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    Pendant Theories

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed May 09, 2012 4:20 pm

    I don't recall anyone specifically doing that. That's worth a shot. Feed that greedy b*****d

    I don't recall a crestfallen warrior drop. Go for it.

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by skillbilly Wed May 09, 2012 4:21 pm

    cdr2783 wrote:So Im on NG+ and had to run through asylum today. I'm aware of pendant theroies and mess around with it every now and then. Picked up peculiar doll and remembered what they said about starting gift so figured it may be useful there. dropped pendant where doll was and fought stray demon. died once. beat him next round. I went back to pick up pendant because I figured nothing happened and found it had turned to a prism stone.

    I have no more pendants to mess around with so i cant do much more with it.

    Prism stone descriptions says something about a rare 8th color. I chucked it and it was a orangish-yellow.

    Perhaps there are several locations. Quoted above is in the Asylum. What if more than one were dropped in those locations? Would there be more prism stones, or something else? What if something like the elite cleric armor required several pendant drops in several locations - each location yielding a different piece of the set. I know that seems far-fetched, but is anything too outlandish to try until either the pendant's secret is revealed or FROM tells us that there is no secret?
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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed May 09, 2012 4:22 pm

    I'm going to feed Frampt until he explodes. I'll post any results I may or may not have.

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by skillbilly Wed May 09, 2012 4:26 pm

    Emergence wrote:
    cdr2783 wrote:So Im on NG+ and had to run through asylum today. I'm aware of pendant theroies and mess around with it every now and then. Picked up peculiar doll and remembered what they said about starting gift so figured it may be useful there. dropped pendant where doll was and fought stray demon. died once. beat him next round. I went back to pick up pendant because I figured nothing happened and found it had turned to a prism stone.

    I have no more pendants to mess around with so i cant do much more with it.

    Prism stone descriptions says something about a rare 8th color. I chucked it and it was a orangish-yellow.

    This also happened to someone with who dropped the pendant on Artorias' grave. They reloaded to find a prism. The player was wearing a very specific set of clothing/gear. It's in glyph's stickied thread somewhere. Kinda curious I think.

    Above is the message about it happening at Artorias' grave. Anyone know where 'glyph's stickied thread' is? I'd like to read it.
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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed May 09, 2012 4:31 pm

    The one right above this thread. Curl up and get ready. It's a long one

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by GkMrBane Wed May 09, 2012 4:53 pm

    And for the recod im talking about the worrior by the Fire link bonfire if anyone needed me to know.
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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed May 09, 2012 5:05 pm

    Oh, the other thing I kept coming across was people saying they've been sighting a mysterious crouching NPC in the black muck where the titanite demons are in Sens. Some speculation has been that it's a 4th Patches appearance. Any thoughts? Experiences?

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by FattyOfDoom Thu May 10, 2012 9:25 am

    This is my theory. The pendant is Gywn's, as when he left to relight the flame, he left with the pendant to keep memories of his children, so it is not an item ONLY for Gywn, it is mearly a trinket to comfort him in why he is doing it. For his family.
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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu May 10, 2012 10:16 am

    Never seen an NPC in the muck. That'd be cool though. To be honest that's one of the least traveled areas so that would be a good hiding spot.
    FattOfDoom.....could be. That's just as good a theory as anyone else. There are links to the family too (Gwyndolin portrait)

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by Kenko Thu May 10, 2012 10:29 am

    just taking aside all these theorys the simplest reason i can find behind the pendant would be to remember you from your life before you became an undead silly
    but i like all the theorys!!!

    like... maybe it was passed down to your family from the pygmy.. except it have a relation with the maidens
    maybe it has something to do with gwyndolins childhood
    a present from gwynevere silly

    one thing i had in mind the other day is that there is only one pendant... but since there are other worlds each pendant is from one! like when you get them in the forest tongue
    so your ascendants could have killed gwyn before! :suspect:

    alsoo also since you get a souvenir of reprisal the pendant could have belonged to a sinner before... so the pendant is petrus's and not reah's :bom:

    but other than that i dont really know if it does something in game.. sad

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by Eolan Thu May 10, 2012 10:37 am

    The frampt one makes allot of sense. I can't imagine noones tried to feed him all items though.
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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu May 10, 2012 1:44 pm

    I have to work my way back to him from the beginning of NG+ before I can try it. So far I'm running from area to area and opening my menu and trying to use the pendant, literally in every single area of the game. So far I'm up to Andre. Obviously nothing yet. I'm also in the process of doing little pieces of each NPC subplot then running to Sen's and jumping into the muck to look around. Nothing yet on all fronts.

