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Blade of The Sun
Buggy Virus
13 posters

    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Buggy Virus Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:43 pm

    One of the main things that many gamers take account of when choosing between console and PC versions of a game is the mod support. Simply, it lengthens the life of the game as one can simply access more user generated content for the game. Taking this into account and the announcement of Dark Souls coming to PC it is a no brainer to give the PC edition easy to use modding kit or just an easy way to implement them.

    I am basing my personal purchasing decision on whether modding will be supported to create new mods or play other user's content. Otherwise I'm not very interested in spending more money to bring my game to the PC platform.

    Should modding be included a pivotal item would be multiplayer support for modded games. Obviously it would be impossible across multiple games with different mods, but even if users are able to set up their own servers for games with the exact same mods. Because, what would dark souls be without multiplayer support.

    Just a rather large group of my arguments against those who disapprove of the idea, moved them into the OP because people are tending to repeat each other, and I don't expect people to read through the entire thread.

    Rassa wrote:I only skimmed through the thread but a few things i noticed;
    Console gamers dont care about PC gamers modding. It completely
    unaffects them at all and its a silly belief. Console gamers may
    criticize it because they are also getting the PC version, and i imagine
    a lot of them will if the content doesnt come out in DLC.
    2. Super
    balance issues. If mods were offline only, then I wouldnt mind. It does
    add extra stuff to the game and increases the lifetime of a game. Mods
    are just fun in general. However, having a game be easily modded and
    allowing it to be used in multiplayer settings just creates massive
    imbalances. Like some of the imbalances could easily be turned off
    online like god modes and stat cheating, but overpowered items couldnt
    really be turned off. Imagine if that silly dress came back to the game
    with its absurd defense.

    I already went over the idea of mods. I think without a doubt that mods
    should be allowed offline. But what I talked (In the OP of this
    thread) about with combining online and mods is players is that players
    who have private servers could set up private servers with mod support.
    I'm not saying the general public Namco server should ever allow mods,
    but if private players purchase their own server and choose to allow
    certain mods, other players who's game data matches the server's (due to
    have all the same mods and no more and no less) should be able to use
    that server.

    Thus it would be completely optional and wouldn't affect the online experience of those who didn't want it.

    bla wrote:
    Buggy virus wrote: But what I am getting at is there is no reason not to include the OPTION for players

    are never a bad thing. I suppose the way to "push" your idea would be
    to put "modding" and "offline" in the same sentence, otherwise people
    who have had one too many encounters with hackers will feel twitchy to
    say the least happy
    Offline could even be used as a test bed

    And I see no reason why there shouldn't be a nice pc/console community.
    I've played pc exclusively for many years and still do but bought a
    console just to be able to play dark souls. Good games are were you find
    Which ultimately came back to bite me in the ***, as the game is coming to pc...
    X X

    edit: if the pc players bring about mass cheating, granted that's a bad
    thing. On the other hand there's already cheating on x-box...

    I think you should read the last reply I made in this post about how
    modding and online could be used together. But on the account of
    players possibly using mods to cheat: with the online system I talked
    about earlier, cheating like this would have to be a manipulation around
    the system. Honestly, xbox already has it, bringing it to PC isn't
    going to stop those who want to do it. Whether they build a system also
    for legit modders to use too won't increase or decrease the amount of

    Rin wrote:Well i dont know about you peoplp but as a true drs fan i
    think that the game is complete and any input into it, that will be good
    will be done by from themselves... If you truly want a pc game that was
    ment for modding get Skyrim and dont bother thinking you can make dark
    sould better... Thank you. Ta ta!! Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support 3149687655

    I mean, I know from software is flawless and all and never ever messed
    up the game or had balancing issues that they had to fix, and even if
    they did they would immediately completely and immediately listen to the
    community and fix it.

    But perhaps out of the thousands of players playing dark souls one might
    have an idea that actually good that wouldn't get in the game already
    due to a patch.

