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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by JoeBroski09 Mon May 14, 2012 11:43 pm

    Hey guys. I asked you all if I should make new videos, you pretty much said "go for it." SO! I need you help. I need to know if what I have here is solid and I need to know if I've accidentally stolen any ideas from anyone else. I've given props to Acidic_Cook for the fact that Seath killed the dragons even though Seath is strong with magic. Other than that, the speculation I've made is my own, though I don't know if I've accidentally stolen it. If you came up with these ideas before me, I will mention you to make sure you get the credit you deserve.

    Also, I need to know if I MISSED ANYTHING. I'm talking about facts. I already have 2 speculation paragraphs in this video, and I don't think I can fit any more =/ Sadly. I may create a "Dark Souls Speculation" series, but for now, I need to know if I missed any items, facts, or dialogues. Though, I must admit, speculation suggestions are welcomed. I may stick it in there or replace my own with it if it's better than mine hahaha!

    Plus, I know I described the members of the Dragon Covenant weirdly, but I think going from an item description was unique and attention grabbing, especially for those who haven't looked into the lore yet. Let me know what you think.

    PS: I don't need editing. I know I'm not the best essay writer, but this isn't an essay. It's a script. It's not final. It's a first draft. There may be typos, the subjects may be scrambled a bit, but I'll change that around as I make the video, because then I'll know the best way to make the content flow. Plus, I'm a math person. So I don't like it when people talk about all the stuff I do wrong hahaha! I do a lot of stuff wrong when it comes to English...

    Anyway, anything else that may help me, go ahead! Let me know! PLEASE! For serious.

    Dark Souls Video #1

    Why hellooo there. This is JoeBroski09, and this is the first episode to my own Dark Souls Lore series. I admit, I am not the first to do this. The two channels I know of are linked in the description (Quelaag and ENB). Some of you may not know of Dark Souls. Mainly, my subscribers. I know it's a far fetch from Minecraft, any other gameplay, or my graphic design videos, but this is my new passion, and I hope you allow me to share it with you.

    Now, to start this off, I will let the main introduction of Dark Souls play through, and I will then start my lore rant from there.

    On Screen: Dark Souls full Intro Scene

    Now, this may be a lot to take in for those you haven't played the game. I agree. I advise you to stop listening and go play the game, as this will video series will have spoilers. For those of you who want to keep listening, the reason I start with this introduction is because it is the beginning. I had no idea where to start, until I realized that the start is the best place. Also, on a side note, I will try to keep the facts and speculation separate. So, without further ado, let's talk about the Age of Anchients and the Dragons.

    Let's start at the Age of Ancients. The start of the world as we know it. There are many theories as to what this Age really is, but all we know is what they tell us.

    In the age of anchients, the world was unformed. Shrouded by fog. A land of grey crags, archtrees, and everlasting dragons. Then came fire.

    So, we know that it was essentially nothing. Until fire came, and changed everything, but that's for a different video. For now, we know the dragons were essentially wiped because of this. How exactly? Well, WyrmHero pointed out that since Dragons are resistant to fire, the only way the witches helped kill them would be after Gwyn's army peeled their scales apart. Rynn speculated that the witches burned down all the trees to burn down all of the dragons' nests. But, in the end, it was the psycho scaleless that finished the dragons off.

    The best place to experience what the Age of Ancients was like, would be to travel to Ash Lake in-game. It's nearly completely empty, save for a few signs of Seath's work. For example, the Black Hydra, the Clams, and the Mushroom Men. The only thing that's there that doesn't seem to be connected the the betrayer of his own kind, would be the last Everlasting Dragon. This dragon is different from the ones you see throughout the rest of Lordran. The Drakes down in The Valley of the Drakes and the Bridge Wyvern, which is also a drake, doesn't look like the Everlasting Dragons you see in the introduction video, but this one is, except, he's a "hatchling."

    The biggest piece of evidence seperating the Drakes from the everlasting dragons comes from the Drake Sword's description.

