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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal


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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Wed May 02, 2012 10:10 pm

    Welcome to Chernarus. A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of
    the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped
    out most of the world's population.
    You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search
    this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left
    of the indigenous population, now infected with the disease.

    as a fan of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, I'm stoked to try this game out. it really nails a survival mmo quite well from what Ive researched and watched on YouTube. oh... and if you already have ArmA2 (its on sale i think) this mod is absolutely free! (10+ servers i think too)

    also, shoot every bastard on sight. ---->

    EDIT: Why do i post this here instead of the DayZ board?, because bandits. thats why.

    Last edited by KomradDakka on Mon May 07, 2012 7:24 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu May 03, 2012 2:23 am

    Uh forum survival team anyone......

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Thu May 03, 2012 10:48 am

    You play viral? :O

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Thu May 03, 2012 3:24 pm

    first hand account by my buddy. its a bit of a read, but it should give you a good feel of the game:

    I decided to try to make it into the city, even though the server (as I found out) is 1:1 time with the west coast.

    So it wasn't bound to be sunny for literally 3-4 more hours.

    Once I get into the dock area, it's so dark I can't even see myself. In 3rd or 1st person view.

    But I can hear zombies, a lot of them.

    So I crawled the entire length of the city on my stomach, from the left=most city entrance till that little man made submarine dock.
    once I got there, I pondered the idea of logging off because nobody was finding *** all in that darkness and I was starting to get hungry.

    I could refill my bottle from my point at that submarine base, I had no way of getting food.

    So, this guy named "be" joins the server.

    Starts asking stuff like: Is it supposed to be this dark? How do I orient myself? etc.

    I'm camped up somewhere safe, so I decided to just start anwsering peoples questions, as whenever he asked something, people responded with "Yeah, I'd like to know too."

    So I decided I'd share what survival tips I knew.

    Like v to vault fences, and how to pick up and carry a flare.

    So, I was trying to help be get oriented, and he said suddenly it seemed like there were no more trees in the direction he was going.

    And you (komradDakka) know what that means: edge of the map.

    That narrowed his location down to exactly 2 places, since he was by the coast.

    So, while giving advice, I was slowly crawling my way around, trying not to get killed, but also trying to find some food before I starved.

    In my searches, I came across a PT boat, with 85% fuel in it.
    So I asked be, if you head away from the lack of trees, which side was the coast on

    He said his right, which meant he was bottom left corner.

    So I told him how to navigate up the coast, using the little towns as way-points.

    And away I went, into the dark black of the night and sea, to go find this guy and pick him up.

    Anyways, we're finally starting to get close to one-another.

    So I popped on the boat lights, and drifted at sea for a bit.

    Asked him to scan the horizon for green and red boat lights.

    When he finally saw me, he dropped a bright red flare in the town, and I sputtered on in to grab him.

    Once I got to the shore and he swam out to climb in, we headed back to Chernogorsk.

    And we got just to the right of city limits (past the city) before we ran out of gas and had to hop out.

    Luckily, we were in pretty shallow water so we just walked to the main land once we got out.

    I tried keeping in character while playing
    Talking about how my boat was the only thing keeping me alive out in this hellhole, etc.

    So we decided, if we were going to survive, we had to get more gas for the boat.

    So I left the boats lights on, knowing that anybody who wanted it would also have to fuel.

    But we decided, holy ****. It's still dark as ***.

    How are we going to do this?

    Well, I had a grand total of 10 flares, and he had a couple, so we decided we'd do it convoy style.

    Slow, carefully, and bright as ***.

    So we took turns, one person giving cover fire, the other holding the flare and navigating through the town.

    We got kind of pinned up in a little shack we had been scavenging, actually.

    Zombies pouring in both doors, back to back covering fire.

    We made it out alive, but I had been bitten and used my medical supplies up.

    He was low on ammo, down to 2 mags, including the one in his gun.

    I actually made the mistake of type "We're in luck" once I saw a burning car lighting up the area around the town hall.

    Unfortunately, carrying a bright-as-*** flare into the most heavily populated undead area is not the smartest of plans, and we were quickly swarmed.

    At one point, a zombie had me pinned to the ground and was biting at my chest. I thought it was all over until a fountain of blood came out of where the zombies head was and I regained conciousness.

    Turns out, be had used his last bullet to save me, instead of fending off the ones near him.

    So I emptied the rest of my ammo into the surrounding zombies, but as you know: gunfire = more zombies.

    So they kept coming.

    Eventually, our flare went out and in the dim light of the burning cars, we lost track of one-another.

    Next thing I know, i'm at the town hall entryway, a thin little hallway with only one way in and out.

