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Kiva the wanderer
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    WotG Spammers


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    WotG Spammers Empty WotG Spammers

    Post by RedderAI Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:21 pm

    How would I deal with these people? My build has great magic resistance and good stability but people who spam this spell really irk me and is the only thing in PvP that trumps me (other than spears).

    I need help.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by aprilmanha Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:23 pm

    I personally just reset the game and reload. Is nothing I can do against them.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by RedderAI Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:26 pm

    I jump off a cliff so they do not get humanity but that's all I can think of. Lol
    Tyler Durden
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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by RANT Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:29 pm

    roll towards them and bs them then if you feel like doing something like that in return you can chain bs their *** and teach them that wog kinda sucks once you learn how to dodge it.
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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:31 pm

    learn to roll bs. I refuse to BS for really any other reason, but if you come at me WoG spamming you're going to get one.

    ^Ninjad again

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by Isirith Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:36 pm

    As others have said, just roll BS their ***!
    Never understood why this game is full of such sore losers.

    And I don't mean you either. I mean the people who run up and WotG spam and then get all high and mighty..?

    Seriously..!? Is it THAT hard to throw in a variety of attacks, douché.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by Zakkia Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:48 pm

    I have been killed by spammers very few times, usually you can just roll backwards and avoid it completely if you suspect it. Easy to beat because the majority of users have 6-9, and they'll run out eventually.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by Ghadis_God Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:08 am

    Crest shield. 3-6 casts will do very little against you, and they are often out of options once their cheap tactic fails. You run into the occasional guy who will dead angle it by turning their back to you, but that can be blocked by unlocking and turning around, so that you and your opponent are facing the exact opposite directions; you can block the dead angle then.
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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by Sentiel Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:39 am

    Ghadis_God wrote:Crest shield. 3-6 casts will do very little against you, and they are often out of options once their cheap tactic fails. You run into the occasional guy who will dead angle it by turning their back to you, but that can be blocked by unlocking and turning around, so that you and your opponent are facing the exact opposite directions; you can block the dead angle then.
    ^ This.
    That's perhaps the best tip on how to deal with WoG. I use Crest Shield myself a LOT since the DLC, because there's now mages everywhere spamming Dark Magic, so the occassional WoG isn't a problem anymore.

    Either block it, or evade, preferable through the spell, which is by far the safest method. You don't need to backstab the caster, you can simply reduce his spamming tactic to nothing by evading and blocking until he's out of casts. That'll surelly p*ss any spammer off.

    On the topic of dead angle WoG, lot of people that use this are stupid enough to get so close, that you can backstab them with ease.

    And of course there's GMB and VoS to deal with any magic that annoys you.
    Kiva the wanderer
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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by Kiva the wanderer Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:50 am

    After they hit you with the first back up to a distance and just stand and stare them down, after a few seconds of eye contact unleash your inner douche and go full sweat on them, roll BS, BS fish, 360 no scopes EVERYTHING! And then when you finally defeat them stare into their souls as they fade and then spam {well what is it}
    Duke's Archivist
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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:54 am

    I roll into them, whether I BS or not is another matter.

    As for the Crest Shield idea, I've never tried it, but it sounds like it'd work a charm. Try a Dark Hand for a lighter but weaker alternative.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by hageshisa Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:17 am

    Good post Ghadis! +1!!

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by passivefamiliar Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:10 am

    Roll bs is great, if you can manage it. I usually can't. I typically just roll away as much as i can. If i can, i menu drop my armor off, so i can fast roll. AND that seems to bait alot of people to go on the offensive and try and attack with a weapon. That weapon swap animation can give me the edge back. Rarely. But in the end. Wrath destroys me. And i hate spammers of it.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by GkMrBane Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:45 am

    LOL a pursuers works for me.

    Also Ive spamed it before when trapped on the stairs past alvina with the host and 2 phantoms chasing me.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by WandererReece Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:13 am

    I don't know why almost everyone hates this tactic. It is usually easy to dodge. Once someone did this to me. The first one or two hit, but I dodged the rest. Others have tried to use WoG spam against me and failed. I've also spamed other players without success.

    Also, why does everyone hate pursuers? It is easier to dodge. I've dodged it a bunch of times.

    When they use magic you push the O button and move the stick toward the caster. It works almost all the time.

    Last edited by WandererReece on Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:20 am; edited 2 times in total
    Tyler Durden
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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by RANT Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:16 am

    WandererReece wrote:I don't know why almost everyone hates this tactic. It is usually easy to dodge. Once someone did this to me. The first one or two hit, but I dodged the rest. I've also done this to other players without success.

    Also, why does everyone hate pursuers? It is also easy to dodge. I've dodged it a bunch of times.

    the only reason i hate it is lag, pursuer seems to benefit A LOT from lag, a lot of times when i dodge i take damage when none of them even touched me. the worse was when i dodged them all only to take damage about three seconds later and from what i saw there was barely any lag.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by lextune Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:21 am

    Just dodge.

