by skarekrow13 Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:54 am
My guess about the music (the switch starts a record player from what I can tell) is the dissonance of the music/tone is painful to the pisacas in some way and drives them away from it. I'm not sure if it makes them more aggressive than ordinary as most will attack you on sight, even if the music is off. The guards seem to be aware of what's coming and run to safety.
As for the machinery there's nothing concrete as far as I know. My best guess, based on looking around the joint, is that the entire column/prison etc. is intended to rotate. The purpose could be that there are (maybe) more holding cells similar to the one with Logan in it behind some of the walls. The presence of the pisacas suggests that they were made close by so there might be a hidden lab if the room rotates or the machinery could be part of the experiment. Think Dr. Frankenstein's lab with all the machinery to operate the roof, raise the device to catch lightning, etc.