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Forum Pirate
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    PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)


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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:13 pm

    @Reim: keep track of victories vs losses. This should help tell you who has the advantage. My wins are much higher than losses when invading.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by reim0027 Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:43 pm

    Pre Anor - much higher. Anor and above - higher. But, not an insane amount higher. If that were the case, I would start to handicap myself. Otherwise, it wouldn't be fun.

    The point of this thread is to encourage dedicated PvPers (especially those who don't like PvE) to branch out. PvP isn't just about duelling. There is much more to it. Do some co-op in Anor - you're bound to have some PvP action there, and you can protect your host. Do some invading. Do some GLing.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by DarkW17 Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:28 pm

    Against my better judgement I will make 1 more post!

    1st off I invade with 1 and only 1 toon my sl55 Darkstalker...the lvl was picked originally by Billy so as to avoid all low lvl griefing!

    2nd I find it funny how everyone portrays these 'poor' questers and summons as ill equip pvp noobs....that's a horrible generalization to make 9 months into the game...they know by being human in a place like Anor they will be invaded its there job to be ready for me....the people I am invading are higher lvl than me and just as well equiped...sure there is the exception if I notice there weapon doing little damage ill bc out or jump off a ledge I may be rutheless but not a jerk!

    3rd I invade places like Anor and Dukes were I know there will be 3 of them so its a fun challenge for all....I also try not to target the host till the phantoms are dead...I usually lyod the host fight the phantoms then the host if I am lucky enough to get that far....that way we can all have fun and the host has lost nothing but having to run back and summon the same guy!

    I have always been a invader since Demons souls its what I love most about the souls series....when invading I follow my own set of prinicples they may be rutheless but to me they are fair!

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by Forum Pirate Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:55 pm

    To assume though that hosts are geared for pve is also not true a great deal of the time. Most of the hosts I invade are in a pvp or universal setup by the time I find them, and they usually have at least 1 phantom with them, and they can heal.

    It might make the level harder because I force them to burn resources, but rarily is a host unprepared to deal with me both in terms of skill and gear.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:02 pm

    Perhaps the setups are different on xbox and playstation; I find hosts woefully unprepared in skill, setup and gear.

    I don't know how many times they throw a lightning bolt at me to be punished in some form. Just trying that speaks volumes about skill.

    Edit: I have heard of players using it effectively, but I've never seen it. Each time someone casts one of the lightning spear spells, I automatically put them as new or cosplay.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by reim0027 Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:04 pm

    That could very well be. Since DeS came out on PS3, there are many more "veterans" on the PS3. Still, all the more reason to invade on the XBox. Get them better prepared. Just go more lightly on them.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by WyrmHero Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:07 pm

    IV_Mark_VI wrote:Perhaps the setups are different on xbox and playstation; I find hosts woefully unprepared in skill, setup and gear.

    I don't know how many times they throw a lightning bolt at me to be punished in some form. Just trying that speaks volumes about skill.

    Edit: I have heard of players using it effectively, but I've never seen it. Each time someone casts one of the lightning spear spells, I automatically put them as new or cosplay.

    You gotta fight my electro man Mark, crazy lightning spears spammer.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:09 pm

    Yeah, I also think PvP is fundamentally different on the PS3. I need to play more to decide definitively, but lag is much worse from what I've tried.

    Still getting used to the buttons/controller. Feels so tiny...

    I'll get a PvP up on the PS3, see hwo it goes. But the lagstabs I've experience have been horrible. On the xbox, they'll be at your side and then you're backstabbed. But ps3, they can appear right in front of you, and start strafing, then bam, backstabbed immediately. Wonder if this is why weapons like Great Scythe and BKGA are so popular, as they jsut cover swaths of area in a blind sweep.

    We should set something up wyrm.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by DamageCK Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:25 pm

    Forum Pirate wrote:To assume though that hosts are geared for pve is also not true a great deal of the time. Most of the hosts I invade are in a pvp or universal setup by the time I find them, and they usually have at least 1 phantom with them, and they can heal.

    It might make the level harder because I force them to burn resources, but rarily is a host unprepared to deal with me both in terms of skill and gear.