    My massively **** sarcasm aside. I don't see why it shouldn't be
    there as a community tool. As I've explained before, if done correctly
    it wouldn't effect those who want to play the game without it, and I
    believe that if you let the community loose they would create some
    surprising content that most would agree is a good addition.

    True Dark Souls is a great game, that doesn't mean I wouldn't enjoy new
    content or some gameplay tweaks that would make it better in my opinion,
    but would probably never be in a patch (I.E. making gwyn break parries,
    changing poise, editing enemy A.I., changing the endurance system for
    armor movement, etc. . .)

    P.S. Why would I ever play skyrim?

    Blade of The Sun wrote:
    Rynn wrote:This was your first post on the forums.
    Just seriously, think about what you just did, and come back at a later
    time. We're attempting to kill your thread by not posting in such a
    silly one... bumping it is going to annoy us.

    >wishes forums had sage.

    have to agree. You should probably look at the overall tone of the
    community before posting a topic like this. I would suggest what I did
    and post in a few topics to get a feel for the place and then evaluate
    if it is appropriate.

    Edit: You'll get there bud, one day. Just keep trying.

    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Freke

    Freke saith,"mods would provide an even more volatile multiplayer
    experience." Thy experience is based around difficulty that culminates
    from having restrictions and modding has not the same philosophies and
    thereforein it should not be permitted nor relevant to the series.

    The OP was actually a copy and paste from something I sent to a few
    other people in another forum, so that is why it might seem to be
    written in a strange style. But anyways, directed towards the sage
    quote, like I said in my first reply in this post, and in my OP, they
    could set up a system where players can set up private servers they own
    with mod support, so that the general community, and especially those
    who don't want to play with mods, can play the original unadulterated

    But giving players the OPTION to do something different is doesn't seem to have any downside to it.

    Maybe some players will create mods that disrupt that distinctive feel
    of Dark Souls, and if they want that, I would say it is ok. I
    personally wouldn't want it, and would rather look for more hardcore
    mods that fit with the game, and trust me, the community is able to
    create content like that if you allow them.

    But I simply want to re-iterate: OPTIONS. Allow those who want to play
    online to setup private servers for those who choose to participate. If
    players don't want to, they don't have to, and can stay with the
    vanilla game.

    Last edited by Buggy Virus on Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:56 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Just some reasoning that I had later in the thread, and I can't expect people to go through the entire thread when most already don't read the OP)
    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Buggy Virus Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:22 pm

    Come on. . .
    Chosen Undead
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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Rynn Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:33 pm

    This was your first post on the forums.
    Seriously. Just seriously, think about what you just did, and come back at a later time. We're attempting to kill your thread by not posting in such a silly one... bumping it is going to annoy us.

    >wishes forums had sage.
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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Reaperfan Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:42 pm

    Give me a mod to make Lordran look like Equestria and all the enemies into ponies and I'm sold on the PC version all day winking
    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Buggy Virus Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:07 pm

    Kujii wrote:This was your first post on the forums.
    Seriously. Just seriously, think about what you just did, and come back at a later time. We're attempting to kill your thread by not posting in such a silly one... bumping it is going to annoy us.

    >wishes forums had sage.

    I don't see exactly why it's silly, unless it's that ideas and suggestions are normally not considered to fit here.

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Rin Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:18 pm

    ok...i thing your thinking of something like modding in skyrim...if they enable modding in drs pc version it will kill the online as people will use modded weapons...but from knows that so just so u dont get your hopes up too much the possibility of a mod maker being made by from are small as drs is online unlike skyrim...people will still mod/glitch on the pc as there it only takes seconds but not with an official from program
    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Buggy Virus Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:51 pm

    People here obviously have never used games with online play that allow modding.

    First off, by modding I obviously mean user created content that add more to gameplay, such as new weapons, areas, or tweaks to the general system.