    This sword, one of the rare dragon weapons, is formed by a drake's tail. Drakes are seen as undeveloped imitators of the dragons, but they are likely their distant kin. The sword is imbued with a mystical power, to be released when held with both hands.

    The main point I see in this description is that Drakes have magical attributes as well. The Bridge Wyvern is weak to Electricity and strong against magic just like the Everlasting Dragons.

    This weapon is the only dragon weapon in the game that comes from a Drake, and it comes from the Biggest drake we see. The Bridge Wyvern. The mystical power it mentions, of course, is the two handed strong attack that makes taking down the hollow and mage at the top of the undead church a freaking breeze.

    There are other rare dragon weapons in the game that give us some pretty great insite to what the dragons used to be.

    Dragon King Greataxe
    This axe, one of the rare dragon weapons, is formed by the tail of the Gaping Dragon, a distant, deformed descendant of the everlasting dragons. The axe is imbued with a mystical power, to be released when held with both hands.

    Now, information on the Gaping Dragon was released in an interview with one of the developers. He explained this dragon as a dragon filled with a hunger. A hunger to consume. This need to consume everything around it took over, and transformed it, opening it's stomach up, replacing most of its organs with a giant mouth with many teeth.

    What's strange is that the developer described it as a dragon, as if it's an everlasting dragon that became transformed. But the description of the Dragon King Greataxe describes the Gaping Dragon as a deformed descendant. So, this dragon was not one of the everlasting dragon, but most likely some kind of dragon other than a Drake. Sadly, we have no idea what dragon it was originally, because of it's extreme disformation. But we do know that the gaping dragon has special attributes similar to the everlasting dragons. Weak against that gold pine resin and The God of War's miracles, but strong against magic and flame.

    Another strange thing. Dragon KING Greataxe? Why put king in there? Perhaps he was once a king of the dragons, but his greed consumed him, and he was banished to the depths, forever to hunger for more. Idk. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

    Dragon Tooth
    Created from an everlasting dragon tooth. Legendary great hammer of Havel the Rock. The dragon tooth will never break as it is harder than stone, and it grants its wielder resistance to magic and flame.

    First off, let me just say, I love this item description. And, in a way, I hate it. It lets us know that the dragons were harder than stone. And that the wielder doesn't have a super special power. They have more defense. What? The only dragon weapon from a fully fledged Everlasting Dragon doesn't grant a special attack?! What does this imply? Well, maybe there's no way to use the tooth as a way to chew the enemy, so there's no way a humanoid can use the special attack. But I know teeth aren't supposed to have defensive properties, usually. That implies that the fully grown dragons had more defense than attack. Hmmm. Maybe the Everlasting Dragons of old didn't need to attack, and once something else had enough power to overcome the dragon's defense, they had few ways to fight back. Or maybe it's simply a tooth and not a tail. Idk. Speculation is fun, though.

    Props to Acidic_Cook on this next piece of observation. I'm expanding on it. Dragons are strong against everything except lightning. Thus, Gwyn pretty much hit them hard. But Seath, the true and final reason the dragons were no more, specializes in magic! Dragons are strong against magic! What the heeeeeeck? Also, there are lightning drakes in the Valley of the Drakes. The Bridge Wyvern breaths fire and drops the Drake Sword, which implies that the Brideg Wyvern is a TRUE Drake. But the ONLY thing that labels the Drakes in the Valley is the fact that it's called Valley of the Drakes, but they drop dragon scales! Seath is famous for creating new species. What if he created the Lightning Drakes by combining scales, and something that made them lightning based. Tell me what you think in the comments.

    Another point the description of the Dragon Tooth gives us is the fact that the old dragons were harder than stone. How can they be harder than stone? Well, some speculation on the forums (let me know who said this, people in the forums) described the dragons as part of nature. They didn't move much, they were harder than stone, and they were immortal. Sounds like nature to me.

