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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]


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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers] Empty Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:27 am

    So I was trawling through the Prepare to Die clips and the one in which the Gamesradar guy takes on Artorias.... following which he enters the new area the Oolacile Township.

    So I was thinking. Where in Lordran is the Oolacile Township?

    Well from the Sanctuary Area where he seems to find Artorias the player, geographically speaking, heads downwards... perhaps New Londo ways? Is there a period of time between Oolacile's foundation, then over taken by the abyss, where it has New Londo built over it?

    Architecturally speaking it doesnt resemble the Anor Londo at all... there are no perfect paths, titanic spires, nor winding stair cases.... it seems to be more akin to New Londo or the Burg areas.

    Also what is with the grass/ ivy growing everywhere. The spell from Oolacile seem to revolve around affecting the nature of the world rather than being manifestations of the soul like Logan/ Vinhiems spells. Is it that the people of Oolacile were more in touch with nature than the the so called God that serve Gwyn. Additionally where whill Anor Londo/ how will the gods even play a role in this DLC? Are they perhaps neighbouring civilisations where Gwyn sends his Four Knights to halt the Dark?

    Here is the Vid -

    Speculate Away !
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers] Empty Re: Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:07 am

    DoughGuy wrote:Oolacile could be that second city Shkar is always on
    about. Also notice how in the pics there are no shining flowers (that
    Ive seen). Guess we were right about their magic infusing the land cheers

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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers] Empty Re: Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:23 pm

    That doesnt answer any questions just raises more. Is that your only theory regardin Oolacile and if so how do you back it up?
    Duke's Archivist
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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers] Empty Re: Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:28 pm

    Where is that darkroot thread, most of my evidence is there.

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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers] Empty Re: Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:56 pm

    Again I would be nice to discuss things like this rather than shut new threads down and refer people to really other threads that they have to trawl through to find the occasional bit of evidence
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers] Empty Re: Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:03 pm
    read the next few posts too
    read the next few posts too
    read the next few posts too

    Thats the main stuff from the first 8 pages. I hope you dont mind that I just linked it, there was too much to quote.

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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers] Empty Re: Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:05 pm

    Ill get my quoting face on!

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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers] Empty Re: Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:37 pm

    KnewGaming makes a point in his vid that I was thinking of as well. In the scene from 6.50 on wards!

    doesnt that structure in the distance look like the Painted World?

    Could the PW be linked to the DLC somehow.

    Maybe the PW is a section of Lordran that Gwyn/ the Lords had sealed away when the Knights failed to hold back the darkness. Thus they manage to take a section of Oolacile and seal it withing the painting in Anor Londo.

    That might explain the appearance of the Occult Ember. Fragment of the Abyss that was taken with whatever was in Oolacile at the time.

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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers] Empty Re: Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]

    Post by samster628 Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:32 pm


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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers] Empty Re: Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]

    Post by Pesth Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:49 pm

    The Artorias boss battle arena, looks alot like the place where you fight siff, well, without all the constructions.

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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers] Empty Re: Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]

    Post by samster628 Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:49 am

    i dont have prepare to die edition but watch the gamesradar video. he walks into a place called oolicile sanctuary then across the stone bridge you later go across to fight sif. you can see the path aroung the cliff face is exactly the same as in the darkroot garden

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    Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers] Empty Re: Oolacile and the DLC [Spoilers]

    Post by SnailsAndSlugs Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:43 pm

    I think we can all agree that the Artorias boss battle is, in fact, where the Sif battle takes place. Where Ciaran is praying is where Artorias' grave is eventually constructed. Oolacile is either destroyed during the war against the dragons, or simply erodes after its populace has been overcome by the abyss. I think Oolacile township is simply the forest surrounding the darkroot forest areas, beyond the bridge where you fight Sif. In other words, its physically in parts of the forest that you can't explore in "Lordran". If you could, you'd just see more ruins as they exist around Darkroot.

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