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    Velka, the First Firekeeper


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    Velka, the First Firekeeper Empty Velka, the First Firekeeper

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:43 am

    After reading Acid's post about Velka being the Firekeeper of the First Flame and Gwyn's wife, some theories came to my mind. I posted them on Acid's thread, and I'll paste them here.

    I think Velka is the Pygmy. She has the Power of the Dark Soul. She uses that power to keep the First Flame alive, feeding it with humanities. She has the Dark Miracles, Dark Ember and Large Flame Ember. Oswald the Pardoner says that it is only human to commit a sin. She sins with having Priscilla with Seath. She meets Kaathe and begins to plan the Age of Darkness. Everything is connected. I loved the part of the two opposite Daughters seeing each other in Anor Londo. One is the goddess of fertility and sunlight, the other an Antithesis to all human life. Congratulations Acid, I love Priscilla more now thanks to you, lol.


    Acid now that you have concluded that Velka is the mother of all of Gwyn's sons and I think everyone concurs, lets do some philosophy. I think you and I agree that the Four Statues of the Maiden with a Baby are Velka with her four Sons. Can we identify the Babies by statue location? I have some ideas. The one in Firelink is Priscilla, the one at Catacombs is Gwyndolin, the one at the Church is Gwynevere and the one at Sunlight Altar is God of War. What do you think?


    Acid I hope you love this. I was fighting ghosts in New Londo, then I observed that female ones have like some kind of oval object. When they attack with their Ghost Blade, it seems that the other hand still holds the object. I think they are carrying babies like the one on Velka's statue of Firelink Shrine. That's not the only thing, there's more. These female ghosts have an Lightning attack, like the one the Drakes guarding New Londo use. This attack comes from the center of the ghost, or the baby. I think that the women in New Londo where giving birth to Crossbreeds!!!!!! I also noticed that the statue of Firelink Shrine rests on some kind of roots, almost the same as the Everlasting Dragon.


    Another theory for you, my friend. I don't think Velka died and then the Flame started to fade away, is that she abandoned her duties as a Firekeeper to work on her ritual with the power of the Dark and the Flame in New Londo. These rituals are very mysterious, but I think is has to do with the Rite if Kindling (as it is a Dark Flame). I'm trying to make a connection with the curse of the undead. Why did the Dark Sign appear? Is it a punishment for Velka abandoning her duties as a Firekeeper? I consider Velka as the Pygmy, she is the goddess of sin and after all it is human to sin. This means she is our ancestor, bearer of the Dark Soul and mother of humanity.


    Im sure Velka is the Pygmy, Doughguy. I dont see a connection between the Dark Soul and the God of War. There's so little information of that bastard that makes me furious. I starting to doubt that the statue of the Sunlight Altar is actually him, or a replica of his young father. Instead, the conclusion that Acid made about Velka being the First Firekeeper and wife to Lotd Gwyn seems to me very logical. You know that firekeepers use humanity to keep their bonfire alive, as it is stated that their firekeeper souls hold 'infinite' humanity. Dont you think that (if the Dark Soul is a infinite resource of humanity, of that Im sure, as all humans have fragments of it) Velka could use the Dark Soul to keep the First Flame lit, as it is an inmense source of energy, heat and life?


    Yeah that is the part that kills my argument, that the Pygmy was forgotten, just like the God of War, how convenient.... I think I am starting to hate him, he is a complete troll!!!!! Everyone forgets him, he doesnt remember a thing, nobody mentions him anywhere in the game!!!!! LOL
    How about this... If the Firekeeper is bound to the Flame, it means she was alone in the Kiln, and everyone in Anor Londo was happy and celebrating the Age of Fire. Do you think everyone easily forgot about her???? That no one care about her, not even her own husband, because he was too busy maintaining the Order?

    Another thing about the God of War, there is not a single miracle, weapon or armor that the God of War had used, that has to do with the power of the Dark (Occult, Dark Miracles, Dark Hand). The only things that he used are Sunlight Blade and maybe the Dragonslayer Spear and other Lightning Weapons, Robes of the Great Lord or Ornstein Armor, his ring that boosts miracles and maybe the Lightning Spears miracle, although he had only respect for arms.

