I've just begun taking a bit of an interest in the pendant, and wanted to have a place to discuss all theories behind it. The Archives has a thread on the White Seance Ring that's veered a bit towards pendant discussion; "another theory" thread; a Reah thread, etc. Point is I don't see a pure "Pendant" thread.
1. Like I said my interest in the matter is only just burgeoning so please excuse me if I'm re-treading old theories--I have some catching up to do! So the question I want to start with is: has it already been brought to the maidens in Duke's Prison? Reah's a maiden, she has a pendant; they were once maidens; the pendant is supposed to have something to do with memories, hence maybe they're related! Thoughts?
2. I also like what's being proposed in another thread about the White Seance Ring. Not to steal your ideas guys, but it was a thread about the ring and I didn't want to hijack it with too much pendant talk, so I thought I'd move it here. Anyone have thoughts on the White Seance Ring + Way of White Covenant + Pendant, in the Parish Church?
Again, sorry if I'm re-treading old ground, but if this doesn't bring anything new to the table then at least it'll help me catch up so we can move forward together!