    Aaaand here's one more thing about the everlasting dragons. Thanks to Rynn and WyrmHero again for this one. I had speculated that the everlasting dragons didn't breath fire because, well, how could they when there was no flame? They had speculated that dragons breath fire because a tooth of a dragon shows that it has more defense to fire. There's proof for both sides, and it is all speculation, really, since the only Everlasting Dragon in our world doesn't do much. Again, let your speculations run wild in the comment section.

    Dragon Greatsword
    This sword, one of the rare dragon weapons, came from the tail of the stone dragon of Ash Lake, descendant of the ancient dragons. Its great mystical power will be unleashed when wielded with two hands.

    This dragon is an everlasting dragon child. Still a descendant, but a direct one. If we were to look at this from the "dragons are apart of nature" theory, I don't know how nature could have a baby counterpart. Yeah, there are baby trees and so on, but the dragons are compared to stone. So, they may just be a race that's harder than stone. Moving on, to better explain this dragon, and what it's all about, let's talk about the next description.

    Dragon Scale
    Dragon scale for reinforcing dragon weapons. Peeled from an ancient dragon.
    A dragon is inseparable from its scales, and the transcendent apostles, who seek the perpetuity of the ancient dragons, have crossed the very end of the earth to seek this invaluable treasure.

    Who are these transcendent apostles? They are the followers of the dragons. They are worshipers of these dragons, or rather, dragon. Since only one is left. The word trascendent means, in theologic terms, "transcending the universe or time." These apostles of this last dragon, in theory, could trascend the universe or time. Which is compeltely true.

    The time in Dark Souls is distorted, and can't be defined. The followers of the dragon, or, in other words, the members of the Dragon Covenant, can invade other worlds and take dragon scales from others. Who are these others? Other users. That's right. If you're playing Dark Souls, and you're human, and if you have a dragon scale in your inventory, you can definitely be invaded by one of these trascendant apostles. But, Darkwraiths can do the same exact thing, but to everyone. So, props to Shkar for pointing this out, the more likely definition of transcendent would be "going beyond ordinary limits; surpassing; exceeding." As in, they surpass the normal human boundaries by transforming into dragon humanoids, which leads me to the next subject.

    Another way this scale describes the members of this covenant is that they seek the perpetuity of the ancient dragons. The members seek to be immortal. Who else does this? Seath. Just sayin, just sayin. The members of this covenant can also transform themselves into a humanoid dragon until death. Giving them the hard skin of a dragon and the ability to breath fire as well as do more damage.

    To do this, they use Dragon Stones. The Dragon Head Stone and the Dragon Torso Stone. These stones' desriptions state that using the stone is an ancient rite is the first step towards becoming a dragon, and cannot be reversed until death. What is the next step? We don't know. It's not possible to become a full fledged dragon in this game.

    Now, let's end this up with the dragon I know the least about. What everyone calls the Undead Dragon. Now, I have no idea if dragons can be affected by the undead curse that's supposed to be affecting humans, but that's their name because they're freakin' zombie dragons. We find two whole ones within the game that I know of. The one in the Valley of the Drakes that one shots anyone who doesn't see all the items as a trap. And another in the Painted World of Ariamis that, again, has items in front of it as a trap. That one's freaking scary. The way it pops out and just sprints at ya. Back to the topic. The reason I say "whole" is because I believe we see a lot, and I mean a LOT, of the bottom half of Undead Dragons. Where? In Lost Izalith. Whaaaat? Well, what's all in Lost Izalith? Demons. In fact, the only enemies in Lost Izalith are demons other than the Undead Dragons.

    So, from here on out, this is my speculation. What if the undead curse didn't effect dragons, but the Demon transformation does, but in a horrible, horrible way. It turns them into a poisonous dragon. We see poison all over pyromancy from Eingye. He's the one responsible for the poison in blighttown. And we see acid comes from the chaos since those worm demon things spew acid like no other. There's also a small connection in that you find an undead dragon in the painted world of ariamis, you find a pyromancer who invades you, and you find acid surge there. I don't really know what all this means, and, sadly, I'm running out of time, so run loose in the comments and/or the forums.

