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    That moment when...

    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    That moment when... - Page 2 Empty Re: That moment when...

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:26 am

    Pinwheel's is like some sort of a trippy, prog-rock tune. It is pretty cool.

    I suppose I would have appreciated Gwyn's song more, if I wasn't sweating bullets the first time I fought him. My focus was targeted I don't think I even noticed the music.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    That moment when... - Page 2 Empty Re: That moment when...

    Post by JoeBroski09 Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:30 am

    I KNEW I was going to die. I was like "time to see how epic this is going to be." i see him, and adrenaline starts pumping! I survived for a while, but I was mostly like "OHHH! SOO COOOOL! big grin"

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    That moment when... - Page 2 Empty Re: That moment when...

    Post by Opedak Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:31 am

    JoeBroski09 wrote:What about Gwyn's EPIC MUSIC?! If you do a blind run, like I did, and not know you can parry him, the fight is FREAKING EPIC! I died the first few times, looked up how to kill him, then died 30 times trying to parry him!

    Then I tanked him like a BOSS. Epic fight, and I felt so awesome while fighting him with the music, and afterwards.

    Oh Gywn, not knowing you could parry him. Best boss ever. EVER I SAY! EVER. Really, all I knew about that fight was that Gywn would give you no room to breath. And its true. I'd say he took me the most tries out of any boss on my first play through

    And I have never really heard pinwheels them, never fought him long enough
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    That moment when... - Page 2 Empty Re: That moment when...

    Post by JoeBroski09 Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:33 am

    Hahaha! Yeah. It wasn't too hard to just play normally. I lasted a while, and I knew I could do it. I just looked it up, sadly, after a few tries, and I only parried him once out of like 30 deaths... I did over half his health XD. 58str, DGA, Hornet Ring, Power within. Ohyeah! I ended up just using my Greatshield of Artias and tank him like a boss around the pillars.

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    That moment when... - Page 2 Empty Re: That moment when...

    Post by BartholomewWenceslas Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:35 am

    I can't say that I know any of the boss songs because even now, I still focus more on the boss than anything else. I do know the music associated with the Taurus Demon, but quite honestly, I don't like that one very much :|

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