    Thanks for getting this started Viral. big grin

    Welcome to the Gravelord Covenant Members Thread.
    The purpose of this thread is to help others Gravelord successfully by:
    1. Explaining the mechanics of spreading misery.
    2. Assistance in providing Eyes of Death. The Eyes must keep flowing.
    3. Recommend builds.
    4. State and call on other Gravelords to join you in spreading misery
    by area and soul level.
    5. Planning and executing Gravelordcentric events.

    Due to the mysterious nature of the Gravelord covenant many people have felt that is its broken. In reality there are several factors that need to be met before using the Eye of Death.

    Here is a short list:

    1. Must be human
    2. Area boss must be alive
    3. Must be within WSS summoning range
    4. Must be in a high traffic area(for sign to be visible to others)
    5. Must not run all over the place (stand or walk in a small area because sign follows you)

    Full details and Expert advice are found here:

    cheers Praise the Gravelord!!

    Nito :face:

    Last edited by DxV04 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:55 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:14 am

    Reaperfan wrote:Well, I just farmed up Gravelord Servant to +3 on my Faith character to make the best use of the Gravelord Greatsword Dance, may as well sign him up for this. I've always thought they were an interesting covenant, just never had any need to invest in them up until now happy

    Welcome Reaperfan glad you are joining! big grin
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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by Tolvo Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:21 am

    Just so you know the Forest Hunters send you guys our best wishes, I might actually be making a GL toon soon as well since Nito is my favourite Dark Souls character, might as well give his cov a try haha.

    I've always wondered what are some recommended weapons for Gravelording given that you may be fighting multiple targets? I imagine it would be similar to weapons that are good for fighting farmers in the forest?

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:32 am

    Tolvo wrote:Just so you know the Forest Hunters send you guys our best wishes, I might actually be making a GL toon soon as well since Nito is my favourite Dark Souls character, might as well give his cov a try haha.

    I've always wondered what are some recommended weapons for Gravelording given that you may be fighting multiple targets? I imagine it would be similar to weapons that are good for fighting farmers in the forest?
    Proper Bow Thanks for the support, I hope the increase in Gravelords will give Forest Hunters new allies in their battles against Campers. I think as far as truces are concerned GL and FH have the best chance of having a succesfull one.

    With regards to weapons. I would agree that similar tactics could be used by GLs but I would like to add that GLs also need to master critical hits in order to control jumper invaders. Some do wait for their turn to PvP but others don't (specially in Xbox it seems hehe) Noobs! LOL lol!

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:34 am

    By the way Tolvo, when you do decide to run a GL character please let us know so we can provide you with EoDs big grin
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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by Tolvo Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:40 am

    For Critical strikes I always go straight for the Gargoyle Halberd, decent weight and with a Hornets Ring it can easily OHKO a person, I save that weapon for when I see farmers and summons who have weaker armor, you should see a Riposte with one. I've never seen anyone survive that, even a MotM Full +5 Giants with 99 vit build I've seen killed in one hit from it, the damage is ridiculous.

    I'll be good, I farm EoD's commonly on my hunter to pass out to GL's in the forest, so I'll just do it on my new toon to rank up then start with the pulling of worlds.

    By the way if you've checked the Glory of Alvina Thread, we are going to try and start up an Event date for the Gravelords and Forest Hunters to extremely punish the farmers one weekend, one of the main reasons I've been stocking up on the eyes to pass them out.

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by LittleLuden Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:43 am

    sign me in, mate!

    (i am running out of eyes now. two left. going to buy three from patches later on, then i need to earn some. i don´t fancy going back to this stupid tree for farming frogs. just hate that place.)

    Last edited by LittleLuden on Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by Tolvo Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:44 am

    The depths is much better of a place in my opinion to do it, faster to get to, easier to get back, and a lot more Frogs I think.