    That'll be it for my first dark souls lore video. If I skipped anything, let me know. I look forward to your comments. I'll see ya all soon.

    Last edited by JoeBroski09 on Sat May 19, 2012 2:25 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by Imarreteet23 Tue May 15, 2012 12:33 am

    Good stuff Joe. I don't think you missed much here. I personally like to speculate on the Age of Ancients, but since there isn't enough hard facts about that in-game, and you said you don't want speculation, then you pretty much covered everything. Good job. happy
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by JoeBroski09 Tue May 15, 2012 12:36 am

    Whoooo! Thanks so much! I feel so proud of this piece of work XD

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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by Shkar Tue May 15, 2012 12:59 am

    The transcenent part most likely refers to the other definition of transcendent, which would be " going beyond ordinary limits; surpassing; exceeding."

    That is too say, it is referencing them "surpassing" the normal human limits in becoming dragons.
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by JoeBroski09 Tue May 15, 2012 1:06 am

    Ahh. yes. Thank you. I should include both. Since I find the theological version really interesting hahah!

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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by Shkar Tue May 15, 2012 1:15 am

    JoeBroski09 wrote:Ahh. yes. Thank you. I should include both. Since I find the theological version really interesting hahah!

    yeah, I'd just include both. I find the meaning I posted more likely, but you never know when you could be right.

    As to the topic at hand though, I honestly could see From having made it so absorbing enough humanity/souls after using the dragon body would allow you to become more dragonlike (think egg head, but resetting on death.
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by JoeBroski09 Tue May 15, 2012 1:16 am

    Huh. Idk. I haven't ever done this in-game. RYNN! Where are you! She's the dragon-body expert.

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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by Shkar Tue May 15, 2012 1:24 am

    JoeBroski09 wrote:Huh. Idk. I haven't ever done this in-game. RYNN! Where are you! She's the dragon-body expert.

    Oh no, sorry that came out wrong. There's no way they actually implemeneted it (the logistics owuld be a nightmare). I was just saying that lore-wise that is probably along how it goes, there's a way to become an actual dragon that way.

    Although, I'm sure that if they had the capabilities they would have implemented it somehow.
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by JoeBroski09 Tue May 15, 2012 1:27 am

    Ahh. Thanks for the clarification haha! I'd still like to see Rynn get in on this XD. Well, I'd like to see a LOT of people get in on this. But I already sent Rynn a PM.

    Oh, and btw, I don't know if there's any connection between getting souls and humanity and becoming a full everlasting dragon. I mean, I don't think there was really souls and humanity during the Age of Ancients. Maybe souls, but Humanity was created by the Dark Soul. Sooo idk =/

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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by Shkar Tue May 15, 2012 1:29 am

    JoeBroski09 wrote:Ahh. Thanks for the clarification haha! I'd still like to see Rynn get in on this XD. Well, I'd like to see a LOT of people get in on this. But I already sent Rynn a PM.

    Oh, and btw, I don't know if there's any connection between getting souls and humanity and becoming a full everlasting dragon. I mean, I don't think there was really souls and humanity during the Age of Ancients. Maybe souls, but Humanity was created by the Dark Soul. Sooo idk =/

    That was just a generic (this is how they could have implemented it" thought. For all I know, you could have had a secret way to complete the rite and become a full dragon that way.
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by JoeBroski09 Tue May 15, 2012 1:33 am

    I believe Rynn's tried that already. Idk for sure, but I believe I saw a post from her where she went through the entire game as a dragon humanoid. She found no special ending. And I believe the way you level up in the covenant is by giving dragon scales. So I believe that's how you grow and become a full fledged dragon, by using the scales. Who knows? maybe the fledgling dragon needs them.

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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by WarMachine Tue May 15, 2012 1:38 am

    That's good stuff man. You should definitely do more.