    Zombies pouring in after me, i'm scavenging as fast as possible.

    Found a military grade backpack, with a rifle in it.

    But no ammo.

    So as the zeds burst through the final doorway into where I was trapped.

    I just kept firing into the masses of zombies, but only hearing "click..." instead of actually firing anything.

    be burst into the room, to see me go down for the last time

    in chat I wrote

    "Hey, be...?"

    "...yeah man?"

    "My boat.... she's all yours..."

    just before I died.

    In chat some guy who I had given advice to earlier was like:

    "Dude, D*****... you're pulling on my heart strings man..."

    After that, be got pinned up in a store across the street and died as well. The boat probably floating out to sea or taken by bandits.

    Either way, it was hella fun.

    This is verbatum from a IM chat so it might not flow correctly but its a sweet story of comradery nonetheless

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Fri May 04, 2012 6:37 pm

    Aiight i decided im gonna write some of my stories now... such good times

    Me and my buddy D____ from the last story spawned along the coast of Chernaus in the pitch black
    (Good to note that the day cycles in this game are based on the current Timezone the server is located)
    Anyways, after several minutes of skulking down the corpse ridden coast i came across a beach house. i counted 3 zombies shuffling around the front door so i sat and waited in a patch of tall grass for some time for them to walk away so i could loot whatever was inside the building.
    As i turned to make my way from my hiding place, i came face to face with another goddam makarov!
    Turns out it was D_____ (thank god) most survivors found still on the beach are shot on sight and looted. today i was lucky but not for long
    we decided to roam the nearby city of "Gorsk" for some new guns or food. we walked silently in the shadows down the back alleys and roadways, going prone to crawl by zeds, or to stay out of sight of Player bandits
    I spotted a blinding red light off in the distance, there was a flare and more importantly another player nearby, and out of curiousity we went to investigate
    we split up to get a better vantage point and to outflank our target should he decided to turn on us, (merely standard procedure during a first contact scenario...)
    as we got closer he must have seen one of us and he came out to investigate, brandishing his shot gun..
    "Stand right there man, were not hostile. but we have two beads ready to take your head off" typed D into the chat box
    the other player who identified himself as "Eiz" holsterd his gun and came out slowly. we exchanged helos and we disscused some plans for a supply raid.
    we had finally came to the desicion to head to the hospital for some much needed med supplies when OUT OF FREAKING NOWHERE, comes this godamm bandit with an assault rifle right up behind Eiz and pops a shot right into my buddys shoulder, killing him instantly. i fire back, poping a round from my makarov right between the bandits eyes, a few more volleys end the bandits life, meanwhile my gun fire spooked our new friend Eiz, who started to shoot at me. he got my knee shattering the bone. i collapsed to the ground incapacitated but still breathing as the bandit, and Eiz slowly bled to death.

    With my leg broken i lay there gazing into the night sky, unable to move, and with no help comming anytime soon. the firefight had alerted the horde and within moments the horde would begin to eat me alive as i played the part of sitting duck. I reloaded my makarov and began to plink away at the 15 zombies that ran across the field towards me. with one shot left, a bum leg, and the ensuing horde closing in. I raised my makarov to my temple and pulled the trigger.

    More to come!

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri May 04, 2012 7:16 pm

    How big is the game IO wish to play it.

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Fri May 04, 2012 9:40 pm

    ViralEnsign_ wrote:How big is the game IO wish to play it.

    7 gigs for Arma II and 7 gigs for Operation Arrowhead which is REALLY big, but understandable with the amount of explorable area and depth of controls (the mod works best with the combined ops bundle its like 30 bucks canadian on steam)

    EDIT: in order to play this mod youll NEED Operation arrowhead, but you can play it with Arma II free edition, the draw back being you cant play on high setting graphics

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Sat May 05, 2012 3:00 am

    May 4th, 2012


    D and I made a scavange run today, and made a pretty good haul too, we might be able to live a few more hours out here...

    We had made our way from a forests edge and around the outer perimeter of the city till we reached a small farm house about 100 meters from our main target: a small group of apartment complexes, we had a small scare when D tripped on some stairs and broke his leg (a clipping glitch). i bandaged his wounds before he bled out and we continued on. clearing each complex we came across a cash crop of goodies:

    - a new einfield with 3 mags
    - some extra canteens (never too many)
    - makarov rounds
    - my new baby, a winchester lever action shotgun
    - a compass and watch each

    We then focused our attention on bigger prey; medical supplies from the hospital across the street. after smashing the pane glass we snuck in and made off with as many blood packs and pain killers as possible, we had to be quick as the horde was alerted when we shot our way in.

    We made off with our treasure back to the outskirts of town, ate a can of beans and called it a night.