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:45 am

    OH I must go the Glory thread then!!! I need to know this so I can spread the word. Thanks for the heads up and info on the Gargoyle Halbred
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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by Tolvo Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:47 am

    I'm pretty sure Broke or Strange is going to set up a thread for the event and possibly get it stickied. So when that time comes I'll post the link in here for everyone to join in on the, "Forest of the Damned," I think is the current name for it.

    EDIT: You should definitely talk with Broke, he is sending messages to the GL and Hunters on the Xbox using I believe the book of sinners. I should do the same on the PSN as well, damn do I hate typing using a controller. I really need to buy one of those little keyboard attachment things if they have it on the PS3.

    Last edited by Tolvo on Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:49 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:48 am

    LittleLuden wrote:sign me in, mate!

    (i am running out of eyes now. two left. going to buy three from patches later on, then i need to earn some. i don´t fancy going back to this stupid tree for farming frogs. just hate that place.)

    Xbox or PS3 and welcome!! What is your sl? Where do you plan to earn them? Farming in the Depths IMO is a mixed bag, can be good can be horrible just make sure your humanity is at least 10 so you become curse resistant.

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by LittleLuden Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:57 am

    DxV04 wrote:
    LittleLuden wrote:sign me in, mate!

    (i am running out of eyes now. two left. going to buy three from patches later on, then i need to earn some. i don´t fancy going back to this stupid tree for farming frogs. just hate that place.)

    Xbox or PS3 and welcome!! What is your sl? Where do you plan to earn them? Farming in the Depths IMO is a mixed bag, can be good can be horrible just make sure your humanity is at least 10 so you become curse resistant.

    i´m on ps3. sl 101 at the moment, plan is to reach 120 and stop there. i try farming in the depths, probably the great hollow aswell (despite my deep animosity against that place. most likely i will go and use my last two eyes in dukes archives. i may earn some there.

    i found demon ruins quite bad for gravelording. had only darkwraith invading and nobody reacted on the eod. anybody experiences in the ruins?

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by befowler Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:30 am

    Had my first actual duel with a gravelord last night (had a prior one where I invaded but the gravelord was slain before I even got a chance to move). It was in Duke's Archives, and this guy had found a perfect spot right near the balcony bonfire. Thus the gravelord sign appeared right near the bonfire where he stood, so I'm sure he was getting tons of invasions due to the high traffic there. In addition, because he was so close to the bonfire you could actually see him standing there even if you were still in your own world, as one of those highly detailed phantoms you see near bonfires sometimes. I even saw him use an eye of death that way. Plus when I would invade, I would have to come down that long staircase in the middle of the room and to be honest this guy looked awesome standing there covered in gravelord smoke while backlit by the light coming in from the balcony. I'm not sure I've seen the Archives listed on people's "best places to gravelord" lists so thought I would mention it.

    Another item of note is that whenever I would put my own summoning sign down, his gravelord sign would disappear. I assume this is to prevent network conflicts. If I then canceled my sign, his would reappear. This was news to me, and unfortunately presumably could cut into your gravelord invasions if your victims are there for coop as well and never see your sign due to having theirs down.

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by Deadmeat95 Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:40 am

    Well dark u alrdy know ive been GLing, i havnt had much luck since that one nite me and u GLed the forest. Def count me in for some GL events.

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by Brokewilly Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:57 am

    Yeah - to all GLs we are planning a "Forest of the Damned" covenant event - roughly planned for the Sat Mar 17th or Sat Mar 24th. I have sent a PM to Emergence to get instructions on how to create a sticky post for the event. I will also be setting up voice conf bridge (for U.S. players) and group chat (for US and Non-US players) so we should have adequate control and communications established for the event. Hopefully some of you guys use Google Voice which will allow you make calls directly into the voice bridge from a desktop/laptop via headsets (or you could use a regular phone with a speaker phone) so you can keep ur hands free. We are also going to try to keep a kill list so we compile a tally as a way to measure the success of the mass invasion.

    As Tolvo stated I am currently combing through the Book of Guilty on the XBOX compiling a list of hunters and GLs so I can contact them to let them know the event will be occuring and point them to the forum. I should be done with that in the next couple of days. If you know of any GLs please direct them to the sticky post once its created.