    It has me wondering about ending the game in dragon form. Dragons making a comeback.

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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by Shkar Tue May 15, 2012 1:43 am

    JoeBroski09 wrote:I believe Rynn's tried that already. Idk for sure, but I believe I saw a post from her where she went through the entire game as a dragon humanoid. She found no special ending. And I believe the way you level up in the covenant is by giving dragon scales. So I believe that's how you grow and become a full fledged dragon, by using the scales. Who knows? maybe the fledgling dragon needs them.

    I was thinking more along the lines of a secret involving the dragon covenant, as opposed to just finishing the game. Also, I think offering the scales is just the dragon "rewarding" your dedication with the stones. I don't think the scales have anything else to do with the stones themselves.

    The "rite" you would perform could be anything really. An absorption of power, magically accelerating the process of naturally growing into a dragon, etc.
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by DoughGuy Tue May 15, 2012 1:45 am

    Have you read Acidic last (and I say last instead of latest on purpose) post?
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by JoeBroski09 Tue May 15, 2012 1:46 am

    I've read SO much of his post, but no. I've only gotten through about 4 or 5 "pages" of it.

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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by Shkar Tue May 15, 2012 1:47 am

    DoughGuy wrote:Have you read Acidic last (and I say last instead of latest on purpose) post?

    I have, some interesting tidbits in there.
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by DoughGuy Tue May 15, 2012 1:51 am

    Yep. Im still trying to get those connections he left us guessing. I have ideas but nothing Im concrete on.
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by skarekrow13 Tue May 15, 2012 1:54 am

    Good stuff Joe
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by JoeBroski09 Tue May 15, 2012 2:20 am

    skarekrow13 wrote:Good stuff Joe
    Thanks happy
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by DoughGuy Tue May 15, 2012 2:58 am

    I would make sure to put the intro in your vid. Seems appropriate. Although I dont know if there is copyright or something you;d have to get around.
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by JoeBroski09 Tue May 15, 2012 3:02 am

    JoeBroski09 wrote:Now, to start this off, I will let the main introduction of Dark Souls play through, and I will then start my lore rant from there.

    On Screen: Dark Souls full Intro Scene
    Yep. It's in there. XD
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by DoughGuy Tue May 15, 2012 3:06 am

    Sorry, havent got around to reading it yet.
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by JoeBroski09 Tue May 15, 2012 3:06 am

    Hahaha! Understandable. It's ginormous.

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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by WyrmHero Tue May 15, 2012 3:50 am

    Everything is great Joe. I do not agree with 2 things. The game contradicts itself with the increase of fire resistance of Dragon related items. I think fire was neutral against Dragons, because the Witches used fire to destroy them. Unless they only use fire to destroy Archtrees??? The other thing, I don't believe the apostles were from the Age of Ancients. Check out the Dragon Eye description.

    Online play item.
    Find a player who has acquired a Dragon Scale
    and invade that player's world to pillage it.
    (Only Covenanter can use the item).

    An art of the transcendent apostles who pray
    to the ancient dragons. To be alive is to be
    vulnerable, and the fiery Gods are no
    exception. The apostles seek another plane
    of existence, which transcends life.

    The fiery Gods??? I think I found something related to the followers of the occult here... But the apostles are from the Age of Fire, the age of the Gods. There were no Gods in the Age of Ancients...I could be wrong.

    Edit: This sentence needs some theorizing, I think it's an important connection to the Occultists and their rites.

    To be alive is to be
    vulnerable, and the fiery Gods are no

    Last edited by WyrmHero on Tue May 15, 2012 3:55 am; edited 2 times in total
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    DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons Empty Re: DarkSouls Lore #1: The Age of Ancients and the Dragons

    Post by DoughGuy Tue May 15, 2012 3:52 am

    @Wyrm did you notice it says ancient dragons? DO you think it just means their spirits or do you think ther are more dragons?

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