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    The Pendant, Yet another stab in the dark


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    The Pendant, Yet another stab in the dark Empty The Pendant, Yet another stab in the dark

    Post by Wintercatalyst Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:03 am


    I have a theory on the pendant, no game mechanics, pure lore.
    First I'd like to say That I do not know for sure but I am betting on this being my best thoery. Also liked to thank ENB for providing some info/speculation to work off...
    ok, here we go (there are spoilers too)

    First off, the pendant can be traded with snuggly, we all know he line "Give me warm, give me soft!" so why the pendant? how is it warm? how is it soft? I think there is a soul in it, a special soul. The Dark soul. But ENB stated that humanity are fragments of the Dark and from the DLC (the big humanity things) that they are trying to reunite (as they get close to you). Gwyn was able to split his soul but retain it for himself still, what if the Dark soul also did this, having split but retaining a 'true form'.
    I also see that the pendant description has the words "fondest memories."It could be a play on words, the developers may have been referring to the pygmy yet used the ironic term fondest memory. As for why Rhea has it, If we understand that the dark soul want to reunite, could the pendant draw more humanity than normal? If so, Rhea could've been using it to gain more humanity to kindle bonfires, she is carrying quite a lot for an npc anyway. though i do not believe she knows of the Dark soul within it.

    Tell me what you think, hope this would help the cause.

    Last edited by Wintercatalyst on Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:29 am; edited 3 times in total
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    The Pendant, Yet another stab in the dark Empty Re: The Pendant, Yet another stab in the dark

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:11 am

    This needs spoilers since you mentioned

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    The Pendant, Yet another stab in the dark Empty Re: The Pendant, Yet another stab in the dark

    Post by Artoriasflagg Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:39 pm

    Personally, I like this theory. Epic threw out a couple cool ideas during his Oolicile playthrough videos, and that idea of humanity constantly trying to reunite with itself was one of the most interesting that I remember. It would also explain the large amount of souls that Rhea has on her; something that would obviously be useful for someone who is expected to go forth and kindle bonfires as her life's work.

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    The Pendant, Yet another stab in the dark Empty Re: The Pendant, Yet another stab in the dark

    Post by Wintercatalyst Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:13 am

    Yeah, Also I'd like to say a theory on souls, I noticed that souls you can find (soul of a hero, soul of a lost undead etc) very in colour. The lost undead souls are white, then slowly turn to yellow at the soul of a hero. Gwyn's soul (and other bosses) souls are closer to orange or yellow, I think a soul strength depends on its comparison to the nice orange tinge of Gywn's. And also the dark (being humanity) is black, and anything below white, gives a negative effect, such as humanity probably being some sort of anti-soul....

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