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    Pendant theories


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    Pendant theories Empty Pendant theories

    Post by Rockstar2112 Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:31 am

    A lot of places say the description of the pendant matching the sunlight medal is a localization issue. What if it isn't? Has anyone ever maxed out the Warrior of Sunlight covenant to rank 3 and tried stuff with the pendant? I don't know if many people have the patience to collect 80 Sunlight Medals and give them all to the altar is all.

    Or maybe it could be linked to fully kindling all bonfires as Petrus of Thorolund says that kindling is the key to power or something like that.

    Just some thoughts.
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    Pendant theories Empty Re: Pendant theories

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:49 am

    I think Gol was actually doing Research with this, you should message him and ask him about it, though I don't think he's on right now.

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    Pendant theories Empty Re: Pendant theories

    Post by bla Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:20 am

    Tried that one (fully kindling bonfires) just for kicks and nothing. Other peolpe have done it as well.

    The search continues but the truth is that the cake, I mean the pendant is a lie happy

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    Pendant theories Empty Re: Pendant theories

    Post by Rockstar2112 Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:10 am

    As a SunBro myself I was thinking I'd look into my first theory if no-one else was giving it a go.

    And ahhh, that's a shame... I really hope the devs weren't lying and that the pendant really does do something cool tbh.

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    Pendant theories Empty Re: Pendant theories

    Post by bla Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:22 am

    Oh by the way I don't think I finished as way of the white or sunbros when I kindled everything. Just a heads up.

    I think everybody hopes/hoped the pendant did something. At least the tiny witch's ring does. Simply trading the pendant to snuggly seems... well, a letdown.
    But think about it: what better way to keep forums guessing and people playing.
    The director said you should take the pendant or nothing: many people cling to this for meaning. I look at the last part of the sentence. He's basically saying to begin dark souls with absolutely nothing to help you.
    The witch's ring only unlocks a bit of story, so gameplay-wise it doesn't help either. Maybe the pendant could have a similar use... but I doubt it.

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    Pendant theories Empty Re: Pendant theories

    Post by Gol Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:45 am

    Tolvo wrote:I think Gol was actually doing Research with this, you should message him and ask him about it, though I don't think he's on right now.

    That wasn't me.
    I'm doing some experimentations and searching abouteverything I think of, and I found some interesting stuff, I think I'll create a thread one day but I don't like to write so... I don't know when.
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    Pendant theories Empty Re: Pendant theories

    Post by skarekrow13 Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:57 am

    There's pendant talk aplenty all over. I know there's a few dedicated threads including some research that was done (Glyphblade's has a TON). There's also some lore ideas buried in some of those threads. I stumbled across some stuff while researching for Emergence's thread and posted in one of the pendant threads.

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    Pendant theories Empty Re: Pendant theories

    Post by TheTruth Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:34 pm

    Rockstar2112 wrote:
    Or maybe it could be linked to fully kindling all bonfires as Petrus of Thorolund says that kindling is the key to power or something like that.

    i started a cleric with pendent as my gift, whent threw the whole game kindling all bonfires as WoW to see if there was a link between WoW (aka Petrus Clue about kindling) and the Pendent. my test came up fail, as nothing was diffrent. however doing this as a sunbro+3 maybe diffrent.
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    Pendant theories Empty Re: Pendant theories

    Post by PlasticandRage Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:29 pm

    You guys think the pendant could have anything to do with Demon's? I'm making a new character right now and it just occurred to me. I passed by the description "fond memories comfort travelers." I know Hideo Kojima often includes little easter eggs and things in his games if you have game data from other konami games. I wonder if that could be the case here? Like the pendant only works if you have Demon's save data, or maybe even the other way? Like having save data with a pendant will somehow alter the Demon's experience? Has this been discussed before?

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