    I also need to farm some EoDs to hand out to GLs I invade during the event as payment for spreading BPs (boy I love this GL ability).

    DxV04 - what do think would be good gesture to do when a hunter invades a GL to make them aware we hunters are not a threat and to let them know we have EoDs to hand out?
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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by Tolvo Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:49 pm

    Maybe, Prayer, or dropping a Prism stone and Prostration, Prostration might be a good choice in that it is something that is gained after the defeat of the TotG's, though that would limit low level participates.

    Almost at 99 EoD here! I can't wait to start chucking them to my GL friends in the forest.
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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:54 pm

    also cause of the zero requirement on the cov miracle you don' have to be a faith build to make the most use of the covanent, if your an int build just whip out a velka's talisman(really nice scaling).

    and sign me up as well though im not sure about scheduals etc for events.

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by dominoboy Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:55 pm

    Don't forget that you can infect someone who've had defeated his area boss and the sign is visible for them also making GL servants active for just anybody!
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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by Tolvo Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:45 pm

    If you didn't spot it quite yet at the top of the Covenant Page, here is the link leading to the Forest Invasion and GL event thread! Let's dominate that forest!

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by Brokewilly Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:01 pm

    Tolvo wrote:Maybe, Gravelords UNITE! 3510096238, or dropping a Prism stone and Gravelords UNITE! 1330857165, Gravelords UNITE! 1330857165 might be a good choice in that it is something that is gained after the defeat of the TotG's, though that would limit low level participates.

    Almost at 99 EoD here! I can't wait to start chucking them to my GL friends in the forest.

    Great idea - either a gesture or combination of a gesture and dropping of a prism stone should indicate to any GLs that we are not a threat. I really want the GLs to be at ease and do their thing during the mass invasion. I will edit the the first post in this thread to indicate the agreed upon show of peace to GLs so all invaders can use the same type of gesture so as not to confuse the GLs.

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:37 pm

    befowler wrote:
    Another item of note is that whenever I would put my own summoning sign down, his gravelord sign would disappear. I assume this is to prevent network conflicts. If I then canceled my sign, his would reappear. This was news to me, and unfortunately presumably could cut into your gravelord invasions if your victims are there for coop as well and never see your sign due to having theirs down.

    This is an important item to note. Thanks for pointing this out befowler. I will need to test out the ramifications of this besides what you have stated.

    There is an ongoing debate or some theorize that the GL sign spawns multiple worlds but only 3 of those worlds get BP's. It did not see you had any BPs in your world but in order to get invasions via the EoD the sign must be present in more than just 3 worlds other wise it would severly limit invasions based on your observations. Let us hope that the theory holds true.

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:39 pm

    Brokewilly wrote:
    Tolvo wrote:Maybe, Gravelords UNITE! 3510096238, or dropping a Prism stone and Gravelords UNITE! 1330857165, Gravelords UNITE! 1330857165 might be a good choice in that it is something that is gained after the defeat of the TotG's, though that would limit low level participates.

    Almost at 99 EoD here! I can't wait to start chucking them to my GL friends in the forest.

    Great idea - either a gesture or combination of a gesture and dropping of a prism stone should indicate to any GLs that we are not a threat. I really want the GLs to be at ease and do their thing during the mass invasion. I will edit the the first post in this thread to indicate the agreed upon show of peace to GLs so all invaders can use the same type of gesture so as not to confuse the GLs.

    I like the prism stone then prayer but if you have a dry finger use that instead of the prayer emote. Symbolizing the EoD effect. I am not sure if FH can use the Dry finger but I know DW and Cracked orb users can.

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    Gravelords UNITE! Empty Re: Gravelords UNITE!

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:40 pm

    Deadmeat95 wrote:Well dark u alrdy know ive been GLing, i havnt had much luck since that one nite me and u GLed the forest. Def count me in for some GL events.

    Great!!! Another killer GL in the ranks! Yes we had too much fun that day too.

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