    In games that allow modding and have online play they normally give players the option of setting up their own servers that have support of specific mods to allow players to use mods online.

    Otherwise to use the general servers that are in place for any users you need a pure vanilla, unmodded copy to play multiplayer.

    So with dark souls it could work like this. Everyone who doesn't want mods could simply not use them and would still play multiplayer with other players with no mods. Whereas players interested in mods would have to find private servers set up that have support of whatever mods they are using in order to use multiplayer.

    I've seen many games with this system.
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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:14 am

    i see, sounds interesting (i've had many a giggle at video's of user created game content) but not having a suped up pc i'll stick to console. if you get pc ver. and make/get funny mods please post vids okay?
    Buggy Virus
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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Buggy Virus Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:01 am

    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:i see, sounds interesting (i've had many a giggle at video's of user created game content) but not having a suped up pc i'll stick to console. if you get pc ver. and make/get funny mods please post vids okay?

    I do more serious stuff, but I'd be sure to upload it.

    I really want mod support simply so I could mess around with the armor system. Maybe make a system where speed and maneuverability while wearing armor had scaling like weapons instead of just endurance. So heavier armors scaled to let players move faster who had high endurance and strength, and lighter armors speed scaled with dexterity.

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:46 am

    i agree with buggy virus. i dont see why people who play on consoles have problems with pc gamers modding. its actually pretty funny they do. im kinda jealous i dont have a proper gaming rig cause i could see some private servers/enhancement mods being a lot of fun. theres not enough games on pc to make me want to pay 1000+ $ to build a gaming pc and i am a virgin when it comes to modding so im not even sure if i could get them to work properly. if this extra content really isnt coming to consoles then it does give me incentive to save for a new pc but it would have to have private servers,improved pvp,large enough community.

    i still think its a slap to the face of their fans if bamco and from dont release this content on consoles.

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by bla Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:33 pm

    I have played some pc games that were greatly extended by mods (magic the gathering comes to mind), but I can see how people can get worried in dks about unbalance. There's the case of only playing in dedicated servers for modded games, like other games have done.

    I like modded games when they don't stray too much from the original's quality: for example a game that mods player models with less quality when comparing to the original, is going to look a bit off because the rest of game the is "stock". Unless we're talking complete revamps, and even those sometimes leave default huds. What I'm getting at is that mods have to be very good to "fit" properly in the game.
    Dark souls is very well-crafted so I believe it would be a hard task, not impossible though. And I'm not discussing balance or ubber weapons/equipment, just the addition of content.

    On the other hand I don't really see dark souls behind mod-friendly. Just doesn't seem in keeping with the design/game philosophy.
    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Buggy Virus Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:32 pm

    Even if some less than impressive mods are created, it is not as if players would have to use them. I personally am very picky on which mods I use in any games.

    But what I am getting at is there is no reason not to include the OPTION for players.

    Whether modders can replicate the quality of dark souls in content they add would be left to be seen, but I would be more interested in how players rebalance the game when they have the tool to do so instead of just suggesting patches.
    Blade of The Sun
    Blade of The Sun

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Blade of The Sun Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:34 pm

    Rynn wrote:This was your first post on the forums.
    Seriously. Just seriously, think about what you just did, and come back at a later time. We're attempting to kill your thread by not posting in such a silly one... bumping it is going to annoy us.

    >wishes forums had sage.

    I have to agree. You should probably look at the overall tone of the community before posting a topic like this. I would suggest what I did and post in a few topics to get a feel for the place and then evaluate if it is appropriate.

    Edit: You'll get there bud, one day. Just keep trying.

    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Freke

    Sage Freke saith,"mods would provide an even more volatile multiplayer experience." Thy experience is based around difficulty that culminates from having restrictions and modding has not the same philosophies and thereforein it should not be permitted nor relevant to the series.