    I've always thought "geared for PvE" was a bum phrase. I know I don't make builds for PvP and I don't make builds for PvE. I make builds for kicking ***. Unless your build is stuff like Undead Rapport and Aural Decoy, I don't see how players can't make the transition from fighting engine controlled enemies to fighting player controlled enemies. It's the same thing. You fight them. Where's the hang up?

    In reality it should go something more like "Doesn't know how to put a build together yet". Or "Read where the wiki calls the GSoA 'arguably the best weapon in the game' and invested stats everywhere. Still does laughable damage."
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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by Forum Pirate Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:31 pm

    A lightning spear and the eagle shield will get one murdered in pvp but is incredibly effective in pve. I have problems using great hammers and ultra great swords in pve, so I use whatever random crap (like the pickaxe) for pve. Again, I'd be slaughtered if I fought an invader like that.

    Resistance and the healing miracles (excluding replenish) have the same problems

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:35 pm

    There's definitely hang ups. Spells like SLB/DMB are Boss only spells. Great Lightning Spear is fantastic for PvE, not so much for PvP.

    Great spells like WoG isn't as good for PvE as simple spells like Heal, which doesn't have much use in PvP. I almost never use a WoG in PvE; total waste. Can only think of a handful of situations it's good.

    And your build itself. What weapon you use: some are great for PvE and not so much PvP.

    You have a definite point though, if I didn't understand it when I first read your post: a player that is good enough to make a PvP build, has the skills to deal with PvE, and so there is no such thing as a PvE build. I agree with that. Any PvP build can do a PvE run.

    But there are some rings and spells that aren't useful in PvE and vice versa. Example, Hornet's Ring you shouldn't see equipped on someone doing Lost Izaleth. Once the invaders there, maybe they'll switch it on, but not before.

    I'd never put on a lightning spear for PvP, but PvE it rocks.
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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by RANT Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:35 pm

    yeah, i love ugs for pvp but theyre not that good for pve imo, specially bosses, i only need one weapon for pve and that's the msgs or the mace/pickaxe.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by befowler Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:49 pm

    Having tried all kinds, I actually find coop more challenging than invading; it requires a very different set of skills and instincts, and you have to worry more about someone else rather than yourself. You can be the best PvPer in the world and it won't matter if someone sails in and just OHKOs the host with a ridiculous lagstab (or you go through the S&O fog gate just in time to see your host eat one of Ornstein's patented teleport stabs). You also have to deal with a succession of invaders, any one of whom may send 20 minutes of effort down the drain, and their refreshed spells like WoG/fire tempest as you are forced to husband resources to deal with mobs and ultimately the boss. If you are looking to learn PvP then invading is the way to go, but the challenge/reward I've always found higher in coop. The funniest part is that it's not always the noob hosts that are hardest to keep alive, it's often the "pros" with maxxed gear who think they will do everything themselves and just want you around as an appreciative audience. The things Dark Souls does to punish those guys can be downright terrifying.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by reim0027 Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:55 pm

    LOL befowler. I've noticed the same things when I'm cooping too. Sometimes, I just want to send a message to back off and let me handle this. But, that is not what coop is for.

    Do me a favor. Keep cooping in Anor at 60 or so. Maybe we'll meet again. This time though, I plan on killing you . . . fair warning. Point Forward
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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by Forum Pirate Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:58 pm

    I don't coop much, but I'm better suited to it. I agree, the toughest hosts to keep alive are the experienced ones, the new players are usually smart enough to let me keep them alive, especially where invaders are concerned.

    Hosts often fail to grasp that if I die, nothing bad happens, but if they die we both fail, and so they insist on trying to 2v1 the invader instead of backing off and healing me instead, this gets them bsd and killed a lot.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by reim0027 Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:02 pm

    Sometimes, the **** new players are a PITA to keep alive. They are the kind that trust their R1 mashing skill to save the day.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by befowler Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:06 pm

    Haha, I'll be there PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 639795459 . We ran into each other a few times over the past weekend, actually -- I was using a big hatted mage build and you had a zweihander I think. Obviously I see your name come up in the invasion message, but you may have missed mine through the panicked urine spray I was giving off.

