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    From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back.


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    From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back. Empty From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back.

    Post by Dj-B-Man-Jr Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:24 pm

    From really messed up naming and classifying the pole weapons (scythes and halberds). Why are the scythe, great scythe, lifehunt scythe and titanite catchpole classified as halberds?

    A halberd is a pole weapon that consists of an axe blade with a spike or spear-head on top. A scythe is an agricultural tool with a blade and nothing more at its tip and the titanite catch pole is a long magical pole with no blade, spear head or axe blade.

    The only thing these have in common is the fact that they are long pole weapons. IMO From should have kept the "Pole Weapon" class from demon's souls instead of naming any long weapon that isn't a spear a halberd. Or, at least make a class for the "true" scythes (lifehunt and great) as they have an entirely different moveset than the halberd and titanite pole weapons. You can change an entire moveset for two weapons but you can't change their class? Come on From.

    Also, why is a weapon that is actually a scythe called the "Great scythe" while a weapon that is more of an executioner's tool is simply named "Scythe." IMO that should be changed.

    Again, In my opinion, From should really change all this in the next patch.
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    From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back. Empty Re: From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back.

    Post by Reaperfan Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:19 pm

    If they had not chosen the name "halberd" for the official weapon type, and instead chosen the name "polearm," how much of a problem would this be? I get your point, since the only two actual halberds we have are the actual Halberd from the Parish and the Black Knight Halberd, and then there's the Lucerne, which is somewhat debatable since it fights a bit differently, but it sounds more like you have a problem with what they decided to call these weapons as opposed to what the weapons actually are winking

    And yeah, it bugs the crap outta me that the "Scythe" is actually a Bardiche, regardless of my point here, that's just kinda confusing what they were thinking :|

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    From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back. Empty Re: From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back.

    Post by Dj-B-Man-Jr Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:46 pm

    Reaperfan wrote:If they had not chosen the name "halberd" for the official weapon type, and instead chosen the name "polearm," how much of a problem would this be? I get your point, since the only two actual halberds we have are the actual Halberd from the Parish and the Black Knight Halberd, and then there's the Lucerne, which is somewhat debatable since it fights a bit differently, but it sounds more like you have a problem with what they decided to call these weapons as opposed to what the weapons actually are winking

    And yeah, it bugs the crap outta me that the "Scythe" is actually a Bardiche, regardless of my point here, that's just kinda confusing what they were thinking :|

    Ah, i completely forgot the black knight halberd, lucerne and giant's halberd. >< And i wouldn't have a problem if they changed the offical weapon type to "polearm." Far more accurate and less confusing and frustrating. I also never knew what the ingame "Scythe" really was, i remember seeing it being used by executioners in movies and video games so i assumed thats what it would be called.
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    From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back. Empty Re: From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back.

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:02 am

    I DONT LIKE THIS IDEA!!! silly

    in seriousness, i want a pole class, but i literally mean a POLE class. Like the phosphorescent pole in demons, except and entire class of them, whether they're plain, have orbs/crest things on the end to make em look different I want this class of weapons.

    I wouldn't stop using them. The badass factor is pretty high for these kinda weapons I think lol!

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    From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back. Empty Re: From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back.

    Post by BartholomewWenceslas Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:46 am

    The thing I never understood between the great scythe and the scythe is the great scythe is technically worse than the scythe, so what makes it so great? I completely agree with serious though, poles would be an amazing weapon.
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    From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back. Empty Re: From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back.

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:31 am

    combat staffs... one with bladed flanges on both ends one with blue crystal orbs on each end (int scale) a basic blunt pole etc...

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    From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back. Empty Re: From needs to bring the "Pole weapon" class back.

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