    The Firekeeper needed the power of Dark Soul to keep that Super Flame alive, if not, I think the Flame would consume her. I think that when she found the Dark Soul it somewhat became a part of her body ( Firekeeper Scar clue). Velka was a Witch, her miracles are Dark, her statues are in New Londo, her Weapons are Occult, Dark Ember, Large Flame Ember, Priscilla...everything makes sense.


    I joined the Dragon Covenant today and was thinking why that damn Dragon has a bonfire, and has some kind of black fur, instead of stone scales. I also received the Dragon Eye and the head for the first time ( I had never joined them) and it says that the apostles used somw kind of rite for transforming into dragons. We already know that Velka is probably the mother of Priscilla, as the statues with the 'maiden' and a child are in both New Londo and the Painted World. It seems that the Occultists of New Londo were experimenting with Dragons (I think those female ghosts really have baby crossbreeds with lighting breath). So how about this

    1. Velka was the First Firekeeper.

    2. She abandoned her duties to keep the Flame lit.

    3. She joined the Occultists of New Londo.

    4. She was so obsessed with Dragons that she had Priscilla with Seath.

    5. She found the way using the rites to transform into the Dragon of Ash Lake.

    6. She still has 'Firekeeper abilities', lol, and she maintains the bonfire of Ash Lake lit.


    I found many things that ties Velka to being the famous Pygmy. Post your ideas, theories and findings.

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    Velka, the First Firekeeper Empty Re: Velka, the First Firekeeper

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:02 am

    Lol this is all good stuff and I'll add my thoughts once I've mulled it over. But way to get a guy enthused, indirectly, about your covenant.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Velka, the First Firekeeper Empty Re: Velka, the First Firekeeper

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:05 am

    I think Velka my have seen the power er flame gave Gwyn and became jealous. thus she turned to the dark to find more power. Once she was in a position that the exstinguishing of the first flame would not kill her (I take the view if a bonfire does so does the keeper)she exstinguished it herself so her power would be the only power. But then the chaos flame was made and gwyn went to link with the fire and she was forced to hide until she could enact her plan. Thus she used priscilla and the occultists she founded to drive the gods from lordran so she could cememnt her rule. However Seath outplayed her and made her flee as well. This she created the darksign to put intp motion the events that would lead to the dark lord ending.

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    Velka, the First Firekeeper Empty Re: Velka, the First Firekeeper

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:34 am

    I have one somewhat proof that the Firekeeper must be bound or near to the bonfire. When the Firekeeper of Anor Londo fights you her bonfire is extinguished. So this means keeping the bonfire alive is some kind of job or duty, and it's like being enslaved to the bonfire. I think Velka could had breaks to be with Gwyn and her family and visit Anor Londo, after all the First Flame was being fed by the Dark Soul, the source of infinite humanity and not easily extinguished, but with time. She then had to go back to her Firekeeping duties and in time Gwyn and her sons forgot about her. They were too busy doing their jobs in Anor Londo in the Age of Fire.
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    Velka, the First Firekeeper Empty Re: Velka, the First Firekeeper

    Post by ublug Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:53 pm

    WyrmHero wrote:I have one somewhat proof that the Firekeeper must be bound or near to the bonfire. When the Firekeeper of Anor Londo fights you her bonfire is extinguished. So this means keeping the bonfire alive is some kind of job or duty, and it's like being enslaved to the bonfire.
    If you attack Gwynevere, the Anor Londo Firekeeper will move to the cathedral stairs, and you can then continue to use her bonfire. So she must only be alive to keep it lit.

    Bonfires will always (except some rare cases) extinguish when you are fighting near them, phantoms (online) will also extinguish them. You can hear some of the bonfires being lit up when you get near them, especially if you arrive from below (lift from new londo/ladder from pit in tomb of giants).

    It's said in the game that the bonfires tended by firekeepers are special and linked to each other, but the only visual difference from other bonfires is that they are lit and kindled by default, and can be warped to with the lordvessel. Also, why can we only revive the firelink firekeeper?

    Each Fire Keeper is a corporeal manifestation of her bonfire, and a draw for the humanity which is offered to her. Her soul is gnawed by infinite humanity, and can boost the power of the precious Estus Flask. The Estus Flasks are linked to the Fire Keepers. The Dark Tales also make reference:
    An emerald flask, from the Keeper's soul
    She lives to protect the flame,
    And dies to protect it further

    What I read from this is that She is her bonfire, and You are the flame.

    - Sorry, this got a bit off topic...

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