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    Times have changed, and so must i.

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    Times have changed, and so must i. - Page 4 Empty Re: Times have changed, and so must i.

    Post by Carphil Sun May 27, 2012 10:37 am

    Welcome back, fellow dragon! Much has changed, but you will get into things very soon
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    Times have changed, and so must i. - Page 4 Empty Re: Times have changed, and so must i.

    Post by Spurgun Sun May 27, 2012 11:18 am

    You’re a dragon? Nice, there aren’t very many of us on the forum.
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    Times have changed, and so must i. - Page 4 Empty Re: Times have changed, and so must i.

    Post by Serious_Much Sun May 27, 2012 11:22 am

    I'm pretty sure most people on here will have had a pop with the dragon covenant, but now they don't exactly have a great rep online anymore, and you know why silly
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    Times have changed, and so must i. - Page 4 Empty Re: Times have changed, and so must i.

    Post by Spurgun Sun May 27, 2012 11:59 am

    Yes, i know why sad

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    Times have changed, and so must i. - Page 4 Empty Re: Times have changed, and so must i.

    Post by DxV04 Sun May 27, 2012 10:04 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:I'm pretty sure most people on here will have had a pop with the dragon covenant, but now they don't exactly have a great rep online anymore, and you know why silly

    Now I am not sure why this post made laugh but it did. :drunken:
    Chosen Undead
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    Times have changed, and so must i. - Page 4 Empty Re: Times have changed, and so must i.

    Post by User Sun May 27, 2012 10:06 pm

    I have a covenant that may interest you, my old friend: Divine Conscripts of Transient. Just check it out. Designed to be acting as what the Black knights were suppose to be, except they are not; More uniformed still, acting as enemies that randomly attacking in warrior attire and specific rules, set with others that work together known as a pack.

    Just check it out, my friend. might interest you if you are still looking.

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    Times have changed, and so must i. - Page 4 Empty Re: Times have changed, and so must i.

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