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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by berkut Sun May 06, 2012 4:14 pm

    Awesome, keep it up, I am interested in the game but my gaming computer is dead right now (video card has caputzed) so I need to wait until I can get a new one

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Sun May 06, 2012 4:25 pm

    AWWWWW I want in on the zombie slaying/ exploring/ surviving but would be able to handle regular ARMA let alone the mod.....

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Sun May 06, 2012 5:21 pm

    May 5th, 2012

    D and I have been camping in the woods for some days now, saving ammo for hunting wildlife and the odd straggler zed. But now our ammo cache had all but run dry and we needed to head back to the dangerous city limits of chernogorsk once again for a supply run

    The time was 1:46, a full moon illuminated the city streets allowing us to make the most out of shadow cover. I gripped my winchester tightlyas we darted across empty streets from one side to the next, bandits run rampant in these parts

    Our first raid was the grocery store, although we found nothing but empty shelves, D managed to snag a can of pasta that was left behing by the previous looter. The back room had a small cache of primary weapon ammo for D and I.

    Then a flare off in the distance caught our attention, another survivor was near by, but without knowing his motives, we quickly fled the grocery store, just in time for it to be riddled with automatic weapon fire and buck shot.

    We took off down a nearby alleyway and through an open house and waited for our persuer for some time, taking refuge in the upper floors. We found two pairs of binocs in our search! Now perhaps we would get the drop on a would be assailant next time!

    Although there was still a major problem on our hands, we were stuck in the middle of the most contested over city on the map with a hunting party after us. We took to the streets and down towards the coastline. D had told me of a good hiding place we could stay untill morning. It would have to do. We scuttled along a sandy pier and under a dock were we called it a night

    Safe, but for how long? We plan to escape the city tomorrow. God help us.


    P.s. Next entry I should remember to write an itinerary

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by berkut Sun May 06, 2012 5:28 pm

    I'm amazed that they would waste so many bullets in a blind fire like that, good thing you two were quick in getting out.

    P.S. When you die, do you need to completely restart? You have mentioned dying, so I was curious.

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Sun May 06, 2012 5:52 pm

    berkut wrote:I'm amazed that they would waste so many bullets in a blind fire like that, good thing you two were quick in getting out.

    P.S. When you die, do you need to completely restart? You have mentioned dying, so I was curious.

    Yup, you restart on the beach without all your found gear, but the starter gear should last you untill you can loot one of the coastal cities to survive. As for the bullet spray, we couldn't tell wether it was at us or if it was just crossfire on our position, we did run into some corpses in a nearby building, but no one with an assault rifle or smg, he might have been skulking around near us...scary thought.

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by berkut Sun May 06, 2012 5:56 pm

    PS, looking at picking up Arma2 as a result of you (curse goes down the drain) so I may be joining you sometime

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Sun May 06, 2012 5:58 pm

    berkut wrote:PS, looking at picking up Arma2 as a result of you (curse goes down the drain) so I may be joining you sometime

    Good to hear man, we could use a third member to round out the team!

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by berkut Sun May 06, 2012 9:54 pm

    Bought the game, time to try installing it for the next 42 hours to realize that it won't work on my macbook, meaning I will need to wait until I get a new video card for my currently defunct new pc silly

    Edit: The website says I would need ARMA II:CO, what is that?

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon May 07, 2012 2:27 am

    God I so want to platy this. STEAM here I come!

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Mon May 07, 2012 12:47 pm

    berkut wrote:The website says I would need ARMA II:CO, what is that?

    thats ArmA II and ArmA: Operation arrowhead, you need both to play but from what i understand you can run Day Z with ArmA II free and Op. Arrowhead.

    Story time... time to take off your hats,

    May 6th, 2012, 9:35 pm


    We were holed up in the Elektrosvedosk (Elektro) power station after a long trek from Chernogork along the powerlines that spanned between the two port cities. After our escape from the city, we had set to work looting the large industrial complex known as Elektro.

    We started in the civillian sector working our way from the main street down to the school house. the first floor of the building bore little gains, we already had plenty of ammo and food for awhile, so we continued our search to the second floor. When we had reached the top of the first staircase, D had spotted a bandit 12 oclock and high, attempting to get into a sniper position on us. I quickly plugged a slug into his left shoulder, D vollied a shot that would drop the bandit down from the ladder.

    with the bandit dead, we resumed looting until we began hearing the screams of dozens of the undead. Our shots had alerted an entire towns worth of shambling corpses, who were flooding the school kicking and tearing at the doors to eat us. We backed into the corner of a long hallway and braced for the horde.

