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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers


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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by ThatPerson Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:51 am

    So this is one of my insane speculations, this time it'll involve Embers, Blacksmiths, and who may be the Blacksmith God!

    So let's list out the Blacksmiths and what they enchant.

    Andrei- Normal, Raw, Divine and Occult, used by the believers of the gods and people who hunt the gods.
    Giant- Lightning, Crystal, and Boss weapons.
    Valmos- Fire and Chaos weapons, made from the embers from Izalith.
    Rickert- Magic and Enchanted, from Vinhelm and Oolacile respectively.

    It seems that normal people can also make embers, and the embers don't seem to ever break, since the Enchanted Ember has been there since its been there since the time of Oolacile, and the Chaos Ember is literally on a bed of lava.

    And I'm going to randomly switch this topic into New Londo. New Londo contains the Very Large Embers, which can make weapons on par with the greatest weapons of legend. It also interests me greatly that the Wraiths drops rare Chunks and sometimes even Slabs often (Well, the Chunks anyways). Remember, there aren't any Chunks/ Slabs outside of Lordran. So I think the BS God was assisting the Four Kings before they went dark, and either he left or went somewhere.

    I personally either the Giant Blacksmith or Valmos is the BS God. Giant makes Lightning weapons which I think, are the weapons of some Gods, like Gwyn, who's Sunlight Spear is lightning too. Maybe he came back after NL was flooded? He also sells Twinkling titanite. Valmos is also a possible candidate, since he knows a lot about Embers, even saying "What has Embers become these days?" or something along those lines. And the Royal Helm. He could've died in the flooding, and buried in the Catacombs. Maybe he made a Covenant with Nito to become a skeleton?

    Rickert thinks he is the best and he operated a forge at Vinhelm. He states that he never saw the Enchanted Ember before, so thats the extent I got on him. Andrei is suspicous, he says himself a "mere country smith" , yet he knows how to forge weapons that are used to hunt the gods and weapons that are used by followers of the Gods.

    Alright, I'm done for today, thoughts?

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by FellipeMariano Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:10 am

    First, the official Lore says that the Blacksmith God is nameless (meaning he has no know name, or maybe it never had a proper name).

    I find strange and curious that some Slabs gave life to the titanite Demons (meaning that the Slabs are powerful enough to create life).

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by ThatPerson Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:13 am

    ...I just left titanite Demon out. Whoops. Ill edit back in when my fingers don't hurt as much after typing that entire wall of text. And really? Where did you get the info? o_o

    Edit: Oh, wait, nevermind.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by DoughGuy Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:24 am

    The titanite demons spawned when the nameless BS deity "passed". Out of all the blacksmiths who looks the most like they "passed"?

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by ThatPerson Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:30 am

    Valmos. But if he really has no name, it adds to the Giant Blacksmith being the God.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by DoughGuy Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:41 am

    He could have given himself a name after he died.
    I can't see the giant being it, hhe's just not the right ... well smart enough.

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by ThatPerson Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:42 am

    Aside from the Blacksmith God, what do you think of my New Londo theory?

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by FellipeMariano Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:55 pm

    ThatPerson wrote:Aside from the Blacksmith God, what do you think of my New Londo theory?

    You didn't make much of a theory about New Londo... but, what the game says is that the Blacksmith God made the Gods Weapons and, by that, we can presume that he made every special weapon of the game (like the Dragonslayer Spear, The Sword of Gwyn and etc).

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by ThatPerson Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:19 pm

    FellipeMariano wrote:
    ThatPerson wrote:Aside from the Blacksmith God, what do you think of my New Londo theory?

    You didn't make much of a theory about New Londo... but, what the game says is that the Blacksmith God made the Gods Weapons and, by that, we can presume that he made every special weapon of the game (like the Dragonslayer Spear, The Sword of Gwyn and etc).

    I did. The titanite chunks/slabs in the New Londo, in the middle of the OP, I think.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by DoughGuy Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:22 pm

    ThatPerson wrote:And I'm going to randomly switch this topic into New Londo. New Londo contains the Very Large Embers, which can make weapons on par with the greatest weapons of legend. It also interests me greatly that the Wraiths drops rare Chunks and sometimes even Slabs often (Well, the Chunks anyways). Remember, there aren't any Chunks/ Slabs outside of Lordran. So I think the BS God was assisting the Four Kings before they went dark, and either he left or went somewhere.
    Its a good observation. Hmmm.

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by ThatPerson Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:15 am

    Why there is a titanite Demon in Lost Izalith is beyond me.

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by WyrmHero Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:53 am

    You forgot to say, that the Large Flame Ember was originally in New Londo, as Vamos states. Why is it in the Demon Ruins I have no idea, but it could be that Kirk stole it and hid it there, idk. The Large Flame Ember's description says it was used in ancient rites, similar to the Server and the Large Divine Ember. Still, idk if these rites are similar or different. The only hint I have is that the Server's description changes when you upgrade it to fire/chaos.

    In regards to who might be the nameless deity, Acidic made a good theory that it might be Sen, from Sen's Fortress. You see a lot of titanite demons and giants (who drop titanite chunks) there. You can get several large titanite shards on the place as well as a lightning spear, which the gods used to hunt the dragons (lightning weapons in general). The Vamos theory is good but I don't see a relation in him making god weapons. The giant blacksmith might be just a living disciple of the Blacksmith God, and Andre is in my opinion the banished God of War which makes the weapons of legend and of the gods.

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:00 am

    DoughGuy wrote:He could have given himself a name after he died.
    I can't see the giant being it, hhe's just not the right ... well smart enough.

    Thats what people thought about another giant.... AND I CANT SPOIL IT FOR YOU but thats exactly what people would assume about giants!
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:06 am

    Oh my god, give me this DLC FROM!

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by ThatPerson Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:24 am

    Hm, yeah it could be Sen's. I still think the BS God was at New Londo at one point, though.

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by XuitusTheGreat Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:33 pm

    why cant it be that the god's dead o-o and none of the blacksmiths in the game are him, or is there something creating the idea he's alive?

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    Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers Empty Re: Blacksmiths, titanite, titanite Demons, and Embers

    Post by The_Flail Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:02 am


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