I have them all , in a nutshell if you wait log enough youll see a 'easter egg' for each covenant dynamic theme.
- way of the white - reah is praying at the alter, picks her head up after while..and than it repeats.... But if you wait you will eventually see Petrus stroll in behind her ....he waits and looks at her...than does the shrug animation and walks off
- chaos covenant - wait long enough and eniyegi (her servant guy) will crawl in and pray.
- gravelord cov - wait and youll see a giant skelton walk in and drop the casket
- darkwraiths - in the abyss with Kaathe, wait and Kaathe will disappear and than pop out from the 'top' (meaning he originally appears right-side up, disappears and is hanging upside down) - odd cause Kaathe always appears at the correct orientation, which i assume is because the abyss is below the shrine - whereas Frampt appears upside down when you travel from the shrine to the altar.....hmmm Symbolism at its finest?!?
- Darkmoon Blade - gwyndolin is sitting in the chair by gwynns casket in a Dark version of anor londo...if you wait gwyndolin looks up towards the giant cathedral window - another Odd thing that i cant really 'get' yet. Also, there isna flower on gwynns tomb - just as you see the promo rendering
- Forest covenant - shiva is leaning on the wall where Alvina is supposed to be, he is in the leaning animation you see hi in, in blighttown - after some time Shiva gets up and wlks towards the camera...he than pauses and does the 'well, what isnit' emote....he than returns to his leaning pose....could this be a reference at the supposely cut content whrre shiva jacks your chaos blade ?? (I still swear i heard him talk about the chaos blade in a dialogue in blighttown sometime December 2011)
-Princess Guard - gwynnHugeTits chamber, sunny anor londo, eventually Ornstein will walk in and kneel and pray for awhile, he than gets up and leaves - he does not pat any attention to the camera (as i most of the other themes)
To me, all the thems are pointing out slight details that everyone has questioned. (petrus walking while reah is unaware i.e. she dies, petrus is found with the female only talisman)
For example : Princess guard - displays gwynboobs sitting there and Ornstein walks in and prays
I believe this 'fills' in the details of where And what Ornstein was doing when the opening O&S conematic plays ...notice Ornstein is upstairs and looks down from the rafters.
What im getting at - is in the dragon covenant - wait long enough and the Edragon will Look down at u.....Two questions - does this ever occur in game ?
- what is the meaning of this ??? Could it be there is a way to get the e dragons attention as if we are about to have a conversation prompt?? Why do i think this - every NPC in te game will rotate there head at you when you 'talk' or interact with them
What do you guys think ?
Last edited by Shabbalaba on Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:23 pm; edited 1 time in total