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    Something I noticed whilst waiting to invade...


    Posts : 60
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    Age : 39

    Something I noticed whilst waiting to invade... Empty Something I noticed whilst waiting to invade...

    Post by Owl Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:47 pm

    As you all know, waiting on PvP can sometimes take a while. Often, I pass the time by admiring the details of armor and weapons.

    I can't believe I hadn't noticed this before, but I realized just yesterday that if you cut off the handle and remove the crystals from Logan's Crystalization Catalyst, you've got the Insanity Catalyst from Demon's Souls (the catalyst made with the Old Monk's soul).

    You've probably all known this for a long while (particularly given the fact that they serve the same purpose in their respective games) but I was just amazed at the fact that I hadn't noticed this minor easter egg before.
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    Something I noticed whilst waiting to invade... Empty Re: Something I noticed whilst waiting to invade...

    Post by skarekrow13 Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:17 pm

    Before you know it you'll be deep in the pendant's true making hunt with the rest of us our and detail hounds. Mwah ha ha haa

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