Despite knowing the vast majority of the information you post here, I have been following it anyways. Its good work.
Though I understand why you recommended what you did to aspiring pyros, I would like to point out that with a geared pyro a gcfb+gc combo, because the stun trapps them in the lava, will deal 1700+ damage if none of it is counter damage. it is a somewhat easier, if more limited, combo to land up close that could be used to build to the fireball/whip/gc combo, instead of trying to learn the more difficult combo right off.
Though I understand why you recommended what you did to aspiring pyros, I would like to point out that with a geared pyro a gcfb+gc combo, because the stun trapps them in the lava, will deal 1700+ damage if none of it is counter damage. it is a somewhat easier, if more limited, combo to land up close that could be used to build to the fireball/whip/gc combo, instead of trying to learn the more difficult combo right off.