    I read an interesting theory on a different forum the other day about running down to the Catacombs and killing Patches before he can harm Reah and her clerics, then getting absolved of your sins and talking to Reah. According to this kid it alters her story. I don't have any characters I can try it with right now though.

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by skillbilly Thu May 10, 2012 1:52 pm

    Another idea. Not sure if anything like this has been suggested:

    What about the pendant having something to do with switching and joining covenants?

    It was recommended to be taken as a gift on your first playthrough. This is when most players are discovering all the covenants and switching their affiliations. I have noticed that if I rank up in a covenant, leave that covenant to join another, then return to the original covenant, the rank I previously attained usually resets. However, sometimes this isn't true. Most recently I rejoined the forest covenant after I'd been a member of several others. I was +3 in the covenant previously, and when I rejoined, my +3 covenant rank was retained.

    The pendant's description involves memories. Is it possible the pendant remembers your history of covenant rank and then restores them? Maybe the pendant causes rank resoration only in playthroughs beyond the first. Wasn't it also said that the pendant's supposed extra function would likely be discovered in subsequent playthroughs?

    I haven't tested this, so I'm hoping someone else has thoughts. Has anyone else noticed that sometimes rejoining a covenant resets rank and at other times rank is restored? Perhaps it depends on whether or not you have a pendant in your possession. Maybe it only happens in the forest covenant which is why pendants drop there.

    Last edited by skillbilly on Thu May 10, 2012 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu May 10, 2012 1:59 pm

    I'm pretty sure From said the pendants use is entirely plot related though. I don't know how that function would relate to the plot. I have noticed what you're talking about though. I always end up leaving my covenants to become a chaos servant and open the short cut, and sometimes when I rejoin I retain my rank. Haven't thought to look to see if those characters had pendants though. Definitely not sure about it now.

    Last edited by PlasticandRage on Thu May 10, 2012 2:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by skillbilly Thu May 10, 2012 2:24 pm

    Valid point regarding plot. I'm not sure my grasp on Dark Souls lore can fit this into the plot, but the covenants are part of the story. I think most of us would like for the pendant to do something grandiose, but it could be something simpler.

    Maybe part of the plot is attaining highest rank in every covenant and having the pendant 'remember' it all. The speculation about ranking in the Way of White, for example, make this difficult, but I know I haven't reached the highest rank in at least 2 other covenants. Has anyone with a pendant maxed rank in all covenants?

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu May 10, 2012 2:26 pm

    I certainly haven't. Aren't there a couple covenants that you can't conventionally raise rank in? Princess Guard comes to mind.

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by skillbilly Thu May 10, 2012 2:44 pm

    Way of White and Princess Guard either don't have ranks, or ranking in those covenants has yet to be discovered.

    However, we can still attempt to attain +3 in the the other 7 covenants with a toon who has the pendant, preferably as a gift. This isn't easy as it takes either 80 kills or 80 items relative to the respective covenant.
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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu May 10, 2012 2:51 pm

    The reason you can retain rank is that the penalty for leaving isn't the entire progress but half I think. So you gotta kill 80 people for Forest Hunter +3 so if you've done 160 you'd keep your rank when you joined again. I had just barely maxed rank in Chaos and left and came back to test a theory out and I was at +2. I ranked to +3 again and it didn't take the full 30. I believe it was 15.

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by skillbilly Thu May 10, 2012 3:07 pm

    Is this penalty independent of the pendant, or is it possible the pendant plays any part in the penalty? Perhaps a 'pendantless' player is penalized while a player possessing the pendant avoids the penalty at least partially.

    (I like alliteration)
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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu May 10, 2012 3:13 pm

    lol....I'm not sure. I had a pendant at the time but didn't start with one. However, I didn't do a whole lot of covenant anything until NG+ since I wasn't sure what they were about at first. I was WoW for a long time and had no idea what that meant. The test I referred to above took place in NG++ so I probably had at least two pendants on me.
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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by BLA1NE Thu May 10, 2012 5:46 pm

    Has anyone, on a subsequent playthrough, given back Petrus the pendant he left on Reah's corpse?