    I mean they literally make a big "I'm humping the air!" gesture, it is pretty tough to miss.

    Roll towards them, away from them, to the side, wherever.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by BeeSeaEss Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:35 am

    i use my Ornstein spear, i am usually out of their reach. but i never back stab, it is a lot funner that way. (unless being ganked)

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by Glutebrah Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:41 am

    roll back and forth over and over dancing it because its funny and rustles their jimmies.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by WandererReece Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:42 am

    lextune wrote:Just dodge. Roll towards them, away from them, to the side, wherever

    The best way to survive is to avoid the damage.

    lextone wrote:I mean they literally make a big "I'm humping the air!" gesture.


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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by Glutebrah Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:52 am

    RantFromRant wrote:
    WandererReece wrote:I don't know why almost everyone hates this tactic. It is usually easy to dodge. Once someone did this to me. The first one or two hit, but I dodged the rest. I've also done this to other players without success.

    Also, why does everyone hate pursuers? It is also easy to dodge. I've dodged it a bunch of times.

    the only reason i hate it is lag, pursuer seems to benefit A LOT from lag, a lot of times when i dodge i take damage when none of them even touched me. the worse was when i dodged them all only to take damage about three seconds later and from what i saw there was barely any lag.

    there have been a couple times with pursuers where i dodge them causing them to crash into a tree, so i don't see them any more then 3-5 seconds later once i begin to engage the opponent again, i take full damage and die. and they suddenly appear again after i'm dead and show the animation of them hitting me. This happened to me twice same night from the same guy in the moonpit a couple weeks ago.

    i have also been on the giving end of Pursuers, where i cast it, the person goes around a corner all my pursuers hit the wall, he comes out from around the corner and they all reappear and hit him. When they vanished into the wall they never made the impact animation either they just disappeared for a short while (and this wasn't in a DLC area).

    this only happened once though.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by WandererReece Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:04 pm

    Glutebrah wrote:
    RantFromRant wrote:
    WandererReece wrote:I don't know why almost everyone hates this tactic. It is usually easy to dodge. Once someone did this to me. The first one or two hit, but I dodged the rest. I've also done this to other players without success.

    Also, why does everyone hate pursuers? It is also easy to dodge. I've dodged it a bunch of times.

    the only reason i hate it is lag, pursuer seems to benefit A LOT from lag, a lot of times when i dodge i take damage when none of them even touched me. the worse was when i dodged them all only to take damage about three seconds later and from what i saw there was barely any lag.

    there have been a couple times with pursuers where i dodge them causing them to crash into a tree, so i don't see them any more then 3-5 seconds later once i begin to engage the opponent again, i take full damage and die. and they suddenly appear again after i'm dead and show the animation of them hitting me. This happened to me twice same night from the same guy in the moonpit a couple weeks ago.

    i have also been on the giving end of Pursuers, where i cast it, the person goes around a corner all my pursuers hit the wall, he comes out from around the corner and they all reappear and hit him. When they vanished into the wall they never made the impact animation either they just disappeared for a short while (and this wasn't in a DLC area).

    this only happened once though.

    Wow. I've never had this problem, and I've dodged many pursuers. However, I've never ran around a tree. I just rolled straight through it.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by Glutebrah Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:09 pm

    WandererReece wrote:

    Wow. I've never had this problem, and I've dodged many pursuers. However, I've never ran around a tree. I just rolled straight through it.

    im not saying it happens all the time could have been fluke lag spikes, it was just 3 rare occasions and the 2x it happened with me on the receiving end it was from the same host, though besides pursuers didn't seem laggy.

    its like that fluky Backstab when they hit you and you tele port 10 feet to them, or the crazy CSS that misses you by 5 feet and you are behind a wall but still one shots you.. i just out it off as one of those weird lag things.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by WandererReece Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:41 pm

    Glutebrah wrote:... or the crazy CSS that misses you by 5 feet and you are behind a wall but still one shots you.. i just out it off as one of those weird lag things.

    Once I was helping someone with my sorcerer. I shot a computer enemy with a soul arrow, and the computer enemy teleported after I fired. Then the soul arrow teleported to the enemy and hit him. It was sweet.

    Lag is a strange thing.

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    WotG Spammers Empty Re: WotG Spammers

    Post by sinspaw Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:18 pm

    I fully disagree with many people here. How is WotG any worse than any other pvp technique? It's a cheap tactic yes but... it's a god damn powerful spell that doesn't need aiming. Why is it horrible that someone who has a faith build spams the best and easiest spell with such build? That's like saying you shouldn't use chaos fire ball or firestorm type pyromancies just because they're too powerful. The reason I think people feel bad towards WotG is because the other skills are unbelievely hard to aim and hit through this dire p2p connection. Since WotG needs no aiming... people complain. If you got a sunlight spear spammer that worked (i.e. none of this insane lag), you wouldn't give two **** about WotG being what it is. Plus, it has limited usage...

    But really, if you don't want to get WotG spammers, well, don't pvp then.

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