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Rassa Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:31 pm

    I only skimmed through the thread but a few things i noticed;
    1. Console gamers dont care about PC gamers modding. It completely unaffects them at all and its a silly belief. Console gamers may criticize it because they are also getting the PC version, and i imagine a lot of them will if the content doesnt come out in DLC.
    2. Super balance issues. If mods were offline only, then I wouldnt mind. It does add extra stuff to the game and increases the lifetime of a game. Mods are just fun in general. However, having a game be easily modded and allowing it to be used in multiplayer settings just creates massive imbalances. Like some of the imbalances could easily be turned off online like god modes and stat cheating, but overpowered items couldnt really be turned off. Imagine if that silly dress came back to the game with its absurd defense.

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by bla Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:31 pm

    Buggy virus wrote: But what I am getting at is there is no reason not to include the OPTION for players

    Options are never a bad thing. I suppose the way to "push" your idea would be to put "modding" and "offline" in the same sentence, otherwise people who have had one too many encounters with hackers will feel twitchy to say the least happy
    Offline could even be used as a test bed

    And I see no reason why there shouldn't be a nice pc/console community.
    Heck, I've played pc exclusively for many years and still do but bought a console just to be able to play dark souls. Good games are were you find them.
    Which ultimately came back to bite me in the ***, as the game is coming to pc...
    X X

    small edit: if the pc players bring about mass cheating, granted that's a bad thing. On the other hand there's already cheating on x-box...

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Rin Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:14 pm

    Well i dont know about you peoplp but as a true drs fan i think that the game is complete and any input into it, that will be good will be done by from themselves... If you truly want a pc game that was ment for modding get Skyrim and dont bother thinking you can make dark sould better... Thank you. Ta ta!! Bow
    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Buggy Virus Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:54 pm

    Rassa wrote:I only skimmed through the thread but a few things i noticed;
    1. Console gamers dont care about PC gamers modding. It completely unaffects them at all and its a silly belief. Console gamers may criticize it because they are also getting the PC version, and i imagine a lot of them will if the content doesnt come out in DLC.
    2. Super balance issues. If mods were offline only, then I wouldnt mind. It does add extra stuff to the game and increases the lifetime of a game. Mods are just fun in general. However, having a game be easily modded and allowing it to be used in multiplayer settings just creates massive imbalances. Like some of the imbalances could easily be turned off online like god modes and stat cheating, but overpowered items couldnt really be turned off. Imagine if that silly dress came back to the game with its absurd defense.

    I already went over the idea of mods. I think without a doubt that mods should be allowed offline. But what I talked (In the OP of this thread) about with combining online and mods is players is that players who have private servers could set up private servers with mod support. I'm not saying the general public Namco server should ever allow mods, but if private players purchase their own server and choose to allow certain mods, other players who's game data matches the server's (due to have all the same mods and no more and no less) should be able to use that server.

    Thus it would be completely optional and wouldn't affect the online experience of those who didn't want it.

    bla wrote:
    Buggy virus wrote: But what I am getting at is there is no reason not to include the OPTION for players

    are never a bad thing. I suppose the way to "push" your idea would be
    to put "modding" and "offline" in the same sentence, otherwise people
    who have had one too many encounters with hackers will feel twitchy to
    say the least happy
    Offline could even be used as a test bed

    And I see no reason why there shouldn't be a nice pc/console community.
    I've played pc exclusively for many years and still do but bought a
    console just to be able to play dark souls. Good games are were you find
    Which ultimately came back to bite me in the ***, as the game is coming to pc...
    X X

    edit: if the pc players bring about mass cheating, granted that's a bad
    thing. On the other hand there's already cheating on x-box...

    I think you should read the last reply I made in this post about how modding and online could be used together. But on the account of players possibly using mods to cheat: with the online system I talked about earlier, cheating like this would have to be a manipulation around the system. Honestly, xbox already has it, bringing it to PC isn't going to stop those who want to do it. Whether they build a system also for legit modders to use too won't increase or decrease the amount of cheaters.