    Sort of a "I know what you did last NG". :shock:

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by GkMrBane Thu May 10, 2012 5:47 pm

    BLA1NE wrote:Has anyone, on a subsequent playthrough, given back Petrus the pendant he left on Reah's corpse?

    Sort of a "I know what you did last NG". :shock:

    Thats Lmao material.

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by FattyOfDoom Thu May 10, 2012 6:45 pm

    I found some evidence against my theory. Gywn takes the pendant from his family a comfort etc..... But why does Kaathe say "It belonged to the Pygmy" unless.... GYWN IS DA PYGMY :DDDDDDDD

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by Eolan Fri May 11, 2012 6:10 am

    When does kaathe mention the pendant?

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    Pendant Theories - Page 8 Empty Re: Pendant Theories

    Post by sunbro Fri May 11, 2012 6:30 am

    He doesn't

    First meeting

    • Greetings Undead Warrior
      I am the Primordial Serpent Darkstalker Kaathe
      I can guide thee, and illuminate the truth.
      Undead Warrior, conqueror of the Four Kings, is this not your wish?
      To know the truth of men, and the Undead?

      • Yes

        • A wise choice, Undead warrior.
          Prove you must, that the truth becomes you.
          Seek Anor Londo.
          And claim Gwyn's heirloom, the Lordvessel.
          Now go, Undead warrior.
          Show the world that the truth becomes you.

      • No

        • … Very well.
          Warriors as yourself are few. I will be patient.
          But I cannot wait forever…
        • What is it?
          Perhaps you have changed your mind?

    • Ahh…
      If you wish, I shall grant the art of Lifedrain,
      the legendary power of the Dark Lord.
      It can preserve your humanity while Undead,
      and cast off the shackles placed upon your brethren.

    • Talk

      • Undead warrior.
        To speak now is premature.
        It begins with your retrieval of the Lordvessel.

    • Bringing the Lordvessel to Kathe

      • Hmm… You are astonishing.
        The truth I shall share without sentiment.
        After the advent of fire, the ancient lords found the three souls.
        But your progenitor found a fourth, unique soul.
        The Dark Soul.
        Your ancestor claimed the Dark Soul and waited for Fire to subside.
        And soon, the flames did fade, and only Dark remained.
        Thus began the age of men, the Age of Dark.
        Lord Gwyn trembled at the Dark.
        Clinging to his Age of Fire, and in dire fear of humans,
        and the Dark Lord who would one day be born amongst them,
        Lord Gwyn resisted the course of nature.
        By sacrificing himself to link the fire, and commanding his children to shepherd the humans,
        Gwyn has blurred your past, to prevent the birth of the Dark Lord.
        I am the primordial serpent.
        I seek to right the wrongs of the past to discover our true Lord.
        But the other serpent, Frampt, lost his sense, and befriended Lord Gwyn.
        Undead warrior, we stand at the crossroad.
        Only I know the truth about your fate.
        You must destroy the fading Lord Gwyn, who has coddled Fire and resisted nature,
        and become the Fourth Lord, so that you may usher in the Age of Dark!

        • Yes

          • Very well
            I shall now guide you to Gwyn's Prison
            Be still. Entrust thine flesh to me.

            • After being transported to Firelink Altar
              This is Gwyn's prison.
              Now, place the Lordvessel upon the altar.
            • What is it? Place the Lordvessel upon the altar.
            • After placing the Lordvessel
              Very well.
              Once the vessel is filled with souls, the gate to Gwyn shall open.
              Seek Gravelord Nito, the Witch of Izalith, and the traitor Seath the Scaleless.
              Fill this vessel with their souls.
              Then, the gate will open… so that you may kill Gwyn.

              Are you ready?
              Then, let us return to the Abyss. Entrust thine flesh to me.

          • No

              • Fool… You could not be the Dark Lord.
                Enough of this… and farewell to you.
                I shall return to the Abyss, and await the true Lord of Men.

    • Greeting (after placing the Lordvessel)

      • What is it?
        I'm your guardian.
        Go on, state your wish.

    • When leaving

      • Farewell.

    • Talk Option (after placing the Lordvessel on the altar)

      • They failed me, every last one of them.
        They were strong, but saw not the truth.
        I am certain that you will prove different.

    • When attacked or after placing the Lordvessel for Frampt

      • Fool… You could not be the Dark Lord.
        Enough of this… and farewell to you.
        I shall return to the Abyss, and await the true Lord of Men.

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