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Soris Ice Goldwing
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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)


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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by Lollershopper Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:42 am


    I created an account just because I wanted to share some thoughts. First off it is not my intention to offend any race whatsoever, I just want some clarity about how people behave.

    Let's start:

    I host regularly at undead burg. Regular 1v1, or redvsred, or 2v2. Everyone I encounter is extremely respectful and I reward everybody in my little tournaments.

    However, lately (past 2 weeks, around midday), i've been encountering a huge amount of cheesers and hackers who immediatly go for the kill. Even if I summon them.

    I started counting them and summarizing them in order of country. This is what I found in 1 day:

    19 dishonourable players of roughly 56 encountered
    >1 italian
    >2 german
    >1 UK/US
    >16 japanese

    This has been like this for the past week. Always around midday/afternoon. Note: the other 37 players we're europeans or americans. I wrote down the names so I know the 16 japanese players are different.

    All I wish to know is if there are any japanese players or somebody else on this forum who can explain this? They have ruined pvp for me.

    I read on other forums that the Japanese hate americans and also hate to lose at all costs, but i thought that was too generalizing and racist.

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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by MikailArksot Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:50 am

    While the premise sounds racist, you're merely gathering statistics. 

    As for why the 16 Japanese players were "try-hards", that's up for debate. I mean, if you look at World War II, I'd definitely see why there's tension between Japanese and Americans. Or they're sore losers and would hate to submit to a foreigner, or anyone in general.

    This is just speculation, of course.

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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by Lollershopper Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:08 am

    Maybe I just had bad luck. But I have yet to find 1 honourable japanese player (not even joking) and i've been dueling in undead burg for alot of months now..
    Soris Ice Goldwing
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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:09 am

     Well the burg has a bad rep for unhonourable fights for a while now.

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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by twigsterxd Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:10 am

    I don't know where you got those statistics from. Meaning, no idea how you found out where these people live. Your stats seem a little off because it seems weird that you think the Japanese are bigger cheaters/hackers than anyone else. In the future, please do not centre out any nationality as the worse or biggest cheats. And, it also breaks the rules in this forum.
    There are tons of threads in both the Dark Souls and PvP sections on hackers/cheaters and I suggest you go thru those sections before posting anymore on this subject.

    As for the world war 2 comment. Please do not discuss or bring up any politics as it is ALSO against the rules.

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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by shadowzninjaz Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:14 am

    Burg isnt the place for "honnorable duels" burg is just for some fast random pvp u should expect the worse there, if ur looking for some honnorable duels try looking for fight clubs on twitch or ask a few people from here if they wanna duel or your friends

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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by ScottyDoesKnow Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:35 am

    twigsterxd wrote:I don't know where you got those statistics from. Meaning, no idea how you found out where these people live. Your stats seem a little off because it seems weird that you think the Japanese are bigger cheaters/hackers than anyone else. In the future, please do not centre out any nationality as the worse or biggest cheats. And, it also breaks the rules in this forum.
    There are tons of threads in both the Dark Souls and PvP sections on hackers/cheaters and I suggest you go thru those sections before posting anymore on this subject.

    As for the world war 2 comment. Please do not discuss or bring up any politics as it is ALSO against the rules.
    GFWL tells you the country they're from.

    Lollers you should really be saying "people from japan" instead of japanese since that's the information you really have, and avoids any forum problems with racism.

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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by DigitaLinsanitY Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:22 am

    Why not just ask them? Surely they would give you more insight then we ever could. (Seriously, not trying to be sarcastic).

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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by Lollershopper Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:39 am

    I tried asking them. No point since most of them don't speak english (heck, I don't blame them since even the boss of FROM doesn't speak english).

    I would love not to center out a nationality but my statistics say otherwise. Just as I would love to see that criminality by young foreigners, like myself, in Holland is low, but it just isn't. Statistics are statistics. I get their nationalty by browsing their psn tag. 

    There are other topics about 'people from Japan' in Dark souls all over the internet. It's clearly a recurring event and all I want is an explanation, why most (not all) have such an hateful mindset. I'll let it rest though, since im breaking the rules. Maybe someday I will encounter one that will explain it to me.

    Thank you for your welcome. There are a lot of useful topics on this website.

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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by theGentleman Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:55 am

    I'm sure the Japanese Dark Souls forums are filled with inquiries about "dishonorable" Americans and their obsession with GiantDads and HeavyMages.

    This is the silliest thing I have heard in a while, there is no lingering rivalry between the US and Japan over WWII. We are deeply intertwined economic partners who have a greatly beneficial relationship.

    I PM many of the players that I fight and learn that many Players From Japan are actually westerners who are there on military orders, a contract job or the family of those individuals.

    Depending on the time of day that you play, you might encounter 16 TryHards from Japan or 16 TryHards from the US. It's best not to attempt to find some underlying cause for these players being 'tryhards' in order to easily categorize them - better to just learn to beat them.

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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by Xero Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:01 pm

    90% of japanse players on the PC are hornet using flippers that proper bow after they kill you. Thats not a stereotype thats a fact. In my 300h of Dark Souls PvP i met one that didnt use this tactic and everyone i talked to has had the same experience.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:47 pm

    This the type of thread that can go south ie bad very fast and hurt people so be careful with what you say.
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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:08 pm

    We do not advocate discussions like this on the forum. Please bear in mind we are a community with a multitude of nationalities and types of people collecting here. Starting threads like this and pointing fingers at particular groups of people is definitely not beneficial, whether you back it up with fact or not, you're singling out a race for slander, and we all know what that is called.

    Also bringing up WWII is redundant- all it sounds like is that you wish to criticise the japanese.

    I'm locking this thread. Please do not create another like this again.

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    What's up with the Japanese (not a rant) Empty Re: What's up with the Japanese (not a rant)

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