    Rin wrote:Well i dont know about you peoplp but as a true drs fan i
    think that the game is complete and any input into it, that will be good
    will be done by from themselves... If you truly want a pc game that was
    ment for modding get Skyrim and dont bother thinking you can make dark
    sould better... Thank you. Ta ta!! Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support 3149687655

    I mean, I know from software is flawless and all and never ever messed up the game or had balancing issues that they had to fix, and even if they did they would immediately completely and immediately listen to the community and fix it.

    But perhaps out of the thousands of players playing dark souls one might have an idea that actually good that wouldn't get in the game already due to a patch.

    My massively **** sarcasm aside. I don't see why it shouldn't be there as a community tool. As I've explained before, if done correctly it wouldn't effect those who want to play the game without it, and I believe that if you let the community loose they would create some surprising content that most would agree is a good addition.

    True Dark Souls is a great game, that doesn't mean I wouldn't enjoy new content or some gameplay tweaks that would make it better in my opinion, but would probably never be in a patch (I.E. making gwyn break parries, changing poise, editing enemy A.I., changing the endurance system for armor movement, etc. . .)

    P.S. Why would I ever play skyrim?

    Blade of The Sun wrote:
    Rynn wrote:This was your first post on the forums.
    Just seriously, think about what you just did, and come back at a later
    time. We're attempting to kill your thread by not posting in such a
    silly one... bumping it is going to annoy us.

    >wishes forums had sage.

    have to agree. You should probably look at the overall tone of the
    community before posting a topic like this. I would suggest what I did
    and post in a few topics to get a feel for the place and then evaluate
    if it is appropriate.

    Edit: You'll get there bud, one day. Just keep trying.

    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Freke

    Freke saith,"mods would provide an even more volatile multiplayer
    experience." Thy experience is based around difficulty that culminates
    from having restrictions and modding has not the same philosophies and
    thereforein it should not be permitted nor relevant to the series.

    The OP was actually a copy and paste from something I sent to a few other people in another forum, so that is why it might seem to be written in a strange style. But anyways, directed towards the sage quote, like I said in my first reply in this post, and in my OP, they could set up a system where players can set up private servers they own with mod support, so that the general community, and especially those who don't want to play with mods, can play the original unadulterated version.

    But giving players the OPTION to do something different is doesn't seem to have any downside to it.

    Maybe some players will create mods that disrupt that distinctive feel of Dark Souls, and if they want that, I would say it is ok. I personally wouldn't want it, and would rather look for more hardcore mods that fit with the game, and trust me, the community is able to create content like that if you allow them.

    But I simply want to re-iterate: OPTIONS. Allow those who want to play online to setup private servers for those who choose to participate. If players don't want to, they don't have to, and can stay with the vanilla game.

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Artorias Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:58 pm

    You expect mods in a souls game...hahahah
    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Buggy Virus Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:04 am

    Artorias wrote:You expect mods in a souls game...hahahah
    Don't really expect, more really want.
    Blade of The Sun
    Blade of The Sun

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Blade of The Sun Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:46 pm

    No they can't setup private servers for players to play on and manage themselves. You assume From Software is as big as EA and they aren't. Also, if you look at how that has worked for games like Battlefield you can see how horrible of an idea that is.

    Having OPTIONS as you so rudely put it, is actually completely contradictory to the entire series. There are boundaries for a reason. The game is built around the framework of the gameplay being unforgiving and trying. So having MODS would completely destroy the experience the developers worked so hard to try to create. Maybe people would be more open to the idea if you didn't want multiplayer infected with Mods (overly powerful weapons and cheating)? I still think it's a awful idea though. You have basically said that you want MODS. That you don't see why that option is bad, and that it would make the game last longer. If you want Mods, join a modding community and work witth them to create a kit, but don't expect it to be endorsed by the developers and their fans just because you like the idea and want it. You other statements have been effectively voted against. Please don't troll this topic?