    A wall of undead crested the top of the stairs of the second floor and we opened fire. the first rank dropped, only to be overcome by the next wave of ravenous zeds. 10, 30, 50, 80 zombies in and our ammo stores were all but depleted, i switched back to my makarov and continued plugging away with the last of my ammo stores were gone.

    We managed to clear a path down the hallway in time to dive into a room and grab more ammo for our main weapons. We started to push back the advancing Z's downstairs to the main lobby and then out the door. we had done it. 120 zombies between us, and we had done it.

    we met a lone survivor who had come to investigate, he patched us up and joined us in looting the now Zed free town, we made our way to the local firestaion, known to hold high quality weapons and gear. first floor was empty aside from cans, so we began to climb the observation tower. Just as we had reached the first floor, an unknown assailant opened fire at us from a distant field with a hunting rifle. his shot alerted a small horde on our position stranding us in the small firestation tower, in plain sight and trapped. D and our new friend began plinking away at the 20 or so zombies in the lower half of the base, while i used my binocs to glass the plains for the sniper.

    "There he is! hes into the brick house on the house- southside! wait- hes headed inside, i cant see hi-"


    You Are Dead

    so crushed, this game is so very rewarding, and so very punishing, it makes you cherish each bullet, and paranoid of every stranger, every firefight i had, i NEEDED to take a minute to catch my wits, this *** mod man... this *** mod.

    5 hour life, 30 minutes longer than the average lifespan. New adventure soon!

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by befowler Mon May 07, 2012 1:17 pm

    Please pardon my ignorance of this game, but do the weapon/ammo stashes respawn after a certain amount of time? Can you find body armor or heavy weapons?

    Also, from one of your earlier tales re Eiz, it sounds like he was in cahoots with your ambusher and just played friendly until his backup arrived. That's what my dark souls PvP sense is telling me anyway silly

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Mon May 07, 2012 1:28 pm

    befowler wrote:Please pardon my ignorance of this game, but do the weapon/ammo stashes respawn after a certain amount of time? Can you find body armor or heavy weapons?

    Also, from one of your earlier tales re Eiz, it sounds like he was in cahoots with your ambusher and just played friendly until his backup arrived. That's what my dark souls PvP sense is telling me anyway silly

    No armor, yet. But there are heavy weapons, such as the m249 and other military grade dakka, the trade off is you got a target on your head for your gear, and the ammo is scarce,

    And yeah, in hind sight, going straight to a fire was a poor idea, I've been playing very isolated for the most part, aside from my friend I play with, the only other guy we squaded up with was the guy in the last story.

    Edit: and yes, there is a respawn rate for the stashes and loot, can't recall what it is though,

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by berkut Mon May 07, 2012 2:14 pm

    Keep it up Dakka, I got ARMA II:CO installed on my laptop, so far so good, I will try to learn the controls later (and see if it continues to work) and then will download Day Z

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Mon May 07, 2012 4:54 pm

    berkut wrote:Keep it up Dakka, I got ARMA II:CO installed on my laptop, so far so good, I will try to learn the controls later (and see if it continues to work) and then will download Day Z

    awesome man, I will give you a heads up, this mod can be a pain to install. but once its all said and done with id say play some of the map editor first, get used to the controls and what not. keep in mind too that ArmA isnt a first person shooter as much as it is a Military simulator, so there are a rediculous amount of controls. just play around untill it feels comfy to use.

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by befowler Mon May 07, 2012 5:03 pm

    Is there a way to win or escape, or is the goal just to collect a big pile of loot and stay alive as long as possible? It seems very cool and the gameplay vids are fun, just curious if it's a pure sandbox.

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Mon May 07, 2012 5:07 pm

    so after my first true run through of a life i have this to say:

    - trust no one, unless they are your friends (but watch them closely when your shared food is low)
    - kill bandits on sight, they wont give you the luxury of a warning shot
    - going for the centre of town? expect company
    - this game is difficult and buggy, even the engine tries to kill you.
    -the lee Einfield has a curse on it, every time you fire it, more zombies come
    -shotgun is quiet, but only good at close med range

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    Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal Empty Re: Day Z: KomradDakkas Journal

    Post by KomradDakka Mon May 07, 2012 5:11 pm

    befowler wrote:Is there a way to win or escape, or is the goal just to collect a big pile of loot and stay alive as long as possible? It seems very cool and the gameplay vids are fun, just curious if it's a pure sandbox.

    pure survival sandbox, players make thier own goals, some of the DayZ forum guys have tried taking an inland city over as thier endgame. me an D are trying to get hold of a heli and play as a quick response team for survivors, or as air taxi. the longest running survivor (20 in-game hours) make his living living in the forest, hunting wild game, and olny going city side to grab ammo and water, its all very subjective and up to you really!

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