Also like to mention that i had the most pleasant invasion today, if there is such a thing, because so far in Darks Souls invaders haven't exactly used 'fair' tactics, they're always trying something cheap instead of fighting one on one, but this guy was the first decent guy i got invaded by. I was in the painted picture world, cant think of the name, and as i opened the door to that 'phalanx' type enemy (loads of blobs with shields and spears), i got invaded. Im pretty bad at PVP, i dont play the game for that, so i hate when this happens because it usually means a trip back to the bonfire. Anyway this guy seen me, ran by into the yard and beckoned me on. Here we go i thought, another guy trying to lure me out to fight beside an enemy but this guy ran over to the other door, the locked on that creates a shortcut to the bonfire and beckoned again. hmmm is this guy really that decent that he would allow me to open the shortcut door before commencing our fight? Well that was the case, i ran over and he allowed me to open the door and once we got out into a quiet area he bowed and we had our fight, which was actually very good and lasted a bit but he eventually won.
I sent him a message of respect and as i was sitting at the bonfire he appeared beside me and bowed. Nice guy and yeah, he was Japanese. Later i got help to defeat the boss and he was also Japanese, so yeah, whats up with that?
(sorry for long post)