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by NoResorb Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:04 pm

    I'd like to see mods too, in private servers (meaning they are set up by players, not by the game's company). Kinda like what you can see on Diablo II with Median XL and other mods. You can get heavily modified gameplay mechanics, items, ennemies, but it's very different of Skyrim modding everybody seem to refer to.

    Official servers should not allow players with modified game, of course. Anyway, the main downside would probably be the very low number of players on modified servers, and thus reduced online interactions. But I'd like to see that, if it's well done.

    But I highly doubt we'll see that.

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Artorias Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:45 pm

    Pc will probably kill the atmosphere FROM worked so hard to create sad
    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Buggy Virus Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:57 pm

    Blade of The Sun wrote:No they can't setup private servers for players to play on and manage themselves. You assume From Software is as big as EA and they aren't. Also, if you look at how that has worked for games like Battlefield you can see how horrible of an idea that is.

    Having OPTIONS as you so rudely put it, is actually completely contradictory to the entire series. There are boundaries for a reason. The game is built around the framework of the gameplay being unforgiving and trying. So having MODS would completely destroy the experience the developers worked so hard to try to create. Maybe people would be more open to the idea if you didn't want multiplayer infected with Mods (overly powerful weapons and cheating)? I still think it's a awful idea though. You have basically said that you want MODS. That you don't see why that option is bad, and that it would make the game last longer. If you want Mods, join a modding community and work witth them to create a kit, but don't expect it to be endorsed by the developers and their fans just because you like the idea and want it. You other statements have been effectively voted against. Please don't troll this topic?

    You still don't seem to understand what I am getting at.

    First of all, mods could easily destroy the feel of the game. But that's true with any game. People who bought dark souls want to play dark souls, so I doubt people would buy it and immediately install mods to destroy the atmosphere the game has built in. If they didn't want to play dark souls they probably wouldn't have bought it.

    Secondly you keep saying that it would bring over powered weapons and items into multiplayer and that private servers wouldn't work, citing Battlefield. My guess is you don't play many PC games. With PC games the private servers don't work the way they do in battlefield. Battlefield basically uses private servers as different matches you can play.

    But a private server in an RPG is one you choose to join yourself. So for instance, if Dark souls had modded private servers and you booted up your game with no mods installed and started playing by default you would be dropped in the public server which has no mods.

    If you wanted to play online with mods you could choose a private player run server, install the mods that it requires to play with so that your game data matches (this means the exact mods it specifies, no more or less) and then play in that server with the mods the private server allows.

    Sure if people wanted to this would mean they could make a server which allows godmods and ridiculous weapons, and if people want to play with that I don't care, because I'm sure there would be a plethora of serious private servers dedicated to staying within the confines of the Dark Souls atmosphere.

    I don't see the real downside to giving players options like these.

    On that note, with how quickly the game is being ported I don't really expect online support like this or anything past what we see on the xbox. But I can wish, or hope for the next souls game.

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by NoResorb Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:09 pm

    Buggy Virus wrote:I'm sure there would be a plethora of serious private servers dedicated to staying within the confines of the Dark Souls atmosphere.
    I'm not so sure about that. At least not before a few months. Private servers usually mean that either the developers released the sources of their own servers or more likely that the community developed some sort of emulator. But maybe there are other solutions I am not aware of.

    There are two kinds of moded servers I'd like to have a chance to play on:
    - servers that alter the gameplay but try to stay faithful to the original Dark Souls. For instance by implementing small changes like nerfed Dark Wood Grain ring or backstabs and stuff like this.
    - servers that greatly change the experience, for instance with stronger and more numerous ennemies, weapons, spells, new mechanics, etc. A MedianXL-like mod for Dark Souls would probably be quite awesome.

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

    Post by Artorias Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:10 pm

    The souls series will never have official mod support and i hope the next souls game gets published by a better company.

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    Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support Empty Re: Give Dark Souls PC MOD support and MODs Multiplayer Support

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