    While I'm at it, another amusing Anor Londo anectdote from the weekend: I helped a guy all the way through the level from the start, and then the ingrate turned around and invaded my next host! I felt bad killing him for that..well, until I got his extremely funny hate thanks mail. It was something like "Hey, thanks for helping me with S&O, you goddamn noob!" Hahaha.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by DarkW17 Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:49 pm

    befowler wrote:Haha, I'll be there PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 639795459 . We ran into each other a few times over the past weekend, actually -- I was using a big hatted mage build and you had a zweihander I think. Obviously I see your name come up in the invasion message, but you may have missed mine through the panicked urine spray I was giving off.

    While I'm at it, another amusing Anor Londo anectdote from the weekend: I helped a guy all the way through the level from the start, and then the ingrate turned around and invaded my next host! I felt bad killing him for that..well, until I got his extremely funny hate thanks mail. It was something like "Hey, thanks for helping me with S&O, you goddamn noob!" Hahaha.

    Lol that's to funny....meeting Reim and the thanks/hate mail!!!

    How did I not invade a coop you were doing I was vading Anor all afternoon saturday....wait I know why I was doing the 1st part for a change....I have done the halls of Anor so much I thought it was time to do the begining!!

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by reim0027 Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:25 pm

    befowler - how did our fights go? I've done a lot of invading with that Zwei. You can imagine how many mages there are wandering about Anor.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:31 pm

    Ghadis_God wrote:I do play by different rules when I invade, Damage, and I don't think there's only being honorable or being a douchebag. I just find it more fun to play fair, not by strict gudelines, but just in a very general sense. I'm not judging anyone else for what they do in invasions, but kill or be killed just personally seems like a bit of an overkill mentality if I'm not facing a team of gankers.

    I'd say you are right.

    There is being honourable, there is being a douchebag, but there are dozens of playstyles between the two.

    When I invade I do it in what I would call a classy evil style. Im definately there to kill you and you will know it by how agressive I am, and Ill BS if you need punishing and parry when I can, and if i get hurt Ill run off and heal.

    I dont consider that being a jerk, im being a proper invader.

    I love it when clever players like that invader me, and use mobs, and terrain, healing,anad all that junk (though I hate DB glitchers now)to win or give me a good fight. think that was how invasions were supposed to go down.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by DarkW17 Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:17 pm

    On the lighter side I had a funny invasion in Anor on the weekend....

    I was using my sl120 Leeroy build vading in full fat rolling Havel cosplay....but invading with cracked reds and buffing DMB on the dragon tooth...I heard some noise up the stairs so I knew they were up there....

    I buffed and waddled up the stairs right for the phantom....nailed him with the 1st R1 took half his life and staggered a noob I hit the wall with the follow up swing...I was rewarded with the Host BSing me and then hitting me with a chain BS....

    I then got a msg "sorry man I don't usually do that just wanna get O and S done so I can get this toon finsihed soon....hey btw your psn seems familiar do you know SchultzZ"...I was like lol no prob its an invasion no rules ect and ya I do know him....

    Then I offered to coop O and S with him which he accepted...they didn't last long with my buffed MSGS...then he wanted help with the 4 Kings who also fell the end he was trying to join the Darkwraiths to finish his toon....another loyal servant among our ranks twisted PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 3378427106
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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by RANT Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:27 pm

    i also have been cosplaying in the catacombs with my leeroy dude, one invasion one coop. so much fat fat rolling and people doing the prostration every time they see leeroy invade lol coop'ing is also a lot of fun specially since people get invaded there nonstop.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by DarkW17 Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:56 pm

    Lol that's awesome Rant good ole Leeroy cheers

    Ill really mess them up cuz ill come at them fat rolling havel cosplay then vade the next time as Leeroy cosplay silly

    Least I'm not buffing SLB on that Grant tho....oh wait I'm not dueling in the burg against one of those guys right now Look Skyward when was that DLC coming again lol
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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by RANT Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:59 pm

    i doubt they got rid of all the glitches though. if they did thats awesome though.

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:05 am

    Well the PC version is a bit of a beta right now if guess so anything too problematic could be resolved through PC patches and then ammendments to the DLC content...... or at least i hope so

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    PvP burning you out?  Try this (worked for me) - Page 4 Empty Re: PvP burning you out? Try this (worked for me)

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