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    Sorcerer Build


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    Sorcerer Build Empty Sorcerer Build

    Post by Quarik Tue May 08, 2012 7:20 pm

    I'm thinking of making this, but I could also switch to an enchanted whip or an MLGS. I can also play with the armor, but 76 poise is a good point to do so from. 'chu think about it?

    After giving it another look, I might also switch the whip to a ricard's, but that would render the spear somewhat obsolete. Decisions decisions...

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    Sorcerer Build Empty Re: Sorcerer Build

    Post by Imarreteet23 Tue May 08, 2012 7:29 pm

    If you make the whip enchanted, the AR improves from 355 to 426. Don't use MLGS though, it's way too overused.

    Also, you can switch out the MOC for the Crown of Dusk, it wouldn't put you over 50% burden. Crown of Dusk improves sorceries, no? You don't need the Mask in my opinion.

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    Sorcerer Build Empty Re: Sorcerer Build

    Post by Quarik Tue May 08, 2012 7:34 pm

    I don't intend to use sorceries too much, just to punish flasking and to buff with CMW. Really, I don't need the 44 int, but CSS is just so great for people who turtle, stack poise. or heal.
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    Sorcerer Build Empty Re: Sorcerer Build

    Post by FinPeku Tue May 08, 2012 7:44 pm

    If you're not going to use sorceries much, you might consider using tin crystallization catalyst instead of logan's. It makes your cmw very deadly. And css too of course.

    Were you planning to use mlgs two handed only? If not, you need 16 strength. If you raise your str to 16 you can also use channeler's trident which deals more damage than moonlight butterfly spear.

    Just some thoughts to consider happy

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    Sorcerer Build Empty Re: Sorcerer Build

    Post by Imarreteet23 Tue May 08, 2012 7:46 pm

    I guess I'm just biased against masks.

    Anyways, an enchanted whip would do more damage than richard's, and plus, as you said, you have the moonlight butterfly horn for the poke poke. Also, switch Logans Catylast to the left hand. It was probably a mistake, but still, you can't buff a weapon with a catylast in the right hand.

    Also, why not the TCC as Fin said?

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    Sorcerer Build Empty Re: Sorcerer Build

    Post by Quarik Tue May 08, 2012 7:54 pm

    I've decided that I want to stay away from the MLGS, it's a bit boring and overused. I could try this, with the Trident for pokey pokey and the Iaito for CMW.
    With 14 str I can 1h the Iaito for moveset and 2h the trident for the buff.
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    Sorcerer Build Empty Re: Sorcerer Build

    Post by BLA1NE Tue May 08, 2012 7:58 pm

    I didn't touch the stats, but changed the weapons, armor, and rings around.

    - To be honest, I have a disdain for the Ninja Flip ring, so I removed it. But if you choose to put it back on, your build will be stronger for it, because you'll be able to stack some more armor on. But personally I prefer not to use it.

    - Weapons: you need a catalyst in your left hand to cast CMW on your right hand weapon. And either way, I prefer to have my catalyst in my offhand and melee weapon in main-hand, dual wielding. That way you can melee attack and cast spells at the same time, which can throw off your opponent. Also, if you plan on catching flasking opponents with a CSS, you wouldn't have to swap from your weapon to your catalyst and cast. I put the spear in your backup main-hand, that way you can change between your whip and spear. I'm not a fan of spears in the offhand because they can't parry and have only 1 attack. This makes you disadvantaged and predictable. I also took off the GCS... because I personally don't use shields, and I'm also pretty tired of seeing everyone using that shield.

    - Rings & Armor: like I said, I took off the DWGR, which took some sacrifices. Mainly: I had to swap the Ring of Fap for Havel's. You have the same poise but a bit less physical defense... It's not all bad, though, because you have a lot more magical and lightning defense now, which is great against CMW, DMB, and SLB buffers.

    So these are just suggestions you can take into account, do what you want with them!

    Edit: forgot to say: the above gives you 7.0 weight free for weapons (not counting Logan's Catalyst, so you have 9.0 if you choose no catalyst) which is pretty decent for a Dex/ Int build. If you want the GCS back, you'll be left with 4.0 weight for a weapon. With 4 weight, you can equip the Painting Guardian Sword as main weapon (or Scimitar for more range, or your Whip), which is buffable, and have Velka's Rapier as backup--a very potent setup!

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