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Gods Horseman
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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.


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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by DxV04 Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:13 am

    WyrmHero wrote:I killed him sad and I don't wanna go to NG+, I hate it.
    ayyy! that sucks man. You have time to make it through to NG+.

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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:00 am

    Nah dont worry. Dough and I talked it over and agreed that the Tomb is the best place to do it this time around.

    It will be the Tomb of the Giants.

    I'm also making a specific build for this event will post it later when I have figured out what weapon I want to use.

    Suggestions for your valient PSN leader?

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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:29 am

    Viral second or first bonfire of ToG??

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:07 am

    First! I dont plan on attempting those skelledogs anytime soon. However the official Gravelording sign gathering point will be down in the small area where reah was.
    Gods Horseman
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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by Gods Horseman Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:10 am

    Okay, so we have to have a specific build? Could anyone fill me in, I'm the newby -.-

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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:14 am

    Nope you just gravelord as you see fit. The SL required is between 65-75 so the signs are more likely to turn up in each others worlds. Other than that I say that all weapons, miracles, and strategies are fair game. Keep in mind the Dark is your greatest ally here, and your greatest enemy as your SoV's are dark blue.

    However as part of the Gravesworn I suggest we comport ourselves as Gravelords should and wear the Hollow Thiefs Hood as a signifier of who we are. That or use a Gravelord Sword or one of the Sword Dance miracles.

    I'm posting the War thread later looks for Gravelords Under Fire: The Crusaders!
    Gods Horseman
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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by Gods Horseman Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:17 am

    Okay, I'm above the SL pre req. Although I will use the grave lord sword, if I am alone then in the grave lording that's fine, I will still keep a steady tally.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:33 am

    All goods I'm sure we could get someone with a high sl build to duel you.

    Or you have a week and SL 70 is pretty attianable via consumable souls and a quick stint as a forest hunter.
    Gods Horseman
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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by Gods Horseman Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:40 am

    Wait, isn't the duel this saturday for PACIFIC STANDARD?

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:48 am

    Sorry I pushed it back so I we could have time to prepare ourselves. You now have a week to get some serious practice/ new build making in. See the new thread in the covenants section.

    Also if you felt inclined to do so why not post a little something about your character. A name or where he/she comes from and any other quirks about them. nothing too much just a bit of fun seeing as I'm a writer and love reading what other people come up with.
    Gods Horseman
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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by Gods Horseman Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:49 am

    LOL okay, I will have fun with this. My characters name is Mavet and I will have a very interesting story to share.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:55 am

    I'll repost Siefer's and also now Issur's lores. Will make a whole new Gravelord for this.

    Essentially Siefer was batshit insane, though i loved him like an illgitimate love child, and more likely to kill his allies that the enemies due to his perchant for stabbing things (even himself if no one was around)

    Issur was more bad ***. He was an assassin. He got cursed, he got silver hair. He betrayed his masters at the Dragon School and decided to serve Duke Rivolan Antares (whose ties to Nito led his to become a trapmaster).

    I'm even writing a book about Rivolan Antares. Not that it has anything to do with Dark Souls. Its set elsewhere.
    Gods Horseman
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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by Gods Horseman Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:07 am

    So where do I post this, I looked around though had no luck.

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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:27 am

    Post it here I'll update the other thread with it.
    Gods Horseman
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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by Gods Horseman Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:27 am

    Mavet The Exile

    Long ago on this God forsaken mountain city of Sanction, a lone city out beyond the known lands into the cold snow mountains of Alindor. My home was a top the tallest most treacherous mountain in the region, although not near as Treacherous as myself. Mavet is my given name, I was a Harbinger Of Death for my government. A government so corrupt that the people I once knew as faithful leaders became dictators of the highest caliber.

    These people wanted something, more like someone to do things. Things just as corrupt as that of the people that wanted them done. So that's why they took me. From birth I was taken to be trained, to become an... Animal... Someone unworthy of the company of the civil. My life is... Was... Still... A cloak, unable to show people my TRUE self, the thing that I so cautiously try to conceal with all of my being.

    One day... That one day that changed everything about my life that I have known to be true changed... I... I rebelled against my masters; those monsters, those wretches that call themselves leaders. I did what they wanted, though not in the way they were expecting it to unfold. The contract, it was all about the contract. I had finally had enough, from birth I have hid my face, and from birth I have done what they said no matter the outcome.

    That day I was given the assignment from a dead drop out in the forest of Core inside of a hollow tree that was marked with a white hand. When I read the document I saw that they wanted me to kill a priest. Although he was not a priest, that was his cover. They found out that he was my brother, my only family connection that I had. So they wanted me to end the ties that I had with him, they wanted me to kill my younger brother! I told my brother to leave, that one day he can show himself again. Just he could not do it now, I told him to run.

