Serious_Much wrote:I may have watched that.. Is he the guy who gets obsessed with the Mage levitating spell?
Only reason I'm being so sceptical is because well, remember when Dark souls was released? They said only hardcore gamers would play it and that difficulty would drive people off.. It was really overdone, and I reckon the same will be for this too.
Maybe it'll be a bit of a challenge, but if you've got a load of people fighting for you all the time, I don't forsee it ever being too bad or beyond just being conservative with your character and letting pawns do your killing..
I'm hoping I'm wrong, and that it's really somewhat of a tactical and management challenge coming in before you even get to the combat, yet very much decides it's outcome, though the controls of your pawns on the demo seem too basic to involve too much in battle strategy..
I'm hoping you need to utilise the team well to win, to me that will be integral to whether the game is good or great, I draw the line and set the bar there.
Day one rental for you?