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    Couple of simple tactics anyone can use to win in PVP.


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    Couple of simple tactics anyone can use to win in PVP.   Empty Couple of simple tactics anyone can use to win in PVP.

    Post by BackstabFisherman Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:40 am

    Not guaranteed to happen, but guaranteed to work if your opponent acts accordingly.

    Sometimes I'll invade, and the opponent seems slightly hesitant, so I'll get closer, outside of their weapon range, and just pause. This often baits people into bowing, in which you can just dark bead them in the face point blank, or backstab. Your choice. The pause baits the bow, which equates to fishing for a backstab. This takes zero skill to pull off. Also this could generate a parry bait situation if they attack instead of bow, because they have a small distance to close before you are in their weapon range.

    Also you can summon a red soapstone sign, and bow while the phantom is spawning, this often baits the other player into bowing as soon as they can, which leaves them open to a backstab, or dark bead to the face. IF they send hate mail, convince them it was an accident and you hit the button by mistake. Then summon them again, and do it a second time lol.
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    Couple of simple tactics anyone can use to win in PVP.   Empty Re: Couple of simple tactics anyone can use to win in PVP.

    Post by FinPeku Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:54 am

    Yeah, i guess you can do stuff like that. It happens. But remember, by backstabbing a bowing player, you indicate that you won't respect any of the usual unwritten rules in pvp. So you might get chain stabbed, your opponent will most likely heal and so on.

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    Couple of simple tactics anyone can use to win in PVP.   Empty Re: Couple of simple tactics anyone can use to win in PVP.

    Post by Baal-Avatar Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:03 pm

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    Couple of simple tactics anyone can use to win in PVP.   Empty Re: Couple of simple tactics anyone can use to win in PVP.

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