    I knew who the person was who gave me the assignment, and he was going to pay for even asking for this. So I snuck into his house in the night, I put a Black Miracle upon him so he would not wake up while I did something to him, something that would warn the government. I killed my contractor and hung his body in front of the capital with his head skinned to the bone leaving the rest of the body intact. To show them that they are the ones who should hide there faces, they should be the ones to creep in the shadows to await there oh so imminent demise. So for my blasphemous crime I was banished... Exiled...

    From there I wandered Lordran... I... Could not show my face, for I could not bare the shame of knowing that the ones that I so mercilessly murder knew who I was. Knew the face of death, I had no cause. I knew nothing, no one. Hope was gone, I was my own friend. My own, an exile with nothing to lean upon then my own wrath and will. Faith was my ally, and wrath was my Revelation. Until... That one day... I saw a man...

    A man who showed me the path that would eventually lead me to ultimate meaning. Artorias. He was the start, I did not know how I met him. I understood little at the time, all I know is I came to him somehow. He was a phantom in the dark, a light amongst all the darkness really. He came to me and showed me his ways, he showed me a... A revelation, that one day I would have to destroy his Guardian in order to carve the path to my true master. That was it.

    I woke up in some dark forest with little understanding then that of my dream. At least I thought it was a dream it prolonged for so long that it could not have been. Then I saw it, before me was a gate. A gate so glorious that I had to understand what was beyond it. I opened the gate, and I could not believe what was before me. It was a grave yard... One that cradled that of my revelation Artorias, a sword wounded the ground as well. A massive sword, and with it a wolf.

    A guardian... It was so clear now, I needed to kill him I needed the sword. "THIS IS A TEST!" I thought to myself, I needed to prove my worth to hold that divine weapon and the wolf who called himself Sif knew that his death was imminent because his master ordained it to be. The wolf fell by my hand, though it was not in vain. The sword was mine and Sif was free... I was given one more revelation, one that showed me a path. One that I did not know, of all my wandering I did not know this path. I heard a voice, one of a grave father. He uttered this with but a whisper. "With the blood you spill, a path you fill. Graves you defiled, to find me my child"... I awoke.

    My head was so calm, my mind was at peace. I got out of a coffin and found myself in a dark cavern. While I was walking I understood why I needed the weapon, to fight my way here. Though I did not remember it, finally what stood before me was the thing I was looking for. He stood before me with an offer, one that did not require me to hide myself from my true destiny. So I pledged myself to my lord...... Nito.... So from then on I hide my face not in shame, but in reverence for the Grave Lord whom I guard with my very life.

    Last edited by Gods Horseman on Thu May 03, 2012 9:08 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:21 am

    Nice. Note Harbinger is a title in the covenant for the Gravelords who serve Nito as is eyes as well as his recepticles of misery. Theres a list of requirements for the titles. Just post a pic of your Gravelord Rank and EoD count and I'll set you up in whatever rank you qualify for.

    I like the story by the way. Its a refreshing change to see it done in 1st person rather than 3rd.
    Gods Horseman
    Gods Horseman

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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by Gods Horseman Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:31 am

    Oh haha I had no idea Harbinger was a rank, it just popped into Mavets head xD

    EDIT: I have given 50 eyes of death to Nito, although I am still at rank two in the covenant.

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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:01 am



    Would you guys like to keep the current Rankings list or have me refine and create specialities?
    Duke's Archivist
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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:11 am

    All your friends are dead! MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:14 am

    Yeah. They are. What of it? They were dead long before you showed up.

    MWAHAHAHAHHAA you can't kill us. We're already dead.

    On a side note it was an irrate tavern wench that got me. I just wouldnt shut up about Nito. Eventually she got so bored she jabbed me in the eye with a fork.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:17 am

    Haha so thats where my lucky eye amulet came from. Some wench told me she plucked it from this bug boasting nito lover and I was like "Yeah Ill have that".

    Nice comeback by the way.

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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:19 am

    DoughGuy wrote:Haha so thats where my lucky eye amulet came from. Some wench told me she plucked it from this bug boasting nito lover and I was like "Yeah Ill have that".

    Nice comeback by the way.

    Lol I was sure it was terrible.... I could have done better given time. Ah the ironies of my life. Needing time to come up with a snappy comment.....sigh....

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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by GkMrBane Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:59 pm

    Im soon to be a SL 120 in the Kilin and am hoping for some decent Grave lor
    Gods Horseman
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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by Gods Horseman Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:18 pm

    GkMrBane wrote:Im soon to be a SL 120 in the Kilin and am hoping for some decent Grave lor

    LOL, you should keep ranking. You and I could do some impressive grave lording!

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    Rise Gravesworn, and rise again. - Page 5 Empty Re: Rise Gravesworn, and rise again.

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:14 am

    Gods Horseman wrote:
    GkMrBane wrote:Im soon to be a SL 120 in the Kilin and am hoping for some decent Grave lor

    LOL, you should keep ranking. You and I could do some impressive grave lording!

    I have to point out the Gravelording is far more popular and invasion come more often at lower SLs.

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