So far I can think of four games: Dead Island, Dead Rising 2, Yakuza: Dead Souls and Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare.
Here is a quick run down on what I want:
Atmosphere: Scary. The best thing would be a recreation of the first 15 minutes of the "Dawn of the Dead"-remake.
Grafiks: I don´t consider this the most important point, but it should create a realistic world. Bugs and glitches tend to kill that.
Sound: Very important. Scary soundeffects, realistic gun sounds, spooky music and so on and so on. Bad Voice acting I can live with because
Story: the genre is based on B-movies. I am not looking for an interesting story or belivable characters. But neither should get in the way of the atmosphere.
Gameplay: Well, an RPG would be nice, but is not necersary.
Does any of the before mentioned games come close or did I miss a game?
Thanks for your help.