I created an account just because I wanted to share some thoughts. First off it is not my intention to offend any race whatsoever, I just want some clarity about how people behave.
Let's start:
I host regularly at undead burg. Regular 1v1, or redvsred, or 2v2. Everyone I encounter is extremely respectful and I reward everybody in my little tournaments.
However, lately (past 2 weeks, around midday), i've been encountering a huge amount of cheesers and hackers who immediatly go for the kill. Even if I summon them.
I started counting them and summarizing them in order of country. This is what I found in 1 day:
19 dishonourable players of roughly 56 encountered
>1 italian
>2 german
>1 UK/US
>16 japanese
This has been like this for the past week. Always around midday/afternoon. Note: the other 37 players we're europeans or americans. I wrote down the names so I know the 16 japanese players are different.
All I wish to know is if there are any japanese players or somebody else on this forum who can explain this? They have ruined pvp for me.
I read on other forums that the Japanese hate americans and also hate to lose at all costs, but i thought that was too generalizing and racist.
I created an account just because I wanted to share some thoughts. First off it is not my intention to offend any race whatsoever, I just want some clarity about how people behave.
Let's start:
I host regularly at undead burg. Regular 1v1, or redvsred, or 2v2. Everyone I encounter is extremely respectful and I reward everybody in my little tournaments.
However, lately (past 2 weeks, around midday), i've been encountering a huge amount of cheesers and hackers who immediatly go for the kill. Even if I summon them.
I started counting them and summarizing them in order of country. This is what I found in 1 day:
19 dishonourable players of roughly 56 encountered
>1 italian
>2 german
>1 UK/US
>16 japanese
This has been like this for the past week. Always around midday/afternoon. Note: the other 37 players we're europeans or americans. I wrote down the names so I know the 16 japanese players are different.
All I wish to know is if there are any japanese players or somebody else on this forum who can explain this? They have ruined pvp for me.
I read on other forums that the Japanese hate americans and also hate to lose at all costs, but i thought that was too generalizing and racist.