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    Best places to co op?


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    Best places to co op? Empty Best places to co op?

    Post by BARZOHD- Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:27 am

    Any suggestions on where lots of traffic is for co op?
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    Best places to co op? Empty Re: Best places to co op?

    Post by Reaperfan Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:45 am

    Depends on your level, each area has different concentrations of players at different levels going through them, so one area that's good for a level 20 for co-op will not be good for a level 50 to co-op in, though at level 120 you can get decent traffic just about anywhere, and beyond level ~200ish you'll stop seeing much co-op outside of very specific areas.

    ^ Does a pretty good job of breaking down each area's best early game level ranges.

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    Best places to co op? Empty Re: Best places to co op?

    Post by BARZOHD- Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:51 am

    Reaperfan wrote:Depends on your level, each area has different concentrations of players at different levels going through them, so one area that's good for a level 20 for co-op will not be good for a level 50 to co-op in, though at level 120 you can get decent traffic just about anywhere, and beyond level ~200ish you'll stop seeing much co-op outside of very specific areas.

    ^ Does a pretty good job of breaking down each area's best early game level ranges.

    Very good point, thanks for the info happy

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    Best places to co op? Empty Re: Best places to co op?

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:37 am

    BARZOHD- wrote:
    Reaperfan wrote:Depends on your level, each area has different concentrations of players at different levels going through them, so one area that's good for a level 20 for co-op will not be good for a level 50 to co-op in, though at level 120 you can get decent traffic just about anywhere, and beyond level ~200ish you'll stop seeing much co-op outside of very specific areas.

    ^ Does a pretty good job of breaking down each area's best early game level ranges.

    Very good point, thanks for the info happy


    the little ("above lvl 150") part were made by yours truly
    since i tend to do a lot of co-op on dark souls while being a high level i though mind as well

    believe it if you must but hwo was in the old forums knows i helped it

    alright i'll stop bragging now

    i've been doing a lot of co-op on blitghtown for some reason on lvl 236 i don't really know what up with it because i sometimes just chill at the bonfire with my sign down and i go,turn on my PC and start browsing the internet to pass the time
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    Best places to co op? Empty Re: Best places to co op?

    Post by Reaperfan Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:47 am

    Hey now, you don't see me bragging on about how I wrote 90% of the thing myself, show a little humility, geez winking

    But that's some solid advice. Find something else to keep you occupied while you wait on some of the longer areas since there are some where even in the appropriate level ranges you will end up waiting 15-20 minutes between summons. For Scudman it was internet browsing, for me it was turning around to my TV and playing Kirby or Zelda (I have my PS3 hooked up to my computer monitor so browsing the internet and playing at the same time is kind of a non-option for me lol).

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    Best places to co op? Empty Re: Best places to co op?

    Post by Green__Eagle Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:24 am

    I've been getting a lot of action at the Duke's Archive balcony bonfire. I'm hovering at SL 69 waiting to trade. Everytime we kill Seth it's 30,000 souls and a humanity. I played 8 hours yesterday, my longest wait time was 15 minutes.

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    Best places to co op? Empty Re: Best places to co op?

    Post by BARZOHD- Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:21 pm

    Last night i got summoned in less than 3 mins each time at the church by the first blacksmith you meet. sl 16 ps3. Need easy souls and humanity, just go there.

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    Best places to co op? Empty Re: Best places to co op?

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