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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?


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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by Eolan Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:10 am

    So when the pisacas get released they navigate past a huge mechanism that's fallen apart, whats it supposed to be? And what on earth is the purpose of the strange noise emanating from the switch pulled by the snake men (most ineffective prison guards ever btw)?

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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by ARSP Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:19 am

    I am not sure what the rusted out machinery is but the Music is played so that the pisacas will move and attack you. I am thinking the machinery used to be an elevator or some other contraption
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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by skarekrow13 Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:54 am

    My guess about the music (the switch starts a record player from what I can tell) is the dissonance of the music/tone is painful to the pisacas in some way and drives them away from it. I'm not sure if it makes them more aggressive than ordinary as most will attack you on sight, even if the music is off. The guards seem to be aware of what's coming and run to safety.

    As for the machinery there's nothing concrete as far as I know. My best guess, based on looking around the joint, is that the entire column/prison etc. is intended to rotate. The purpose could be that there are (maybe) more holding cells similar to the one with Logan in it behind some of the walls. The presence of the pisacas suggests that they were made close by so there might be a hidden lab if the room rotates or the machinery could be part of the experiment. Think Dr. Frankenstein's lab with all the machinery to operate the roof, raise the device to catch lightning, etc.
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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by DoughGuy Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:18 am

    There are actually cells you can see but cannot reach. Skare rotation idea is a good one.

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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by Eolan Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:45 am

    Yeah looking at the parts and the left over parts in the concealed room (towards the garden) it looks like they are a mechanism for rotating a platform. Heres whats even more intweresting though. Why are the cogs displaying graphical glitches, akin to moving part models in the game? They have lighting artifacts coming off them as if they are movable models akin to the player/enemy models.
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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by skarekrow13 Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:51 am

    Probably one of the many areas and ideas that they scrapped in the end due to time constraints. I think they said there was a good deal of stuff cut in the end.
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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by Buggy Virus Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:13 am

    Probably there was going to be more of an explanation towards Seath and the kinds of experiments he was conducting.

    Maybe more about why he was crystalizing those weak undead and whether every single one of the crystal golems was actually an undead trapped inside taken over by the crystal.

    If that was true then Oolacile would have known Seath, which would make Priscilla being their daughter together more likely.
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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by DoughGuy Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:33 am

    The blue golems are crystal constructs. the golden golems are mobile crystal prisons. Seath captured Dusk after Oolacile was destroyed (please use her name so its not confusing). He did know her.

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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by Chain Fri May 25, 2012 7:41 pm

    I didn't want to open a new topic for something like that so.. I'll ask here.

    The wiki says there are two pisacas that are much stronger than the rest and droping miracles. Well, I don't know what's meant by stronger cause they arn't even fighting back. They're actually running away and if I leave them alone they just cry. Nothing to do about that except killing them? Doesn't really seem right to me.
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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by skarekrow13 Fri May 25, 2012 7:55 pm

    That's it in a nut shell. Presumed more powerful because of the drops but they're really there as a moral decision/dilemma. The game is full of "monsters" that make you question what's right.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by DoughGuy Fri May 25, 2012 8:54 pm

    I believe they also have mor hp than the others.

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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by Shkar Fri May 25, 2012 9:02 pm

    DoughGuy wrote:I believe they also have mor hp than the others.

    They do. I OHKO BS'd the others but the two miracle droppers had around 20 to 30% of their HP left.
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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

    Post by Federally Tue May 29, 2012 8:43 am

    Shkar wrote:
    DoughGuy wrote:I believe they also have mor hp than the others.

    They do. I OHKO BS'd the others but the two miracle droppers had around 20 to 30% of their HP left.

    You murdered innocent prisoners of Seath that he had turned into those monsters, and just for a few miracles! You bad bad man

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    Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?  Empty Re: Whats the deal with the Machinery in the archives?

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